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Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — The classical theory of fields
Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M. — The classical theory of fields

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Название: The classical theory of fields

Авторы: Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 4-th revised edition

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 438

Добавлена в каталог: 03.11.2012

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Aberration of light      14
Absolute future      7
Absolute past      7
Action function      25 71 287 365
Adiabatic invariant      58
Airy function      161 198 218
Antisymmetric tensor      16 21
Astigmatism      147
Asymptotic series      164
Axial vector      19 51
Babinet's principle      167
Bessel functions      197
Bianchi classification      338
Bianchi identity      282
Binding energy      32
Biot — Savart law      111
Black hole      335
Bremsstrahlung      193
Bremsstrahlung magnetic      215
C-system      33
Caustic      144 159
Centrally symmetric gravitational field      320 328
Centre of inertia      44
Centre-of-mass system      33
Characteristic vibrations      135
Charge      47
Charge density      73
Christoffel symbols      256
circular polarization      125
Circulation      71
Classical mechanics      2
Closed model      386
Coherent scattering      239
Collapsar      335
Combinational scattering      239
Comoving reference system      310 386
Conformal-galilean system      391
Contraction of a field      100
Contraction of a tensor      17
Contravariant derivative      258
Contravariant tensor      16 248
Contravariant vector      14
Coriolis force      272
Coulomb field      95
Coulomb law      95
Covariant derivative      257
Covariant tensor      248
Covariant vector      14
Cross section      36 235
Current four-vector      73
Curvature tensor      278
Curvature tensor, canonical forms of      294
Curved space-time      245
Curvilinear coordinates      247
D'Alembert equation      117
d'Alembertian      117
Decay of particles      32
Degree of polarization      131
Delta function      31 74
Depolarization, coefficient      132
Diffraction      156
Dipole moment      103
Dipole radiation      187
Displacement current      80
Distribution function      30
Doppler effect      126 274
Drift velocity      60 63
Dual tensor      18
Dustlike matter      310 338 389
Effective radiation      191
Eikonal      140 146
Eikonal angular      145
Eikonal equation      141
Elastic collision      38
electric dipole moment      103
Electric field intensity      50
Electromagnetic field tensor      64
Electromagnetic waves      116
Electromotive force      71
Electrostatic energy      96
Electrostatic field      95
Element of spatial distance      251
Elementary particles      27 46
Elliptical polarization      125
Energy      27
Energy density      80
Energy flux      80
Energy-momentum pseudotensor      301
Energy-momentum tensor      82 85 290
Energy-momentum tensor for macroscopic bodies      105
Equation of continuity      76
Era      387
Euler constant      200
Event horizon      335
Events      3
Fermat's principle      143 273
Field constant      53
Field, lorentz transformation of      66
Field, quasiuniform      58
Field, uniform electric      55
Field, uniform magnetic      56
Flat space-time      245
Flux      71
Focus      144
Four-acceleration      24
Four-dimensional geometry      4
Four-force      29
Four-gradient      19
Four-momentum      29
Four-potential      47
Four-scalar      15
Four-vector      14
Four-velocity      22
Fourier resolution      128 134 135
Frame vector      379
Fraunhofer diffraction      165
frequency      123
Fresnel diffraction      162 166
Fresnel diffraction integrals      164
Friedmann solution      383
Galilean system      246
Galileo transformation      10
Gamma function      221
Gauge invariance      52
Gauss' theorem      22
Gaussian curvature      283
Gaussian system of units      73
General cosmological solution      420
Generalized momentum      48
Geodesic line      263
Geometrical optics      140
Gravitational collapse      338 344
Gravitational constant      288
Gravitational field      243 297
Gravitational field, centrally symmetric      320
Gravitational mass      357
Gravitational potential      244
Gravitational radius      322
Gravitational stability      400
Gravitational waves      368
Group of motions      407
Guiding centre      59 63
Hamilton — Jacobi equation      30 49 101 121 141 330
Hamiltonian      28
Hankel function      161
Heaviside system      73
Homocentric bundle      147
Homogeneous space      406
Hubble constant      397
Huygens' principle      157
Hypersurface      21 77
Impact parameter      103
Incoherent scattering      239
Incoherent waves      131
Inertial mass      357
Inertial system      1
interval      3
Invariants of a field      67
Isotropic coordinates      326
Isotropic space      382
Jacobi identity      409
Kasner solution      413
Kerr metric      346
Killing equations      291
Killing vector      408
L-system      33
Laboratory system      33
Lagrangian      26 73
Lagrangian density      82
Lagrangian to fourth order      254
Lagrangian to second order      179
Laplace equation      95
Larmor precession      115
Larmor theorem      113
Legendre polynomials      106
Lens      148
Lie group      409
Lienard — Wiechert potentials      173 185 194
Light cone      7
Light, aberration of      14
Light, pressure      121
Linearly polarized wave      125
Locally-geodesic system      259 280
Locally-inertial system      259
Longitudinal waves      135
Lorentz condition      117
Lorentz contraction      12
Lorentz force      51
Lorentz frictional force      223
Lorentz gauge      117
Lorentz transformation      9 66
Macdonald function      198
Macroscopic bodies      92
Magnetic bremsstrahlung      215
Magnetic dipole radiation      203
Magnetic field intensity      51
Magnetic lens      151
magnetic moment      111
Magnification      153
Mass current vector      89
mass density      87
Mass quadrupole moment tensor      318
Maupertuis' Principle      54 143
Maxwell equations      70 78 275
Maxwell stress tensor      87 120
Metric Kerr      346
Metric space-time      246
Metric tensor      17 248
Mirror      148
Mixed tensor      248
Moment-of-inertia tensor      318
Momentum      26
Momentum density      84
Momentum space      31
Momentum, four-vector of      29
Monochromatic wave      123
Multiple moment      105
natural light      130
Near zone      206
Newton's law      316
Newtonian mechanics      2
Nicol prism      129
Null vector      16
Observed matter      395
Open model      390
Optic axis      147
Optical path length      145
Optical system      145
Oscillator      59
Parallel translation      256
Partially polarized light      129
Pascal's law      92
Petrov classification      284
Phase      123
Plane wave      118
Poisson equation      95
Polar vector      19 51
Polarization circular      125
Polarization elliptic      125
Polarization tensor      130
Poynting vector      81
Principal focus      149
Principal points      149
Principle of equivalence      243
Principle of least action      25 28
Principle of relativity      1
Principle superposition      72
Proper acceleration      56
Proper length      11
Proper time      7
Proper volume      12
Pseudo-euclidean geometry      4 10
Pseudoscalar      18 72
Pseudotensor      18
Quadrupole moment      105
Quadrupole potential      105
Quadrupole radiation      203
quantum mechanics      97
Quasicontinuous spectrum      219
Radiation of gravitational waves      376
Radiation, damping      223 226
Radius of electron      97
Rays      140
Real image      147
Recession of nebulae      394
Red shift      269 394
Reference system      1
Renormalization      97 227 364
Resolving power      156
Rest energy      27
Rest frame      36
Retarded potentials      171
Ricci tensor      282
Riemann tensor      279
Rotation      273
Rutherford formula      103
Scalar curvature      68
Scalar density      250
Scalar potential      48
Scalar product      15
Scattering      233
Schwarzschild sphere      331
Secular shift of orbit      358
Secular shift of perihelion      366
Self-energy      97
Signal velocity      2
Signature      246
Singular point      416
Space component      15
Spacelike interval      6
Spacelike vector      15
Spatial curvature      325
Spatial distance      251
Spatial metric tensor      270
Spectral resolution      128 176 230
Spherical harmonics      106
Static gravitational field      268
Stationary gravitational field      268
Stokes' parameters      132
Stokes' theorem      21
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