State 91—93 132 see
Statistical treatment of levels 117—118
Stopping of charged particles 205—210
Stopping of gamma rays 231—233
Stopping of neutrons 231—233
Straggling 210
Strength function 332—336
Strength function and cross section 334—336
Strength function, experimental determination 334
Strength function, sensitivity to W 334
Strength function, theory of 332—334
Stripping and pickup reactions 351—353
Stripping and pickup reactions, of states from 360—362 364
Stripping and pickup reactions, determination of W from 362—363
Stripping and pickup reactions, energies of single-particle states from 363—365
Stripping and pickup reactions, occupation numbers from 361—362 364
Stripping and pickup reactions, SQP energies from 363
Stripping and pickup reactions, structure of states in odd-odd nuclei from 365—366
Stripping and pickup reactions, wave functions of vibrational states from 365
Strong interaction 195
Sum rule for reduced widths 255
Sum rule for spectroscopic factors, in (d,p) reactions 361
Sum rule for spectroscopic factors, in (p,d) reactions 364
Superallowed transitions 282—283
Supernovae 398 403
Surface energy 164—165
Surface tension of nucleus 108 171—172
Surface thickness of nuclei 4
Surface thickness of shell-theory potential 66 174
Symmetry energy in shell-theory potential 66 77—78
Symmetry energy, effect on binding energy 166—168
Symmetry energy, effect on binding energy, kinetic-energy contribution 166—168
Symmetry energy, effect on binding energy, potential-energy contribution 168—169
Temperature, nuclear 117 341
Tensor force 41—42 50 58
Thermal neutrons 337 339
Thermonuclear reactions 337 388—405
Thickness gauge 386
Time of flight 230—231
Time resolution 237—238
Time resolution, from scintillation detectors 238
Time resolution, from semiconductor detectors 238
Time-reversal invariance 43
Time-to-pulse-height converter (TPHC) 236
Timing measurements 233—238
Tracers 383—385
Transfer reactions 352
| Transfer reactions, multinucleon 373—375
Transfer reactions, one-nucleon 356 359—366
Transfer reactions, two-nucleon 369—375 see
Triton in nuclear reactions 366 369—371
Triton, binding energy of 62
Two-quasi-particle (2QP) states 110 111 135—136
Uncertainty principle, barrier penetration from 251—252
Uncertainty principle, range of nuclear force from 48
Uncertainty principle, spreading of configurations from 324
Uncertainty principle, time between collisions from 85
Uncertainty principle, widths of resonances from 325
Unique transitions 278 282—283
Van de Graaff accelerator 240 242—243
Velocity-dependent forces in nucleon-nucleon force 43 46—47
Velocity-dependent forces in shell-theory potential 68—72 173
Vibrational states 107—116 352 371 378
Vibrational states from coulomb excitation 381
Vibrational states in spheroidal nuclei 151—156
Vibrational states, , one-phonon 111—112
Vibrational states, dipole 116 346—348
Vibrational states, energies of 114—116
Vibrational states, octupole 113—115
Vibrational states, quadrupole moments of 183
Vibrational states, quadrupole, one-phonon 110 156 294
Vibrational states, quadrupole, two-phonon 110—111
Vibrational states, wave functions of 365
Wave functions of ground state 135
Wave functions of ground state 90—92
Wave functions of ground state 99
Wave functions of state in 107
Wave functions of ground state 96
Wave functions of ground state 99—100
Wave functions of deuteron 34—35
Wave functions of particle in potential well 15 17 21—23 25
Wave functions parity of 27—28
Wave functions, normalization of 18
Wave functions, orthogonality of 92 95
Wave properties of nucleons 6 13
Weak interaction 195
Weisskopf rates 292 293
Weizsacher mass formula see "Semi-empirical mass formula"
Widths, resonance 325—332
Widths, resonance, partial 326
Widths, resonance, relation to reduced widths 326 333
Wigner force 45 46
Wigner limit 253n. 254n.
Yukawa potential 49—50