Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Thompson S. — Haskell: the craft of functional programming |
Предметный указатель |
Relation, transitive closure 336
Reserved words 33
RESULT 5 171 469
Scope 59 469
scope, nested 61
Script 6 18 21 469
Search tree 322 435
Search tree, deletion 325
Search tree, insertion 323
Search tree, operations 324
session 14
Sets 328-34 469
Sets, behaviour of implementations 435
Sets, operations 331
Sets, product 336
Side-effect 469
Signature 209 304 329 343 469
Sorting 97
Sorting, merge sort 296
Sorting, Quicksort 433
Specialization 179
State 451 459
Stream 397 469
strings 42-6 469
Structural induction 132 197 198 390 469
Structural induction, error type 277
Structural induction, expression type 278
Structural induction, trees 275
Substitution 11 155 226 346 354 469
Substitution, duplication on 347
Substitution, most general 227
Syntax 16 30-4 180 469
Syntax, common pitfalls 69
Syntax, error 16
System Messages 483
TEMP 240
Termination 75 252
Testing 18-19 76 109
Text processing 119 449
Text processing, filling 119
Text processing, justification 119
Text processing, splitting into words 120 167
total 150
TREE 280
Tree, balanced 428
Tree, binary 257
Tree, numeric 250
Tuples 53 453 469
| Tuples, as arguments 56
TYPE 7 21 221-36 469
Type checking rule, addition 222
Type checking rule, application 222 231
Type checking rule, argument 230
Type checking rule, cancellation 179 222 465
Type checking rule, conditional 223
Type checking rule, equation-set 231
Type checking rule, function 223
Type checking rule, guard 224
Type checking rule, list 223 231
Type checking rule, local definitions 224
Type checking rule, pattern 224
Type checking rule, right-hand side 224 231
Type checking rule, tuple 223
Type checking rule, use 230
Type checking, and classes 233-5
Type classes see Classes
Type declaration 10 59 471
Type definition 54
type synonym 44 54 469
Type synonym, restricted 303
Type variable 93 155 161 469
Type, base 465
Type, constraint 7
Type, error 17
Type, instance of 226
Type, monomorphic 222 468
Type, most general 157 226
Type, polymorphic 154 225
Uncurry 185
Uncurrying 184
Undefinedness 389 469
underlining 13 14 436
Understanding programs 471
Unification 226 469
Union type 258
URL 461 477
Value 6 451 469
Value, defined 390
Value, undefined 389
Variable 10 36 82 155 444 452 470
Variable, instance 155
Variable, type see Type variable
Vector 270 357
Verification see Proof
Visible 209 210 235
Writing programs 18
Реклама |