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Leissa A.W. — Buckling of laminated composite plates and shell panels
Leissa A.W. — Buckling of laminated composite plates and shell panels

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Название: Buckling of laminated composite plates and shell panels

Автор: Leissa A.W.


This work summarizes the technical literature dealing with buckling and post-buckling behavior of laminated composite plates and shell panels. Emphasis is given to modern materials used in the aerospace industry having fiber-matrix constituents (e.g., glass-epoxy, boron-epoxy, graphite-epoxy, boron-aluminum), but other applications are also considered (e.g., plywood, paperboard). Geometric configurations taken up are either flat (plates) or cylindrically curved (shells), and have rectangular planform. All possible types of loading conditions and edge constraint conditions are considered. Both symmetrically and unsymmetrically laminated configurations are included, with symmetrical laminates represented by orthotropic or anisotropic plate or shell theory. Complicating effects dealt with include: internal holes, shear deformation, sandwich plates with soft cores, local instability, inelastic materials, hygrothermal effects and stiffeners. Approximately 400 references are used. Extension numerical results are presented in graphical and tabular form. Both theoretical and experimental results are summarized. Keywords: Vibrations; Unsymmetric laminates.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Нет и не будет

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Год издания: 1985

Количество страниц: 453

Добавлена в каталог: 21.10.2012

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