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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)
Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

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Название: Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)

Авторы: Hutchins M., Schlager N.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 278

Добавлена в каталог: 10.02.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Pale foxes      14:265
Pale hedgehogs      See Indian desert hedgehogs
Pale kangaroo mice      16:200 16:204 16:206—207
Pale leopard lizards      See Long-nosed leopard lizards
Pale rock sparrows      11:397 11:398 11:400 11:403—404
Pale spear-nosed bats      13:418 13:433t
Pale white-eyes      See Cape white-eyes
Pale-billed aracaris      10:127
Pale-billed sicklebills      11:492
Pale-breasted spinetails      10:213 10:221—222
Pale-browed tinamous      8:59
Pale-faced sheathbills      9:197 9:198 9:200—201
Pale-headed brush finches      11:266
Pale-headed jacamars      10:93
Pale-throated flycatchers      See Nutting’s flycatchers
Pale-throated three-toed sloths      13:162 13:164 13:165 13:166
Pale-winged trumpeters      9:78 9:80 9:81—82
Pale-yellow robins      11:706
Palea steindachneri      See Chinese softshell turtles
Paleaopropithecus spp.      14:63
Paleobatrachidae      6:4
Paleochoerus spp.      15:265
Paleodictyoptera      3:12 3:13 3:52
Paleodonta      15:264
Paleoentomology      3:9
Paleoheterodonta      2:451
Paleolaginae      16:505
Paleomeryx spp.      15:265
Paleopropithecinae      See Sloth lemurs
Paleopteran insects      3:52
Paleosuchus palpebrosus      See Cuvier’s dwarf caimans
Paleosuchus trigonatus      See Smooth-fronted caimans
Paleotheres      15:136
Paleotraginae      15:399
Palestine mole rats      16:287 16:289 16:294;
Palestine sunbirds      11:209 11:210
Palette tangs      4:57 5:394 5:397—398
Paliguana spp.      7:16
Palilas      11:343 11:345 11:350—351
Palinura      2:197 2:198 2:200
Pallas’s cats      14:391t
Pallas’s dippers      See Brown dippers
Pallas’s long-tongued bats      13:475 13:417 13:422 13:427
Pallas’s mastiff bats      13:486 13:494t
Pallas’s pikas      16:488 16:492 16:496 16:499—500
Pallas’s sandgrouse      9:234 9:238—239
Pallas’s sea-eagles      8:323
Pallas’s squirrels      16:168 16:173—174
Pallid bats      13:308 13:313 13:497 13:500 13:505 13:506
Pallid cuckoos      11:86 11:241 11:242
Pallid finch-larks      See Black-crowned sparrow-larks
Pallid harriers      8:320 8:321
Pallid swifts      9:422
Palm bugs      3:9
Palm civets      14:258 14:260 14:335 14:337 14:344t
Palm cockatoos      9:278 9:282 9:283
Palm nut vultures      8:321
Palm swifts      See African palm swifts
Palm weevils      3:323
Palma, R.      5:99
Palmatogecko rangei      See Web-footed geckos
Palmatorappia spp.      6:246
Palmchats      10:455—457 10:456
Palmer, Thomas      7:454
Palmer, W.M.      7:315
Palmeria dolei      See Akohekohes
Palms, oil      3:79
Palolo worms      2:47
Palophus      See Australian phasmid
Palpigradi      2:333
Paltoperlidae      3:141
Palythoa caesia      See Rubber corals
Palythoa sea mats      See Rubber corals
Pamexis bifasciatus      3:309
Pamexis contamminatus      3:309
Pampas cats      14:391t
Pampas deer      15:379 15:381 15:383 15:384 15:396t
Pampas foxes      14:284t
Pampas meadowlarks      11:305
Pampatheres      See Giant herbivorous armadillos
Pamphagidae      3:205
Pamphiloidea      3:54
Pampus argenteus      See Silver pomfrets
Pan hinged terrapins      See East African black mud turtles
Pan paniscus      See Bonobos
Pan terrapins      See East African black mud turtles
Pan troglodytes      See Chimpanzees
Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii      14:225
Pan troglodytes troglodytes      14:225
Pan troglodytes vellerosus      14:225
Pan troglodytes verus      14:225
Panama Canal      12:220
Panamanian squirrel monkeys      See Red-backed squirrel monkeys
Panarthropoda      2:115
Panbiogeography      3:53 3:54
Pancake tortoises      7:66 7:145 7:147—148
Panda prawns      See Giant tiger prawns
Pandaka pygmaea      See Dwarf pygmy gobies
Pandas, red      12:28 14:309—311 14:312 14:315;
Panderichthys spp.      6:7 6:10
Pandinus imperator      See Emperor scorpions
Pandion haliaetus      See Ospreys
Pandioninae      See Ospreys
Pandoridae      2:451
Panesthiinae      3:147—148 3:150
Panfishes      See Sunfishes
Pangani longclaws      10:373
Pangasiidae      See Shark catfishes
Pangasius hypophthalmus      See Iridescent shark-catfishes
Pangea      3:52
Pangio kuhlii      See Coolie loaches
Pangio semicincta      See Coolie loaches
Pangolins      13:196 16:107—120 16:109 16:111 16:114
Pangolins behavior      16:108 16:110—112
Pangolins conservation status      16:113
Pangolins distribution      16:110
Pangolins evolution      16:107
Pangolins feeding ecology      16:112—113
Pangolins habitats      12:135 16:110
Pangolins humans and      16:113
Pangolins physical characteristics      16:107—110
Pangolins reproduction      16:113
Pangolins species of      16:115—120
Pangolins taxonomy      16:107
Panorpa communis      3:341 3:343
Panorpa nuptidis      3:342 3:344 3:345 3:346
Panorpa spp.      3:61
Panorpidae      3:341 3:342 3:343
Panorpodidae      3:341 3:342
Pantala flavescens      See Wandering gliders
Panterpe insignis      See Fiery-throated hummingbirds
Panterpe spp.      See Hummingbirds
Panther chameleons      7:57 7:224 7:225 7:227 7:230 7:233 7:239 7:240
Panthera leo      See Lions
Panthera onca      See Jaguars
Panthera pardus      See Leopards
Panthera spp.      14:369
Panthera tigris      See Tigers
Panthera tigris altaica      See Amur tigers
Pantherana spp.      6:248
Pantherinae      14:369
Panthers      See Pumas
Pantholops hodgsonii      See Tibetan antelopes
Panthophthalmidae      3:359
Pantodon buchholzi      See Freshwater butterflyfishes
Pantodonta      12:11 15:131 15:134 15:135 15:136
Pantodontidae      See Butterflyfishes
Pantry beetles      3:57
Pantylus spp.      6:11
Panulirus argus      See Caribbean spiny lobster
Panurus biarmicus      See Bearded reedlings
Panurus biarmicus kosswigi      See Turkish bearded reedlings
Panyptila sanctihieronymi      See Greater swallow-tailed swifts
Panyptila spp.      See Swallow-tailed swifts
Papasula abbotti      See Abbott’s boobies
Papasula spp.      See Abbott’s boobies
Paper moths      See Silverfish
Paper nautilus      See Greater Argonauts
Paper wasps      3:68 3:69 3:71 3:406;
Papilio aristodemus ponceanus      See Schaus’s swallowtail butterflies
Papilio glaums      See Swallowtail tigers
Papilio victorinus      3:386
Papillose bats      13:526t
Papio anubis      See Olive baboons
Papio cynocephalus      See Yellow baboons
Papio hamadryas      See Hamadryas baboons
Papio hamadryas anubis      See Olive baboons
Papio papio      See Guinea baboons
Papio spp.      See Baboons
Papio ursinus      See Chacma baboons
Papionini      14:188
Pappogeomys alcorni      16:190
Pappogeomys bulleri      See Buller’s pocket gophers
Pappogeomys spp.      16:185
Papua mountain pigeons      9:250 9:380
Papuan bandicoots      13:10 13:12 13:17t
Papuan drongos      See Pygmy drongos
Papuan forest wallabies      13:91 13:99 13:100—101
Papuan frogmouths      8:10 9:377 9:381—382
Papuan ground boas      See Viper boas
Papuan lories      9:276
Papuan pythons      7:420 7:423 7:424—425
Papuan treecreepers      See White-throated treecreepers
Papuan whipbirds      11:75 11:76
Papyrocranus afer      4:232
Papyrocranus spp.      4:232
Parabathynellidae      2:177
Parabos spp.      15:265 16:1
Parabrotulidae      5:15
Parabuteo unicinctus      See Harris’ hawks
Paracallionymus spp.      5:365
Paracanthopterygii      See Codlike fishes
Paracanthurus hepatus      See Palette tangs
Paracentrotus lividus      1:405
Paraceratherium [Indricotherium] ransouralicum      15:138
Parachanna obscura      See African snakeheads
Parachanna spp.      5:437
Paracheirodon axelrodi      See Cardinal tetras
Parachela      2:115
Parachute geckos      7:261
Paracirrhites arcatus      4:42 5:236
Paracirrhites forsteri      5:236
Paracirrhites hemistictus      5:236 5:238
Paracirrhites spp.      5:236 5:239
Paracobitis smithi      See Blind loaches
Paracobitis starostini      See Kughitang blind loaches
Paracolobus spp.      14:172
Paracoprids      3:322
Paracorpididae      See Jutjaws
Paracoryne huvei      1:132 1:135
Paracosoryx prodromus      15:265
Paracrinia haswelli      6:149
Paracrocidura graueri      See Grauer’s shrews
Paracrocidura maxima      See Greater shrews
Paracrocidura schoutedeni      See Schouteden’s shrews
Paracrocidura spp.      13:265
Paractiornis spp.      9:151
Paracynictis spp.      14:347
Paradiceros mukiri      15:249
Paradigalla brevicauda      See Short—tailed paradigallas
Paradigalla spp.      See Birds of paradise
Paradiplogrammus bairdi      See Lancer dragonets
Paradiplogrammus enneactis      See Mangrove dragonets
Paradiplogrammus spp.      5:365
Paradipodinae      16:211 16:212
Paradipus ctenodactylus      See Comb-toed jerboas
Paradipus spp.      16:211
Paradisaea apoda      See Greater birds of paradise
Paradisaea decora      See Goldie’s birds of paradise
Paradisaea rubra      See Red birds of paradise
Paradisaea spp.      See Birds of paradise
Paradisaeidae      See Birds of paradise
Paradisaeinae      See Birds of paradise
Paradiscoglossus      6:25 6:89
Paradise crows      11:490
Paradise jacamars      10:92 10:94 10:98
Paradise kingfishers      10:6 10:7 10:14—15
Paradise riflebirds      11:490
Paradise whydahs      11:361
Paradise-flycatchers      11:97
Paradisea tristis      See Common mynas
Paradox frogs      6:42 6:228 6:230 6:231 6:242
Paradoxophyla palmata      See Web-foot frogs
Paradoxophyla spp.      See Web-foot frogs
Paradoxornis paradoxus      10:506
Paradoxornis spp.      See Parrotbills
Paradoxornis webbianus      See Vinous-throated parrotbills
Paradoxurinae      14:335
Paradoxurus hermaphroditus      See Palm civets
Paradoxurus jerdoni      See Jerdon’s palm civets
Paradoxurus spp.      14:336
Paraechinus aethiopicus      See Ethiopian hedgehogs
Paraechinus hypomelas      See Brandt’s hedgehogs
Paraechinus micropus      See Indian desert hedgehogs
Paraescarpia spp.      2:91
Parafontaria laminata      2:365
Paragobiodon spp.      4:42 4:45
Paragonimus spp.      1:201
Paragonimus westermani      See Lung flukes
Paragordius varius      1:305 1:301 1:308 1:309
Paraguay hairy dwarf porcupines      16:366 16:367 16:368 16:374t
Paraguayan caiman lizards      7:310 7:313 7:316
Parahyaena brunnea      See Brown hyenas
Parainocellia braueri      See Brauer’s inocelliid snake flies
Parakeet auklets      9:220
Parakeets      See Budgerigars
Parakneria spp.      4:290 4:291
Parakuhlia spp.      5:220
Paralabidochromis chilotes      5:282 5:285 5:286
Paraleiopusmacrochelis      2:237 2:238—239
Paralepididae      4:432 4:433
Paralichthodidae      5:450
Paralichthyidae      5:450 5:453
Paralichthys dentatus      See Summer flounders
Paralithodes camtschaticus      See Red king crabs
Paralouatta spp.      14:143
Paraluteres prionurus      See Mimic filefishes
Paralysis ticks      See Rocky Mountain wood ticks
Paramecium spp.      1:180
Paramyidae      16:122
Paramysis spp.      2:216
Paramythia montium      See Crested berrypeckers
Paramythia spp.      See Berrypeckers
Paranebalia spp.      2:161
Paranebaliidae      2:161
Parantechinus apicalis      See Southern dibblers
Parantechinus bilarni      See Sandstone dibblers
Parantechinus spp.      See Dibblers
Paranybeliniidae      1:226
Paranyctimene spp.      13:334
Paranyctoides spp.      13:193
Parapanesthia spp.      3:150
Parapedetes gracilis      16:307
Parapedetes namaquensis      16:307
Parapercis colias      See Blue cods
Parapercis cylindrica      5:333
Parapercis snyderi      See Japanese sandperches
Parapercis spp.      5:334
Parapercis tetracantha      See Four-spined sandperches
Paraphlebia zoe      3:65
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