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Rice J.R. — The approximation of functions. Nonlinear and multivariate theory |
Предметный указатель |
-norm 204
-norm, weighted 288 289
-approximation 226
-approximation, by rationals 121
-approximation, by splines 142
-norm 225
-approximation 298
-approximation, 288
-approximation, existence theorems 48
-approximation, norm 283 287
-approximation, weighted 288 289
-approximation 298
-sphere 219
-parameter families 1
-tuple knot 131
-density, noncentral 65
-convex 196
-Hull 196 222
-approximation problem 46
Ahlberg, J. H. 159
Alexander duality theorem 221
Algorithm, de la Vall e Poussin 13
Algorithm, exchange 122
Algorithm, Lawson 298
Algorithm, one-for-one exchange 254
Algorithm, perturbation, Remes 109
Algorithm, Polya 246
Algorithm, Remes 74 105 112
Algorithm, strict approximation 254
Alternation theorem 10
angle 177
Approximately compact 55
Approximating function, form 38
Approximating function, logarithmic 40
Approximating function, varisolvent 267
Approximation and interpolation 260
Approximation, - 298
Approximation, - 226
Approximation, 298
Approximation, characterization, 15 232
Approximation, existence 9
Approximation, existence theorems for - 48
Approximation, finite point set 278
Approximation, linear functionals 154
Approximation, multivariate 224
Approximation, nonlinear 168
Approximation, nonlinear spline 129
Approximation, nonuniqueness 230
Approximation, problem 169
Approximation, pseudo 65
Approximation, stabilized 85 88
Approximation, strict 239 242 246
Approximation, Tchebycheff 56 298
Aro length 173
Ascent, method of 12 69
Assumption 1 16
Assumption 2 16 22
Atlas 171
Auslander, L. 171 184
Ball 173
Ball, unit 173
Banach space, strictly convex 173
Beckenbach, E. F. 153
Best approximation property 157
Betti number 222
Bing, R. H. 153
Birkhoff, G. 163 166
Boehm, B. 84 119
Boundedly compact 54
Brosowski, B. 77
Buck, R. C. 230 240
Buseman, H. 190
Caratheodory 94
cardinal splines 125 129
Carver, W. B. 120 234
Centers of curvature 211
Chains mod 222
Characterization and existence 31
Characterizations of Tchebycheff approximations 15
Charts 171
Cheney, E. W. 40 77 90 101 102 113 116 120 121 235
Class 1 norm 265 280 304
Class 2 norm 265 280 304
Class 3 norm 280
Closed 16 34
Closed ball 173
Closer 293
Closure, parameter 82
Cody, W. T 104 111
Collatz, L. 237 259
Compaotifioation 219
Complex-valued functions 56
Computation 39 102 159 251 298
Condition E 80 118
Cone, support 180 181
Cone, tangent 175 181
Constraints, linear approximation problem with 170
Contact 192
Convex, uniformly 174
Coordinate neighborhoods 171 180
Critical point 92 202
Critical point, set 152 233 258
Critical point, strict 241
Critical point, with respect to 240
Curtis, A. R. 122
Curvature 190 192
Curvature, centers of 211
Curvature, radius of 192
Curve 191
Curve, of functions 46
Curves, equivalence classes of 184
Curves, smooth 123
Davis, P. J. 251
de la Vall e Poussin algorithm 13
deBoor, C. 143 158 159 161 163 166
Defect 97
Deformation retract 219
Degenerate 240
Degree 2 4 56 69
Degree, of varisolvence 59
Delta function 129
Dense nonzero property 84 118
Density, noncentral - 65
Descloux, J. 246 248 254 256
Deviation vector 241
Differences, divided 126
Differentiable manifold 171
Distance between two lines 177
Distance between two lines, maximal 206
Distributions 129
Distributions, uniform probability 127
Distributions, Weibul 40
Divided differences 126
Dot product 225
Double zero 4
Dual basis 158
Duality theorem, Alexander 221
Dugundji, J. 219
Dunham, C. B. 114 115
Efimof, N. V. 55 196 222
Eigenvalue problem 104
Equivalence classes of curves 184
Exactly interpolating function 261 289
Exchange algorithm 122
Exchange algorithm, for strict approximation 254
Existence and characterization 31
Existence and characterization, -approximation 48
Existence and characterization, of best approximations 9
Exponential functions 40 42
| Exponential functions, complex 40 62
Exponential rational functions 41
Extended spline 130
Extended totally positive 57 64
Extremal point 90 92 241
Fan, K. 90 93
Federer, H. 196 198 223
Fej r, L. 262 263
Fekete, M. 262
Fermi — Dirac integral 104 111
Finite point set, varisolvent approximations 278
Finite point set, varisolvent approximations, norm classes 279
Flat 173
Folding 210
Form of the approximating function 38
Formula, quadrature 126
Fraser, W. 104 110
Function, complex-valued 56
Function, delta 129
Function, exactly interpolating 261 289
Function, exponential 40 42
Function, exponential rational 41
Function, form of the approximating 38
Function, Gamma 103
Function, Green’s 158
Function, interpolating 260
Function, locally unisolvent 2 171
Function, logarithmic 40
Function, polynomial rational 97
Function, pseudo 66
Function, pseudo-rational 212
Function, rational 40 76
Function, representation of spline 159
Function, spline 183
Function, strongly interpolating 261 268
Function, trigonometric rational 40 101
Function, unisolvent 1 3 41
Function, varisolvent 2 56 65 214 267
Function, weakly interpolating 261 286 293
Functional, linear 154
Functional, representors 156
Functionals, approximation of linear 154
Functions, curve of 46
Fundamental spline 127
Gamma function 103
Gamma function, polynomial 46
General orthonormal systems 225
Generalized” splines 157 159
Geometric theory 168
Geometry, Minkowski 173
Girl’s profile 164
Global uniqueness theorem 207
Goffman, C. 33
Goldstein, A. A. 76 77 85 88 90 119 121 235
Golomb, M. 154 159
Gram — Schmidt process 251
Gram — Schmidt process, modified 252
Green’s function 158
Haar subspace 96
Haar subspace, theorem 230
Hart, J. F. 104 110
Height function 192
Hobby, C. R. 46
Holladay, J. C. 154
Hypercircle 154
Hyperplane 173
Hyperplane, support 173
Hyperplane, tangent 180
Inconsistent, irreducibly 93 118 234
Inequalities, system of linear 93 118
Inner product 225
Interpolating function 260
Interpolating function, on an interval 273
Interpolating function, strongly 261 288
Interpolating function, weakly 261 286 293
Interpolation 260
Interpolation, approximation and 260
Interpolation, problem, spline 160
Interpolation, property of splines 157
Irreducibly inconsistent 93 118 234
Isolable 233
Jackson, D. 269 272 273
Johnson, R. S. 153
Juxtapolynomial 293 304
Juxtapolynomial, on an interval 295
Karlin, S. 57 63 64 65 153 159
Kernel, reproducing 157 158
Knot 124
Knot, -tuple 131
Lawson algorithm 298
Lawson, C. L. 259 262 298
Least-squares approximation 226
Lefschetz, S. 222
Limit sphere 174
Line 173
Line of support 180
Line, normal 189
Linear approximating function 226
Linear approximation problem with constraints 170
Linear functional 154
Linear inequalities 93 118
Linear method, weighted 119
Locally unisolvent 31
Locally unisolvent functions 2 171
Loeb, H. L. 40 77 101 102 113 116 117 120 121 122
Logarithmic approximating function 40
Lynch, R. E. 158 159 166
MacKensie, R. E. 171 184
Maehly second method 113
Maehly, H. J. 73 98 113
Mairhuber, J. C. 230
Manifold 171
Manifold, differentiable 84 118
Manifold, projections on a smooth 187
Manifold, unisolvent 172
Maximal distance 206
Meir, A. 163 167
Method of ascent 12 69 102
Metric 173
Minimal properties 157
Minkowski geometry 173
Minkowski geometry, space 173
Minus order 296
Minus order, zero 295
Modified Gram — Schmidt 252
Monospline 153
Monotonic norm 263 304
Motzkin, T. S. 1 168 198 262 269 273 277 280 295 304 305
Multivariate approximation 224
Natural splines 129
Negative points 233
Neighborhoods, coordinate 180
Newman, D. J. 259
Newton’s method 105
Nilson, E. N. 159
Non-manifold problems 212
Noncentral -density 65
Nonlinear approximations 168
Nonlinear approximations, spline approximation 129 161
Norm 225 260 263
Norm, - 204
Norm, - 225
Norm, - 283 287
Norm, class 1 265 280 304
Norm, class 2 265 280 304
Norm, class 3 280
Norm, classes 265
Norm, classes for finite point sets 279
Norm, monotonic 263 304
Norm, strict 174
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