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Maxwell J.C. — Treatise on electricity and magnetism. Volume Two |

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Название: Treatise on electricity and magnetism. Volume Two
Автор: Maxwell J.C.
Рубрика: Физика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Издание: Third Edition, Unabridged
Год издания: 1954
Количество страниц: 531
Добавлена в каталог: 21.10.2012
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'Keystone of electrodynamics' 861
Absobption of light 798
Absobption, electric 53 227 329
Accumulators or condensers 50 226—228
Action at a distance 103 641—646 846—866
Acyclic region 19 113
Aether 782n.
Airy, Sir G.B. 454 830
Ampere, Andre Marie 482 502—528 638 687 833 846
Anion 237
Anode 237
Arago's disk 668 669
Astatic balance 504
Atmospheric electricity 221
Attraction, electric 27 38 103
Attraction, explained by stress in a medium 105
Barclay and Gibson 229 789
Battery, voltaic 232
Beetz, W. 255 265 442
Betti, E. 173 864
Bifilar suspension 459
Bismuth 425
Borda, J.C. 3
Bowl, spherical 176—181
Bridge, electrostatic 353
Bridge, Wheatstone's 347 756 775 778
Bright, Sir C., and Clark 354 367
Brodie, Sir B.C. 359
Broun, John Allan 462
Brush 56
Buff, Heinrich 271 368
Capacity (electromagnetic) of a coil 706 756 778 779
Capacity (electrostatic) 50 226
Capacity in electromagnetic measure 774 775
Capacity of a condenser 50 87 102 196 227— 771 774—780
Capacity, calculation of 102 196
Capacity, measurement of 227—229
Cathode 237
Cation 237
Cauchy, A.L. 827
Cavendish, Henry 38 74
Cayley, A. 553
Centrobaric 98
Charge, electric 31
Circuits, electric 578—584
Circular currents 694—706
Circular currents, solid angle subtended by 695
Clark, Latimer 358 629 725
Classification of electrical quantities 620—629
Clausius, R. 70 256 863
Coefficients of electromagnetic induction 755
Coefficients of electrostatic capacity and induction 87 90 102
Coefficients of induced magnetization 426
Coefficients of potential 87 90
Coefficients of resistance and conductivity 297 298
Coefficients of self-induction 756 757
Coercive force 424 444
Coils, comparison of 752—757
Coils, electromagnetic 694—706
Coils, measurement of 708
Coils, resistance 335—344
Comparison of capacities 229
Comparison of coils 752—757
Comparison of electromotive forces 358
Comparison of resistances 345—358
Concentration 26 77
Condenser 50 226—228
Condenser, capacity of 50 87 90 102 196 227—229 771 774—780
Conduction 29 241—254
Conduction in dielectrics 325—334
Conduction in solids 285—334
Conduction, electrolytic 255—265
Conduction, linear 273—284
Conduction, superficial 294
Conductivity and opacity 798
Conductivity, equations of 298 609
Conductor 29 80 86
Conductors, systems of electrified 84—94
Confocal quadric surfaces 147—154 192
Conjugate circuits 538 759
Conjugate conductors 282 347
Conjugate functions 182—206
Conjugate harmonics 136
Conservation of energy 93 242 262 543
Constants, principal, of a coil 700 753 754
Contact force 246
Continuity in time and space 7
Continuity, equation of 35 295
Convection 55 238 248
Convergence 25
copper 53 360 362 761
Cotes, Roger 865
Coulomb's law 79 80
Coulomb, C.A. 38 74 215 223 373
Crystal, conduction in 297
Crystal, magnetic properties of 435 436 438
Crystal, propagation of light in a 794—797
Cumming, James 252
Curl 25
Current, best method of applying 744
Current, electric 230
Current, induced 582
Current, steady 232
Current, thermoelectric 249—254
Current, transient 232 530 536 537 582 748 758 760 771 776
Current-function 294 647—681
Current-sheet 294 647—681
Current-weigher 726
Cyclic region 18 113 481
Cylinder, currents in 682—690
Cylinder, electrification of 189
Cylinder, magnetization of 436 438 439
Cylindric coils 676—681
Damped vibrations 732—742 762
Damper 730
Daniell's cell 232 272
Dead beat galvanometer 741
Decrement, logarithmic 736
Deflexion 453 743
Delambre, J.B.J. 3
Dellmann, F. 221
Density of a current 2S5
Density, electric 64
Density, measurement of 223
Diamagnetism 429 440 838
Dielectric 52 109 111 229 325—334 366—370 784
Diffusion of magnetic force 801
dimensions 2 42 88 278 620—629
DIP 461
Dipolar 173 381
Directed quantities (or vectors) 10
Directrix 517
Discharge 55
Discontinuity 8
Disk 177
Disk, Arago's 668 669
Displacement, electric 60 75 76 111 328—334 608 783 791
Dygogram 441
Earnshaw, S. 116
Earth, magnetism of 465—474
Electric brush 56
Electric brush, charge 31
Electric brush, conduction 29
Electric brush, convection 211 238 248 255 259
Electric brush, current 230
Electric brush, discharge 55—57
Electric brush, displacement 60 75 76 111 328—334 608 783 791
Electric brush, energy 84
Electric brush, glow 55
Electric brush, induction 28
| Electric brush, machine 207
Electric brush, potential 70
Electric brush, spark 57
Electric brush, tension 48 59 107 108 111
Electric brush, wind 55
Electrode 237
Electrodynamic system of measurement 526
Electrodynamometer 725
Electrolysis 236 255—272
Electrolyte 237 255
Electrolytic conduction 255—272 363 799
Electrolytic conduction, polarization 257 264—272
Electromagnetic force 475 580 583
Electromagnetic force and electrostatic units compared 768—780
Electromagnetic force, measurement 495
Electromagnetic force, momentum 585
Electromagnetic force, observations 730—780
Electromagnetic force, rotation 491
Electromagnetism, dynamical theory of 568—577
Electrometers 214—220
Electromotive force 49 69 111 241 246—254 358 569 579
Electrophorus 208
Electroscope 33 214
Electrostatic attraction 103—111
Electrostatic measurements 214—229
Electrostatic polarization 59 111
Electrostatic system of units 620
Electrotonic state 540
Ellipsoid 150 302 437 439
Elliptic integrals 149 437 701
Elongation 734
Energy 6 85 630—638 782 792
Equations of conductivity 298 609
Equations of continuity 35
Equations of electric currents 607
Equations of electromagnetic force 603
Equations of electromotive force 598
Equations of Laplace 77
Equations of magnetic induction 591
Equations of magnetization 400 605
Equations of Poisson 77
Equations of resistance 297
Equations of total currents 610
Equilibrium, points of 112—117
False magnetic poles 468
Farad 629
Faraday, his experiments 28 429 530 668
Faraday, his methods 37 82 122 493 528 529 541 592 594 604
Faraday, his speculations 54 60 83 107 109 245 429 502 540 547 569 645 782
Faraday, M., his discoveries 52 55 236 255 530 531 534 546 668 806
Fechner, G.T. 231 274 848
Felici, R. 536—539 669
Ferrers 128 140
Ferromagnetic 425 429 844
Field of uniform force 672
Field, electric 44
Field, electromagnetic 585—619
First swing 745
Fizeau, H.L. 787
Fluid, electric 36 37
Fluid, incompressible 61 111 295 329 334
Fluid, magnetic 380
Flux 12
Force, acting at a distance 103
Force, electromagnetic 475 580 583
Force, electromotive 49 111 233 241 246—254 358 569 579 595 598
Force, lines of 82 117—123 404
Force, measurement of 6
Force, mechanical 69 93 103—111 174 580 602
Foucault, L. 787
Fourier, J.B.J. 2n. 243 332 333 801—805
Galvanometer 240 707
Galvanometer, differential 346
Galvanometer, observation of 742—751
Galvanometer, sensitive 717
Galvanometer, standard 708
Gases, electric discharge in 55—77 370
Gases, resistance of 369
Gassiot, J.P. 57
Gaugain, J.M. 366 712
Gauge electrometer 218
Gauss, C.F. 18 70 131 140 144 409 421 454 459 470 706 733 744 851
Geometric mean distance 691—693
Geometry of position 421
Gibson and Barclay 229 789
Gladstone, Dr.J.H. 789
Glass 51 271 368
Glow, electric 55
Grassmann, H. 526 687
Grating, electric effect of 203
Green's function 98
Green's theorem 96
Green, George 70 84 318 439
Groove, electric effect of 199
Grove, Sir W.R. 272 779
Guard-ring 201 217 228
Gutta-percha 51 367
Hamilton, Sir W. Rowan 10 561
Hard Iron 424 444
Harris, Sir W. Snow 38 216
Heat, conduction of 801
Heat, generated by the current 242 283 299
Heat, specific, of electricity 253
Heine 128 140
Helix 813
Helmholtz, H. 202 421 543 713 823 854
Heterostatic electrometers 218
Hockin, Charles 352 360 800
Holtz, W., electrical machine 212
Hornstein, Karl 471n.
Huygens, Christian 782
Hydraulic ram 550
Hyposine 151
Idiostatic electrometers 218
Images, electric 119 155—181 189
Images, magnetic 318
images, moving 662
Imaginary magnetic matter 380
Induced currents 528—552
Induced currents in a plane sheet 656—669
Induced currents, Weber's theory of 856
Induced magnetization 424—448
Induction, electrostatic 28 75 76 111
Induction, magnetic 400
Inertia, electric 550
Inertia, moments and products of 565
insulators 29
Inversion, electric 162—181 188 316
Ion 237 255
Iron 424
Iron, perchloride of 800
Irreconcileable curves 20 421
Jacobi, M.H. 336
Jenkin, Fleeming 763 774
Jenkins, William 546
Jochmann, E. 669
Joule, J.P. 242 262 448 457 463 726 767
Kinetics 553—565
Kirchhoff, Gustav 282 316 439 758
Kohlrausch, Rudolph 265 365 723 771
Lagrange's (J.L.) dynamical equations 553—565
Lame, G. 17 147
Lamellar magnet 412
Laplace's coefficients 128—146
Laplace's equation 26 77 301
Laplace's expansion 135
Laplace, P.S. 70
Legendre's coefficient 139
Leibnitz, G.W. 18 424
Lenz, E. 265 530 542
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