Авторизация |
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Gloub G.H., Ortega J.M. — Scientific Computing and Differential Equations |
Предметный указатель |
Parlett, B. 221 231 232 244 325
Partial pivoting 116
Particular solution 58
Patterson, J. 14 324
Peaceman — Rachford method 281
Perfectly conditioned matrix 124 126
Periodic boundary condition 76 84ff
Permutation matrix 117
Perturbation method 19
Peterson, J. 14 325
Petzold, L. 36 321
Picard iteration 167
Piecewise polynomial 40ff 187ff
Piecewise quadratic 187ff
Plane rotation matrix 135
Poisson's equation 247 275ff
Porsching, T. 186 209 261 282 324
Portability 11
Positive definite matrix 92 118 120 173 297 313
Positive real matrix 122
Power method 234ff
Pratt, T. 14 325
Preconditioning 302
Predator-prey equations 15 31 50
Predictor-corrector method 48
Prenter, P. 186 193 209 325
Principle submatrix 316
Projectile problem 145
Projection method 179ff
Property A 298
QR factorization 134 285
QR method 224 235
Quadratic convergence 159
Quadrature rules 194ff
Quasi-Newton method 174
Quintic spline 206
QZ method 231
Rabinowitz, P. 201 322
Rank 315
Rank-one matrix 84
Rayleigh quotient 239
Rayleigh — Ritz method 185
Rayna, G. 14 325
Rectangle rule 194ff
Reduce 13
Reducible matrix 78
Regula falsi method 153
Reid, J. 322
Reliability 10
reordering 286
Reorthogonalization 244
Residual function 182
Residual vector 127
Rheinboldt, W. 174 176 305 325
Richardson extrapolation 36 77 200
Richardson's method 300
Richtmyer, R. 261 265 282 325
Roache, P. 282 325
Roberts, S. 149 325
Robustness 10
Roche, M. 36 324
Romberg integration 200
Root-free Cholesky 141
Rosser, J. 20 326
Rounding error 7 30
Rubinow, S. 20 326
Runge — Kutta method 26ff 199
Runge — Kutta — Fehlberg method 36
Russell, R. 321
Rutishauser, H. 231
Schiesser, W. 272 326
Schnabel, R. 174 322
Schur's theorem 215
Scientific computing 1 2
Secant method 152ff
Self-adjoint equation 78
Semi-bandwidth 106
Semi-discrete method 267ff
Separation of variables 249ff 256ff
Separator set 286
Sethi, R. 14 321 326
Shampine, L. 36 53 326
Sherman — Morrison formula 85 112
| Sherman — Morrison — Woodbury formula 86 112
Sherman, J. 86
Shifting in QR method 227ff
Shipman, J. 149 325
Shoosmith, J. 77 326
Shooting method 146ff 162ff
Silberschatz, J. 14 325
Similar matrices 213
Simpson's rule 195ff
Skeel, R. 131 326
Skew-symmetric matrix 223
SOR method 297
Sorensen, D. 322
Spectral radius 316
Spectrum 316
Spectrum splicing 232
Spline functions 187ff 203ff
Sproul, R. 14 325
Stability 55 59 255 263
Stability condition 258
Stable method 60
Stationary method 295
Stationary state 19
Steepest descent method 300
Stencil 265 276
Step-size 31
Stewart, G.W. 131 141 221 231 244 245 322 325 326
Stiefel, E. 305 324
Stiff equation 61 269
Strang, G. 185 209 282 326
Strassen, V. 110 326
Strongly stable method 60
Stroud, A. 201 326
Sturm sequence 232
SubMatrix 316
Subspace iteration 244
Sun, J. 131 326
Symbolic computation 13 170
Symmetric differencing 78
Symmetric matrix 74
System of differential equations 30
System of nonlinear equations 166
Taylor expansion 309
Taylor series method 34
Three-term recurrence 97
Threshold pivoting 290
Time-splitting method 281
Trajectory problem 52
Trapezoid Rule 63 194ff
Traub, J. 153 326
Triangle inequality 317
Triangular matrix 316
Tridiagonal matrix 69
Two-point boundary-value problem 67ff
Ullman, J. 14 321
Unconditionally stable 264
Unit sphere 317
Unit triangular matrix 103
Unitary matrix 215
Unstable method 56ff
Unstable solution 55ff
Upwind differences 73
van der Vorst, H. 322
Van Loan, C. 100 110 119 131 141 231 244 305 323
Vandermonde matrix 42 92
Varga, R. 282 303 326
Variational Principle 185
Vector computer 12
Visualization 13
Wanner, G. 35 324
Wasow, W. 282 323
Watt, S. 322
Watts, H. 36 53 326
Wave equation 247ff 259ff
Weakly-stable method 60
Weissinger, J. 304
Well-conditioned problem 129
Wilkinson, J. 119 163 221 231 232 244 327
Wolfram, S. 14 327
Woodbury, M. 87
Yip, E. 327
Young, D. 44 303 305 323 327
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