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Pevzner P.A. — Computational Molecular Biology An Algorithmic Approach
Pevzner P.A. — Computational Molecular Biology An Algorithmic Approach

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Название: Computational Molecular Biology An Algorithmic Approach

Автор: Pevzner P.A.


In one of the first major texts in the emerging field of computational molecular biology, Pavel Pevzner covers a broad range of algorithmic and combinatorial topics and shows how they are connected to molecular biology and to biotechnology. The book has a substantial "computational biology without formulas" component that presents the biological and computational ideas in a relatively simple manner. This makes the material accessible to computer scientists without biological training, as well as to biologists with limited background in computer science.

Computational Molecular Biology series
Computer science and mathematics are transforming molecular biology from an informational to a computational science. Drawing on computational, statistical, experimental, and technological methods, the new discipline of computational molecular biology is dramatically increasing the discovery of new technologies and tools for molecular biology. The new MIT Press Computational Molecular Biology series provides a unique venue for the rapid publication of monographs, textbooks, edited collections, reference works, and lecture notes of the highest quality.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 332

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
PSBH      81
Purine      83
Pyrimidines      83
Query matching problem      114
Radiation hybrid mapping      55
Re-sequencing      66
Rearrangement scenario      175
Recombination      2
Reconstructible set      37
Reduced binary array      258
Repeat (in DNA)      61
Resolving power of DNA array      82
Restriction enzyme      4 273
Restriction fragment length polymorphism      4
Restriction fragments      273
Restriction map      6
Restriction site      4
Reversal      15 175
Reversal diameter      188
Reversal distance      16 179
Reversed spectrum      241
RFLP      4
Rotation of string      77
Row insertion      104
RSK algorithm      102
Safe reversal      200
Sankoff - Mainville conjecture      107
SBH      9 65
Score of multiple alignment      125
Semi-balanced graph      71
Semi-knot      224
Sequence Tag Site      42
Sequence-driven approach      144
Sequencing by Hybridization      9 65
Shape (of Young tableau)      102
Shared peaks count      231
Shortest common supersequence      125
Shortest Covering String Problem      6 43
Shortest Superstring Problem      8 68
Signed permutations      180
Similarity score      96
Simple permutation      196
Single Complete Digest (SCD)      53
Singleton      182
Singleton-free permutation      184
Sorting by prefix reversals      179
Sorting by Reversals      178
Sorting by transpositions      267
Sorting words by reversals      266
SP-score      125
Spanning primer      171
Spectral alignment      243
Spectral convolution      241
Spectral product      243
Spectrum (mass-spectrometry)      18
Spectrum graph      232
Spectrum of DNA fragment      68
Spectrum of peptide      229
Spliced alignment      13 157
splicing      154
Splicing shadow      168
Standard Young tableau      102
Star-alignment      126
Start codon      155
State transition probability      145
Statistical distance      120
Stop codon      155 271
String Statistics Problem      143
Strings precedence data      259
Strip in permutation      182
Strongly homometric sets      20
STS      42
STS map      63
Suboptimal sequence alignment      119
Sum-of - Pairs score      125
Superhurdle      205
Superknot      216
Supersequence      260
Symmetric polynomial      37
Symmetric set      37
Tails of chromosome      214
Tandem duplication      120
Tandem repeat problem      260
Theoretical spectrum      231
Tiling array      66
Transcription      272
Transitive orientation      50
Translation      272
Translocation      185
Transposition distance      267
Transposition of string      77
Traveling salesman problem      44 68
Triangulated graph      50
TSP      68
Twenty Questions Game      168
Uniform array      82
Universal bases      91
Unoriented component      193
Unoriented edge      193
Valid reversal      214
Viterbi algorithm      146
VLSIPS      87
Watson - Crick complement      67 271
Winnowing problem      120
YAC      44
Young diagram      102
Young tableau      102
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