Авторизация |
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Marker D. — Model theory: An introduction |
Предметный указатель |
-model 151
-like ordering 165
-categorical theory 207
-homogeneous model 133
-saturation 138
-stable 135
-stable 136 207
Abelian variety 308
Abramovich, D. 313
algebraic 30 208
Algebraic closure 208
Algebraic group 251 270
Algebraic group linear 24 252
Algebraically prime models 78
Amalgamation 106
Analytic 163
Artin, E. 93 99 112 323
Atomic diagram 44
Average of indiscernibles 247
Ax, J. 68 69 112
Axiom of Choice 315
Axiomatization 29
Axiomatization universal 47
Axioms 14
Back-and-forth construction 49
Back-and-forth system 67
Bad group 287
Baldwin — Lachlan Theorem 215
Baldwin, J. 207 213 215 288
Barwise, J. 172
Basis 290
Bennett, J. 32
Blum, L. 111 172 249
Borel, A. 68
Buechler, S. 173
Buium, A. 308
Burgess, J. 173
Canonical base 294
Cantor — Bendixson derivative 245
Cantor, G. 48
Cardinal 318
Cardinal inaccessible 319
Cardinal regular 319
Cardinal singular 319
Cardinal strongly inaccessible 320
Categoricity Theorem 207
cells 102
Center 259
Chain 47
Chain elementary 47
Chang, C.C. 69 173
Chatzidakis, Z. 69
Cherlin — Zil'ber Conjecture 252 287
Cherlin, G. 252 287 288
Chevalley, C. 88
Closed set in pregeometry 289
Closed unbounded set 189
Cofinality 319
Collins, G. 112
Compactness Theorem 34
Completeness theorem 34
Complex manifold 311
Complex torus 312
Connected component 254
Connected group 254
Constructible model 236
Constructible set 86 88
Construction 236
Continuum Hypothesis 320
Countable set 318
Davis, M. 21 71
Definable set 19
Definable set over A 19
Definable type 229
Definably interpreted 24
Derivation 148
Diagonal indiscernibles 198
Diagonal intersection 190
Diagram atomic 44
Diagram elementary 44
Diagram, F-diagram 161
Differential closure 171 240
Differentially algebraic 149
Differentially closed field 171 240 245 246 307 308
Differentially transcendental 149
Dimension in Noetherian topology 306
Diophantine geometry 308
Divisible hull 76
Domain 8
Dubois, D. 111
Ehrenfeucht — Fraisse game 53
Ehrenfeucht — Mostowski models 180
Ehrenfeucht, A. 69 205
Elementary chain 47
Elementary class 14
Elementary diagram 44
Elementary embedding 44
Elementary equivalence 13
Elementary extension 44
Elementary substructure 44
Elliptic curve 252
Embedding 8
Embedding partial 49 52
Engler, E. 173
Erdos — Rado Theorem 177
Ersov, Y. 112
Exchange Principle 106
Existentially closed structure 63 105
expansion 31
Expansion by definitions 31
Extension 9
Fagin, R. 68
Faltings, G. 312
Field real 94
Field real closed 94
Filter 63
Filter Frechet 63
Filter principal 63
Filter ultrafilter 64
Finite Equivalence Relation Theorem 247
Fischer, M. 112
forking 228
Formula atomic 10
Formula positive 107
Fragment 158
Fraisse constructions 68
Fraisse, R. 69
Friedman, H. 172
Generic filter 321
Generic point 227
Generic type 256
Geometry 290
Goedel, K. 34 68 84 195
Group bounded exponent 157
group configuration 284
Group locally finite 157
Harnik, V. 249
Harrington, L. 196
Hasse, H. 65
Henkin construction 35 39 65
Henkin, L. 35 39 171
Hodges, W. 248
Homogeneous model 133
Hrushovski, E. 282 284 292 300 302 307 308
Inaccessible 319
Indecomposable 261
Independence 209 234 290
| Independent 290
Indiscernible k-tuples 248
Indiscernibles 210
Indiscernibles diagonal 198
Indiscernibles type 181
Interpretable structure 27
Interpretation pure 31
Isolated type 120
Isomorphism 9
Jensen, R. 173
Kanamori, A. 196 205
Karp, C. 57 69
Keisler, H.J. 69 172
Ketonen, J. 205
Kochen, S. 112
Koenig's lemma 321
Kolchin closed set 171
Kolchin, E. 249 274 277 288
Krivine, J.-L., 111
Krull dimension 226
Lachlan, A. 207 213 215
Language 8
Language recursive 34
Lascar, D. 111 248 249 296
Lefschetz principle 42
Lindstrom, P. 69
Linear strongly minimal set 296
localization 290
Locally modular pregeometry 290
Logical consequence 18
Los, J. 64 68 69
Lowenheim — Skolem theorem 45 46
MacDowell, R. 171
Macintyre, A. 69 112 113 258 288
Malcev, A. 68
Manin, J. 308 313
Many-sorted structure 28
Marker, D. 112
Matijasevic, J. 21 71
Mayer, L. 173
McAloon, K. 196 205
McQuillen, M. 312
Mekler, A. 32
Miller, A. 173
Milnor, J. 101
Minimal formula 208
Minimal set 208
Mitchell, W. 173
Model 14
Model -homogeneous 133
Model -saturated 138
Model -universal 143
Model companion 106
Model complete theory 78 105
Model completion 106
Model homogeneous 133
Model prime 129
Model saturated 138
Modular pregeometry 290
Monster model 218
Mordell conjecture 312
Mordell — Lang Conjecture 309 312
Morley degree 220
Morley rank 215 218
Morley rank of definable set 218
Morley sequence 241
Morley, M. 69 158 172 205 207 213 248 249
Morphism 269
Mostowski, A. 69 205
Nilpotent group 267
Noetherian topology 305
Nullstellensatz 88
o-minimal theory 81
One-based theory 298
Open induction 110
Open mapping theorem 238 247
Order indiscernibles 179
Order property 221
Order type 317
Orderable field 93
Ordinal 316
Ordinal limit 317
Ordinal successor 317
Orey, S. 171
Overspill 61
Paris, J. 196
Peretjat'kin, M. 69
Peterzil, Y. 311
Picard — Vessiot extension 275
Pillay, A. 111 249 296 302 308 311 312
Poizat, B. 111 205 274 288
Polish space 173
Positive formula 107
Power set 5
Pregeometry 289
Pregeometry locally modular 290
Pregeometry modular 290
Pregeometry trivial 290
Presburger arithmetic 82 170
Presburger, M. 111
Prime model 129
Prime model extension 135
proof 33
Puiseux series 110
Putnam, H. 21 71
Quantifier depth 54
Quantifier elimination 71 72 148
Quantifier elimination positive 107
Quasirational function 89
Rabin, M. 112
Ramsey's theorem 175
Real closed field 94
Real field 94
Recursive saturation 169
Reduct 31
Regressive function 191
Regular cardinal 319
Reineke, J. 258 259
Ressayre, J-P. 236 249
Risler, J.-J. 111
Ritt — Raudenbusch Basis Theorem 171
Robinson, A. 68 99 111
Robinson, J. 21 71
Rosenlicht, M. 249
Rowbottom, F. 205
Rudin, W. 68
Ryll-Nardzewski, C. 173
Satisfaction 11
Saturated model 138
Saxl, J. 288
Scattered theory 159
Schanuel's conjecture 112
Schlipf, J. 172
Schreier, O. 93 323
Scott rank 59
Scott sentence 59
Scott set 170
Scott, D. 48 57 69
Seidenberg, A. 98
Semialgebraic set 98
Sentence 10
Shelah, S. 69 172 173 205 248 249 288
Shepherdson, J. 111
Silver, J. 173 205
Simply closed 78
Singular cardinal 319
Skolem Functions 45 101
Skolem functions invariant 101
Skolem hull 180
Skolem, T. 68
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