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Overland Br. — C++ In Plain Engish.
Overland Br. — C++ In Plain Engish.

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

Íàøëè îïå÷àòêó?
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Íàçâàíèå: C++ In Plain Engish.

Àâòîð: Overland Br.


Brian Overland worked for Microsoft for 10 years, where he was a software tester,senior technical writer and manager.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2000

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 611

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.08.2012

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Conversion functions, declaration      435
Conversion functions, defined      534
Conversion functions, objects, member-by-member      412
Conversion functions, strings      355
Conversion functions, writing      414—415
Conversion, constructors      418—419
Conversion, lowercase      239—240
Conversion, objects      420
Conversion, pointers      103—104
Conversion, preventing      85
Conversion, related type      109—110
Conversion, string to double      230—231
Conversion, strings to long int      231
Conversion, strings to unsigned long      232
Conversion, uppercase      240
Copy      420 534
copy constructor      411—413
Copy constructor, declarations      408
Copy constructor, default      409—411 419—420 537
Copy constructor, defined      533
Copy constructor, examples      416—418
Copy constructor, function definitions      401
Copy constructor, overloading and      407—408 419
Copy constructor, references      411—413
Copy writing      414—415
copying      454—456
cos function      175
COSH function      175
Cosine      175
cout      260—261
Cout object (I/O)      260—261 321 369—370
Cout object (I/O), format specifiers      368
CPU register variables      103
Cpy function      397—399 388
Creating      98—99
CStr class      382
CTemp_point class      438—440
Ctype.h file      318
Current      432
current object      432
Current, defined      554
Current, dynamic creation      393
Current, function code      390
Current, global      400
Current, initialization      420
Current, local      400
Current, member-by-member copy      412
Current, menu objects      474—475 474—476
Current, overview      302—304
Current, pointers      393
Current, releasing      80
Data abstraction defined      535
Data members, classes      382
Data members, defined      535
Data segment, allocation in      108—109
Data structure, width      106—107
Data types      67
Data types, abstract      523—524
data types, CHAR      74—75
data types, complex      531
data types, Double      81—82 317
data types, float      317
data types, INT      317
data types, long      93 317
Data types, long double      94
Data types, long long      94
data types, primitive      68 560—561
Data types, related, conversion      109—110
data types, short      105 317
Data types, signed char      105—106
Data types, size_t      107
Data types, unsighed int      130—131
Data types, unsigned char      130
Data types, unsigned long      131
Data types, unsigned short      132
data types, user-defined      75—76
Data types, wchar_t      135—136
Data types, wint_t      137
date      153
Dec format flag      492
Dec I/O manipulator      491
Decimal integers      317
Declarations      315—317
declarations, arrays      349—350
Declarations, class name and      384
Declarations, classes      383
Declarations, constructors      408
Declarations, conversion functions      435
Declarations, decorating      563
Declarations, decrement operator      45 51—52 335—336 443—444
declarations, defined      535—536
Declarations, function definitions and      384
declarations, functions      317—318
Declarations, header files      385—386
Declarations, local variables      328—329
Declarations, menu objects      474
Declarations, postfix version      335
Declarations, references      413—414
Default argument value      536—537
Default constructor      409—411 419—420
DEFAULT statement      70 80
Define directive      140 143—145
definitions      537—538
Definitions, constructors      401
Definitions, functions      326
delete operator      44 45 80 361—363 393 444
deleting files      213
Dereferencing defined      538
Derived classes defined      538
Derived_class      449—450
Destructors      539
Digits, number of      280—281
directives      317 539
Directives, define      140 143—145
Directives, elif      140 145
Directives, else      140 146
Directives, end      140
Directives, endif      146
Directives, error      140 146—147
Directives, if      140 147—149
Directives, ifdef      140 149
Directives, ifndef      140 150
Directives, include      140 150—151
Directives, line      140 151—152
Directives, pragma      140 152
Directives, undef      140 152—153
directories, renaming      214
Display format      489—490
div function      175—176
Division, assignment operator      46
Division, integers      175—176 198—199
Division, operator      45
Division, remainder      187
do...while loop      80—81
do...while statement      70
Dot (.), function calls      388
Double data type      68 81—82 317
Do_Command      474—478
Dynamic memory      361—363
Dynamic memory, implementation      397—399
dynamic object creation      393
dynamic_cast operator      69 82—83
Eatwhite function (I/O)      261
Elif directive      140 145
Else directive      140 146
else statement      83
Empty statements      539—540
Empty type, declaring      134
Encapsulation      396—397 403
Encapsulation, defined      540
Encapsulation, inline functions and      401—402
encapsulation, overview      304—306
END directive      140
end-of-file      261
ENDIF directive      146
Endl I/O manipulator      491
Ends I/O manipulator      491
entry point      95—96
enum keyword      83—85 508
Enumeration      83—85
Enumeration, defined      540—541
Environment variables      193
Eof function (I/O)      261
Error directive      140 146—147
Error flags      259
Errors, console error object      258 259—260
Errors, fatal, detecting      258
Errors, flags      282—283
Errors, good function      269
Errors, printing      204
Escape sequences, defined      541
Escape sequences, string literals      360
exception handlers      505—506
Exception handlers, defining      74
Exception-handling blocks      122—125
Exceptions      511—512
Exceptions, defined      541
Exceptions, passing      121
Exceptions, raising      121
Executable statements      541—542
Execution, conditional      90—91
exit function      176
Exiting functions      104—105
Exiting, loops      73
Exp function      177
explicit keyword      85 506—507
Exponents      198 204—205
Exponents, assignment      324—325 433
Exponents, defined      542
Exponents, freeing      190
Exponents, numeric      47
Exponents, operators and      43
Exponents, primitive      47
Exponents, sequence evaluation      64
Expressions      45—46
extern keyword      86
External variables      331—332
Externally defined variables, sharing      86
fabs function      177
Fail function (I/O)      262
False keyword      86
Fatal errors, detecting      258 262
fclose function      178 374
feof function      179
ferror function      180
fflush function      178
fgetc function      179
fgetpos function      179
fgets function      179
field width      293
File functions      159 178—186
File functions, wide-character      184—186
File operations in stdio.h file      373—376
File streams, closing      260
Files, associating with stream      275—277
files, deleting      213
Files, header files      317 543—544
files, include files      318
files, opening      187—189 373
files, renaming      214
Files, stream operators      376—377
Files, temporary, opening      239
Files, wide-character      184—186
Fill function (I/O)      262
Fixed format flag      492
Flags function (I/O)      263
Flags, format      287 292 491—493
float data type      68 317
float keyword      86—87
Floating point numbers      86—87
Floating point numbers, absolute value      177
Floating-point numbers, double data, type      81—82
Floor function      186
Flush function (I/O)      263—264
Flush I/O manipulator      491
fmod function      187
fopen function      178 187—189
Fopen function for keyword      87—88
Fopen function for statement      70
Formal arguments defined      525
Format flags      263 292 491—493
Format flags, turning on/off      287
Format specifiers, cin operator      368
Format specifiers, cout operator      368
Formats, locales      218—219
Formatting, cin operator      370—371
Formatting, cout operator      370—371
Formatting, lconv structure and      519—521
forward references      508—509
Forward references, defined      542—543
fprintf function      178
fputc function      178
fputs function      178
fread function      179
free function      189—190
Freeing memory      189—190
Freeze function (I/O)      264—265
freopen function      178
frexp function      190
Friend keyword      89—90 428—429
fscanf function      179
fseek function      180
fsetpos function      180
Fstream class (I/O)      265—266 496
ftell function      180
function call operator      445
function calls      327
Function calls, dot (.)      388
Function calls, operator functions      426—427
Function calls, operators      44
Function calls, virtual functions      471
Function code, inline      92
Function code, objects      390
Function overloading      308 425 508 555—556
Function overloading, constructors and      408
function templates      115—116
Function, assignment      430—434 (see also Separate listings for)
Function, callback      529
Function, character-testing      195—196
Function, CloStr class      450—451
Function, conversion      158 434—435 534
Function, CStr class      448
Function, declaring      317—318
Function, defined      302 543
Function, definitions      326
Function, definitions, class names and      384
Function, definitions, constructors      401
Function, exiting      104—105
Function, file      159 178—186
Function, I/O      158
Function, inline      401—402 546—547
Function, late bound      470
Function, member functions      382—393 551
Function, miscellaneous      161
Function, operator      424—425 425—429
Function, operator, naming      440
Function, overriding      451—452
Function, overview of      325—328
Function, pointers to      558
Function, prototypes      326
1 2 3 4 5 6
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