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Overland Br. — C++ In Plain Engish. |
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Seekp function (I/O) 286—287
semicolon (;) 314 322—323
setbuf function 180
Setf function (I/O) 287 491—492
setjmp function 217—218
Setlocate function 218—219
Setmode function (I/O) 288
setting 151—152
setvbuf function 180
Shift bits operator 58—59
shift operators 337—339
Shift operators, associativity 369
Short data type 68 105 317
Showbase format flag 492
Showpoint format flag 492
Showpos format flag 492
Sign extension 564
signal function 219—221
Signal handler registering 219—221
Signals, propagating 211
signatures 564
Signed char data type 68 105—106
Signed integers 92—93 105—106
sin function 221
Sine 221
Sine, hyperbolic 222
Single-character functions 159
Single-precision floating point numbers 86—87
Sinh function 222
sizeof operator 44 45 47 106—107
SIZE_T data type 68 107
Skipws format flag 492
Sorting, quick sorts 209—210
Source codes, lines 154
Source files, current 154
spaghetti code 90
sprintf function 222—223
sqrt function 223
Square root 223
srand function 223—224
sscanf function 224
Stack classes, templates 116—117
Standard Template Library 564
statements, compound 333 532
statements, continue 79
statements, control 332—334
statements, control statements 67 70
statements, default 70 80
statements, defined 564—565
statements, else 83
statements, empty 539—540
statements, GoTo 90
statements, if 90—91 332—333
statements, if...else 83
Statements, semicolons and 322—323
statements, switch 111—113
Statements, value assignment and 319—320
statements, while 136 334
static keyword 108—109 331
static variables 330
static_cast operator 69 109—110
Stdio format flag 492
Stdio.h file 318 371—373
Stdio.h file, file operations 373—376
Stdio.h file, opening 373
Storage classes 72
Storage classes, defined 565
Storage, bit fields and 339—340
Str function (I/O) 288—289
Str<op> functions 224—228
strcat function 357
strcpy function 356 382
Stream classes, advanced use 485—496
Stream classes, input classes 494—495
Stream classes, input/output classes 496
Stream classes, interaction with 486—490
Stream classes, output classes 495
Stream classes, overview 493—494
Stream operators 367—370 376—377
Streams, defined 565—566
Streams, file stream, closing 260
Streams, input 366—367
Streams, output 366—367
Streams, overview 365—367
strftime function 228—230
string functions 159
String functions, wide characters 245—248
String I/O class 289—290
string literals 358—360
String literals, defined 566
String literals, escape sequences 360
String-handling functions 357
String-handling functionsm, pointers and 358
String.h file 318
strings 354—361
Strings, addresses 358
Strings, buffers, address 288—289
Strings, buffers, freezing 264—265
Strings, character strings 355 381—382
Strings, concatenation 141—142 357
Strings, converting to double 230—231
Strings, converting to long int 231
Strings, converting to unsigned long 232
strings, copying 355
Strings, copying contents between 357
strings, defined 566
Strings, initialization 356
Strings, keyboard, and 193—194
Strings, null terminator 355
Strings, output string class 278—279
strings, printing 205—207 208
Strings, quoted 359
Strings, reading from 224
Strings, text, reading/writing 487—489
Strings, wide-character 360—361
Strings, writing to 222—223
strlen function 357
strncpy function 357
Strstream class (I/O) 289—290
strtod function 230—231
strtol function 231
strtoul function 232
struct keyword 111
Structure class, declaration 111
Structure defined 566—567
Structured programming 567
structures 403
Structures, control 532
Structures, lconv 519—521
Subscript operator ([ ]) 444
Subtraction assignment operator 46
subtraction operator 45
summary of 436—438
switch statement 70 111—113
Switch statement, else target 80
Switch statement, exiting 73
Switch statement, targets 73—74
switch statements 73
Swprintf function 232—233
swscanf function 233—234
Symbols, defining 143—145
Symbols, removing definition 152—153
Synchronization, global I/O functions 290—291
Sync_with_stdio function (I/O) 290—291
Syntax, classes, derived 449—450
Syntax, declaration 315—316
Syntax, functions 326
Syntax, operator functions 424—425 445
syntax, operators 140
Syntax, variable declaration 315
| Syntax, virtual functions 471
system command 234
System function 234
Tables, virtual functions 481
Tan function 234—235
Tangent 234—235
Tanh function 235
Targets, switch statements 73—74
Tellg function (I/O) 291
Tellp function (I/O) 291—292
TEMPLATE keyword 113—120
Templates 505—506
Templates, class 114—115
Templates, defined 567—568
Templates, function 115—116
Templates, stack classes 116—117
Temporary files, opening 239
Termination 146—147
Termination, abort function 162
Termination, exit function 176
Termination, strings 355
Text files, reading/writing 180—182
text mode 288
Text strings, reading/writing 487—489
Text, lines, reading 268—269
this keyword 120—121
This keyword, member functions 432—433
This pointer 432—433
Throw keyword 121
Time 154—155 228—230 248—249
time and date 235—238
time function 235—238
Time functions 159
tmpfile function 178 239
tolower function 239—240
toupper function 240
towlower function 241
towupper function 241—242
Transitioning from C to C++ 301
Trinary operators 43 44
True keyword 122
try keyword 122—125
Two's complement format 568—569
Type cast operator 45 504—505
Type complexity 125—126
type information 126—128
Type operator 54—55
type-safe linkage 308
Type-safe linkage, defined 569
typedef keyword 125—126
typeid operator 44 45 47 126—128
Types, defined 569
Types, empty 134
Types, overview 307—308
unary operators 43 44 441—442
Undef directive 140 152—153
ungetc function 179
union keyword 129—130
Unitbuf format flag 492
Unsetf function (I/O) 292 491—492
unsigned char data type 68 130
unsigned int data type 68 130—131
unsigned long data type 68 131
unsigned short data type 68 132
uppercase 240
Uppercase format flag 492
user-defined data types 75—76
using keyword 132—133
Values, arguments 536—537
Values, assigning, statements and 319—320
Values, assignment expressions and 433
Values, boolean 529
Values, comparing 59—60
Values, equality 60
Variable-length arguments 242—243
Variable-length arguments, functions 160
Variable-length arguments, print list 243—245
Variables 569—570
Variables, aliases 414
Variables, changes, preventing 76—78
Variables, cPU register 103
Variables, declarations 315—317
variables, environment 193
Variables, external 331—332
variables, global 329—330 543
Variables, if statements and 507
variables, initializing 319—320
variables, local 328—329
Variables, pointer-to-member 55—57
Variables, sharing externally defined 86
variables, static 330
Va_<op> functions 242—243
virtual base classes 570
virtual functions 469—470
Virtual functions, base-class pointers 471
Virtual functions, calling 471
Virtual functions, defined 570—571
Virtual functions, implementation 479—483
Virtual functions, menu commands and 473—478
Virtual functions, menu objects 474—475
Virtual functions, pure virtual functions 478—479 561—562
Virtual functions, reasons for 472—473
Virtual functions, syntax 471
virtual keyword 133—134 470—471
Virtual menu commands 477—478
void keyword 134
void return type 328
volatile keyword 134—135
vprintf function 243—245
vtables 481
Wchar_t data type 68 135—136
Wcs<op> functions 245—248
wcsftime function 248—249
wcstod function 249—250
wcstol function 250
wcstoul function 250—251
while statement 70 136 334
White space 261
wide characters 135—136
Wide characters, file functions 184—186
Wide characters, functions 160
Wide characters, lowercase 241
Wide characters, memory block functions 251—252
Wide characters, printing 209
Wide characters, printing strings 253
Wide characters, reading data 253—254
Wide characters, string functions 245—248
Wide characters, strings, converting to double 249—250
Wide characters, strings, converting to long int 250
Wide characters, strings, converting to unsigned long 250—251
Wide characters, strings, reading from 233—234
Wide characters, strings, writing to 232—233
wide-character strings 360—361
Wide-character strings, defined 571
Width function (I/O) 293
Wint_t data type 68 137
Wmem<op> functions 251—252
wprintf function 253
Write function (I/O) 293—295
Writing, binary format 293—295
Writing, characters 281
Writing, conversion functions 434—435
Writing, copy constructor 414—415
Writing, to strings 222—223
wscanf function 253—254
[ ] operator 44 47—48 444
^ = operator 44 46
^ operator 44 46 60—61
_cplusplus macro 140 153
_DATE_ macro 140 153
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