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Rektorys K. — Survey of applicable mathematics |
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Imaginary and real axes 49
Imaginary lines, as forming a conic section 227
Imaginary part of a complex number 48
Implication 40
Implicit functions 461 468
Implicit functions, geometrical interpretations 462
Implicit functions, theorems on 461-70
Improper integrals 560-71
Improper integrals, double and triple 623-8
Improper integrals, involving a parameter 572-9
Indefinite integrals 486
Indefinite integrals, remarks 548-9
Indefinite integrals, tables of irrational functions 516-29
Indefinite integrals, tables of rational functions 508-16
Indefinite integrals, tables of transcendental functions 541-8
Indefinite integrals, tables of transcendental functions, exponential 543-4
Indefinite integrals, tables of transcendental functions, hyperbolic 541-2
Indefinite integrals, tables of transcendental functions, inverse hyperbolic 548
Indefinite integrals, tables of transcendental functions, logarithmic 544-6
Indefinite integrals, tables of trigonometric functions containing cosine 532-5
Indefinite integrals, tables of trigonometric functions containing sine and cosine 535-9
Indefinite integrals, tables of trigonometric functions containing sine only 529-32
Indefinite integrals, tables of trigonometric functions containing tangent and cotangent 539-41
Independent variable 397
Indicatrix of Dupin 368
Indicial equation 793
Inequalities, basic rules of 41
Inequalities, between real numbers 44-46
Inequalities, Cauchy's, H lder's, Minkowski's 46-47
Inertia, Sylvester's law of 105
Infimum (g.l.b.) 43
Infinite products 395-6
Infinite series of constant terms 381-95
Infinite series of constant terms, Convergence 381
Infinite series of constant terms, important formulae 392-5
Infinite series of constant terms, multiplication or product 391-2
Infinite series of functions 670-690
Initial line (polar coordinates) 216
Initial point of vector 264
Initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, applicability of different methods 1082-3
Initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, notation 1065-7
Initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, solution by Adams extrapolation 1076-80
Initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, solution by Adams interpolation 1080-2
Initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, solution by expansion in a power series 1069-71
Initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, solution by perturbation method 1071-3
Initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, solution by polygon method 1073-5
Initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, solution by Runge - Kutta method 1075-6
Initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, solution by successive approximations 1067-9
inner product of functions 694-5
Inner product of functions, of vectors 266
Integers 41
Integrability, Lebesgue (L) and Riemann (R) distinguished 596
Integrability, of some systems 912
Integral calculus, applications in geometry and physics 645-63
Integral calculus, of functions of 2 or more variables 602-65
Integral calculus, of functions of 2 or more variables, basic definitions and notation 602-5
Integral calculus, of functions of 2 or more variables, surface integrals 638-45
Integral calculus, of functions of 2 or more variables, survey of some important formulae 663-4
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable 486-601
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, approximate evaluation of definite integrals 592-5
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, basic integrals 486-9
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, Definite integrals 550
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, Definite integrals, table 579-84
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, Indefinite integrals 486
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, Indefinite integrals, table 508-49
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, integrals involving a parameter 572-9
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, integrals that can be rationalized 501-8
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, Lebesgue and Stieltjes integration 595-600
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, methods of integration 489-95
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, rational functions 495-500
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, Riemann (Cauchy - Riemann) integration 550
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, series expansions 588-92
Integral calculus, of functions of one variable, survey of some important formulae 600-1
Integral calculus, work done by a force moving along a curve 661
Integral curve 733
Integral equations 917-37
Integral equations, in conformal mapping 989-91
Integral equations, of first kind 936-7
Integral equations, of Fredholm type 918
Integral equations, of second kind 918
Integral equations, of Volterra type 934-6
Integral equations, with Cauchy kernel 934
Integral equations, with degenerate kernels 923-5
Integral equations, with Hilbert kernel 933
Integral equations, with symmetric kernels 926-8
Integral equations, with weak singularities 932-4
Integral test for convergence of a series 386
Integral transforms, applications 1128-30
Integral transforms, Fourier, Hankel, Laplace, Laplace - Carson, Mellin 1125
Integral transforms, fundamentally important results 1130-5
Integral transforms, grammar for Laplace transforms 1134
Integral transforms, Laplace, applied to solving differential equations 1128-30
Integral, curvilinear along a curve in space 633
Integral-valued random variables 1255-7
Integrals, able to be rationalized 501-8
Integrals, convergent and divergent 560
Integrals, curvilinear 628-37
Integrals, definite 550 605 618
Integrals, Definite, table 579-84
Integrals, double 605-618
Integrals, elliptic 589-92
Integrals, hyperelliptic 589
Integrals, improper 560-71 623 628
Integrals, indefinite 486
Integrals, Indefinite, table 508-49
Integrals, involving a parameter 572-9
Integrals, Legendre 590
Integrals, of a differential equation 731
Integrals, of Cauchy's type 949-53
Integrals, of functions of complex variables 943-8
Integrals, particular 731-2
Integrals, series expansions 588-92
Integrals, singular 737 871
Integrals, surface 638-45
Integrals, triple 618-28
Integrating factor in differential equation 750-1
Integration, by differentiation with respect to a parameter 493-4 572
Integration, by parts 489-90 557
Integration, by substitution 491-3 558 615 621
Integration, Cauchy - Riemann 550
Integration, graphical 1214
Integration, in an infinite interval 565
Integration, Lebesgue 596
Integration, of Fourier series 711-6
Integration, of rational functions 495-500
Integration, of series with variable terms (term-by-term integration) 672-3
Integration, Riemann 550
Integration, Stieltjes 598
Intercepts on axes of coordinates 208
Interchange of limit and differentiation (integration) 668-9 672-3 678-9
Interior diameter of surface 638
Interpolation 1220-44
Interpolation, applications to approximate solution of equations 1237-9
Interpolation, arithmetic operations with approximate numbers 1242-4
Interpolation, basic arguments 1225
Interpolation, Bessel formula 1233-4
Interpolation, central-difference formulae 1230-6
Interpolation, divided differences 1221-2
Interpolation, double linear interpolation 1240-2
Interpolation, equidistant (equal) arguments formula 1227-9
Interpolation, Everett formula 1234-6
Interpolation, Everett formula, written in Horner form 1235
Interpolation, Gauss's formula 1231-2
Interpolation, general formulae 1220 1222-5
Interpolation, general formulae, Lagrange's 1222-3
Interpolation, general formulae, Newton's 1223-5
Interpolation, iterative method 1237-9
Interpolation, linear interpolation 1236-7
Interpolation, regula falsi 1237
Interpolation, statement of the problem 1220
| Interpolation, step of argument, step of table 1225
Interpolation, Stirling interpolation formula 1232-3
Interpolation, tabular inaccuracy 1228-9 1243
Interpolation, tabulation of functions of 2 variables 1239-42
Intersection of 2 straight lines 210-1
Intersection of sets 83
Intersection of straight line with circle 220
Intervals (open, closed, infinite, ...) 397
Invariants 253 792
Inverse functions 400
Inverse functions, hyperbolic 130-2
Inverse functions, trigonometric 124-8
Inversion of a permutation 55
Involute, curtate and prolate 173
Involute, of a catenary 185
Involute, of a circle, construction and theorems 172-4
Involute, of a curve 335-8
Irrational numbers 43
Irregular nets 1112
Irrotational vector field 273
Isoclines method of solving differential equations 1217-8
Isogonal trajectories 762
Isogonal trajectories, of a 1-parameter family of curves 342-3
Isoperimetric problems 1041
Iterative methods, for calculation of eigenvalues of a matrix 1161-4
Iterative methods, general, for solving algebraic and transcendental equations 1179-80
Iterative methods, of interpolation 1237-9
Jacobi(an) determinants 456-8
Jacobi(an) elliptic functions 591-2
Jacobi(an) matrix 1180
Jacobi(an) polynomials 727-8
Jensen inequality 1252
Jordan block, matrix 98-99
Jordan curve 603
Jordan region 603
Joukowski aerofoils 979
K pper's conoid 262
Kantorovitch method for boundary value problems 1054-6
Kelvin method of solving differential equations graphically 1218-9
Kernel replacement 1141
Kirchhoff's formula 902
Kneser's theorem 773
Kocha ski's rectification of circle 151-2
Kovalewski's theorem 862
Kronecker delta 282
L and R integration 596
l'Hospital's rule 380
l.u.b. (least upper bound) 43
Lagrange - Charpit solution of Cauchy problem in 2 variables 875-6
Lagrange differential equation 757-8
Lagrange form of Taylor's theorem 435
Lagrange identity 268
Lagrange inequality 1169
Lagrange interpolation formula 1222-3
Lagrange mean-value theorem 425-6
Lagrange method of undetermined coefficients (multipliers) 480-1
Laguerre polynomials 728-9
Laplace - Gauss integral 580 589
Laplace differential equation 884
Laplace differential equation, Dirichlet problem in 886
Laplace differential equation, Neumann problem in 886
Laplace Integral transform 1125-45
Laplace operator in vector analysis 275
Laplace transform 1125-8
Laplace transform, applications to solving differential equations 1128-30
Laplacian operator, properties 275
Large numbers, law of 1261-2
Lattice nomograms 1189-95
Latus rectum 218
Laurent series 958-61
Laurent series, essential singularity 960
Law of growth 200
Law of Large Numbers 1261-2
Least squares method 1285-321
Least squares method, adjustment of data by 1317-20
Least squares method, best linear unbiassed estimates 1303-4
Least squares method, best linear unbiassed estimates, variances and covariances 1306
Least squares method, boundary value problems 1061-2
Least squares method, Calculus of observations 1315-21
Least squares method, defining equations 1301
Least squares method, defining equations, matrix of rank smaller than 1314-5
Least squares method, defining equations, parameters restricted by linear constraints 1309-10
Least squares method, Gauss - Markov theorem 1304
Least squares method, general problems 1301
Least squares method, normal distribution of random variables 1308-9
Least squares method, normal equations 1304
Least squares method, parametric function 1303-4
Least squares method, principle 1285-8
Least squares method, residual sum of squares 1287
Least squares method, signs and notation 35-6
Least squares method, standard error estimates 1306-7
Least squares method, standard error estimates, unconditioned observations 1319
Least squares method, weights 1310-4
Least upper bound (l.u.b.) 43
Lebesgue and Riemann integration distinguished 596
Lebesgue and Stieltjes integration 595-600
Left-handed coordinate systems 234
Legendre differential equation 722 848
Legendre elliptic functions 591-2
Legendre integrals 590
Legendre polynomials 722-6 849
Lehmer's process 1175-6
Leibniz rule for convergence of series 388
Leibniz rule for derivatives 422
Lemniscate of Bernoulli 189-90
Length of a vector 206
Length, integral calculus for, curves in space 649
Length, integral calculus for, plane curves 647
Level surfaces of scalar field 270
Liapunov theory 827-8
Liapunov type of surfaces 894
Liebmann iteration method 1121
Limacon of Pascal 191-2
Limit point 994
Limiting processes, interchange of 668
Limiting processes, under the differentiation sign 669
Limiting processes, under the integral sign 668-9
Limits 374 409-15 442 940
Limits, from right or left 409-10
Limits, important 380-1
Limits, infinite 411-3
Limits, of composite functions 410-1
Line segment, division in a given ratio 207
Linear algebraic equations, numerical methods of solving systems of 1146-60
Linear algebraic equations, numerical methods, equivalent systems 70-71
Linear concepts in solid analytic geometry 237-47
Linear differential equations 743 775
Linear differential equations, characteristic exponent 775
Linear differential equations, discontinuous solutions 798-801
Linear differential equations, Euler 784-5
Linear differential equations, Fuchsian type 793
Linear differential equations, fundamental equation 793-5
Linear differential equations, fundamental system of 778
Linear differential equations, homogeneous 743
Linear differential equations, homogeneous, corresponding to nonhomogeneous 776
Linear differential equations, homogeneous, periodic solutions to 774-5
Linear differential equations, homogeneous, with constant coefficients 782-786
Linear differential equations, indicial equation 793
Linear differential equations, nonhomogeneous 780-2
Linear differential equations, nonhomogeneous, with constant coefficients 786-90
Linear differential equations, of -th order 775-80
Linear differential equations, of second order with variable coefficients 790-8
Linear differential equations, of second order with variable coefficients, oscillatory solutions 771
Linear equations, algebraic, definition and properties 70-71
Linear equations, algebraic, definition and properties, solution using determinants 74-75
Linear equations, algebraic, definition and properties, solution without using determinants 71-73
Linear equations, Differential 1002; see above Linear manifold
Linear function of a random variable 1254
Linear interpolation 1236-7
Linear operator 1009
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