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Love R. — Linux kernel development |
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Interrupt handlers, bottom halves, version terminology 97
Interrupt handlers, bottom halves, when to use 94—95
Interrupt handlers, bottom halves, work queues, old task queue 114—115
Interrupt handlers, bottom halves, work queues, queue creation 113—114
Interrupt handlers, bottom halves, work queues, relationships among data structures 111
Interrupt handlers, bottom halves, work queues, run_workqueue() function 110—111
Interrupt handlers, bottom halves, work queues, thread data structures 108—110
Interrupt handlers, bottom halves, work queues, work creation 111—112
Interrupt handlers, bottom halves, work queues, work flushing 113
Interrupt handlers, bottom halves, work queues, work scheduling 113
Interrupt handlers, do_IRQ() function 86—87
Interrupt handlers, freeing 79—80
Interrupt handlers, free_irq() function 80
Interrupt handlers, function of 76—77
Interrupt handlers, implementation of 85—87
Interrupt handlers, kernels, interrupt context, stack space 84—85
Interrupt handlers, limitations 93
Interrupt handlers, reentrancy 81
Interrupt handlers, registering 78—79
Interrupt handlers, request_irq() function 80
Interrupt handlers, RTC (real-time clock) driver example 82—84
Interrupt handlers, SA_INTERRUPT flag 78
Interrupt handlers, SA_RANDOM flag 78
Interrupt handlers, SA_SHIRQ flag 78
Interrupt handlers, shared handlers 81—82
Interrupt handlers, speed of 84
Interrupt handlers, spinlocks 138—139
Interrupt handlers, top half 77
Interrupt handlers, writing 80—81
interrupt request (IRQ) 76
Interrupt service routine (ISR) 76
Interrupt-safe code 125
Interrupts 75—76
Interrupts, asynchronous 76
Interrupts, cli() function 89-90
Interrupts, disable_irq_nosync() function 92
Interrupts, disabling 89
Interrupts, enable_irq() function 92
Interrupts, enabling 89
Interrupts, in_interrupt() function 92
Interrupts, in_irq() function 92
Interrupts, irqs_disabled() function 92
Interrupts, local_irq_disable() function 91
Interrupts, local_irq_enable() function 91
Interrupts, local_irq_save() function 91
Interrupts, specific lines, disabling 90—91
Interrupts, synchronous 76
Interrupts, system status 91—92
in_interrupt() function 91—92
in_irq() function 92
Ipc directory, kernel source tree 12
IRQ (interrupt request) 76
irqs_disabled() function 92
ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) 76
Jiffies global variable 162—163 332—333
Jiffies global variable, HZ values 165—166
Jiffies global variable, internal representation 163—164
Jiffies global variable, user-space 165—166
Jiffies global variable, wraparounds 164—165
Kallsyms command 313
Kbuild system, modules, building 281—282
Kconfig file, modules, configuration options 284—286
kdb debugger 317
Kernel Event Layer 303
Kernel Event Layer, events, D-BUS 304
Kernel Event Layer, events, netlink 304
Kernel Event Layer, events, parameters 304—305
Kernel Event Layer, events, pay loads 304
Kernel Event Layer, events, verb strings 304
Kernel maintainer 341
Kernel messages, klogd daemon 311
Kernel messages, log buffer 310—311
Kernel messages, syslogd daemon 311
Kernel Newbies website 335
Kernel preemption 58—59
Kernel preemption, per-CPU data 204—205
Kernel preemption, portability 334
Kernel source tree, modules, drivers directory 281—282
Kernel source tree, modules, externally living 282—283
Kernel threads 35
Kernel threads, ksoftirqd task 35
Kernel threads, memory (nun struct) 255
Kernel threads, pdflush task 35
Kernel timers 96
Kernel Traffic website 335
kernel, building 13
Kernel, building, Booleans 13—15
Kernel, building, noise minimization 15
Kernel, building, spawning multiple jobs 15
Kernel, building, tristates 13—15
Kernel, C library 16—17
Kernel, coding style, braces 336—337
Kernel, coding style, comments 338—339
Kernel, coding style, consistency 336
Kernel, coding style, documentation 336
Kernel, coding style, functions 338
Kernel, coding style, importance of 336
Kernel, coding style, indent utility 340—341
Kernel, coding style, indention 336
Kernel, coding style, interfaces 339
Kernel, coding style, line size 33 7
Kernel, coding style, naming conventions 338
Kernel, coding style, productivity 336
Kernel, coding style, structure initializers 340
Kernel, coding style, typedefs 339
Kernel, concurrency 20
Kernel, configuration cools, make config utility 14
Kernel, configuration cools, make defconfig utility 14
Kernel, configuration cools, make gconfig utility 14
Kernel, configuration cools, make menuconfig utility 14
Kernel, configuration cools, make oldconfig utility 14
Kernel, configuration cools, make xconfig utility 14
Kernel, development community 9
Kernel, development kernel 8 11
Kernel, device model, benefits 291
Kernel, device model, kobjects, dentry pointer 292
Kernel, device model, kobjects, embedding 292—293
Kernel, device model, kobjects, function of 292
Kernel, device model, kobjects, k name pointer 292
Kernel, device model, kobjects, ksets 293—294
Kernel, device model, kobjects, ktypes 293
Kernel, device model, kobjects, parent pointer 292
Kernel, device model, ksets 293—294
Kernel, device model, ktypes 293
Kernel, device model, subsystems 294
Kernel, general activities 6
Kernel, GNU C 17
Kernel, GNU C, branch annotation 18—19
Kernel, GNU C, inline assembly 18
Kernel, GNU C, inline functions 18
Kernel, hardware 5
Kernel, hardware, interrupt context 5
Kernel, hardware, interrupt handlers 5
Kernel, idle process 6
Kernel, installing 15—16
Kernel, interrupt context, stack space 84—85
Kernel, known-safe 15
Kernel, lack of memory protection 19
Kernel, linked lists, navigating through 347—348
Kernel, linked lists, structure of 348—349
Kernel, Linux, debugging help resources 320
Kernel, Linux, dynamic loading 7
Kernel, Linux, object-oriented device model 7
Kernel, Linux, preemptive nature 7
Kernel, Linux, symmetrical multiprocessor (SMP) 7
Kernel, Linux, thread support 7
Kernel, Linux, versus Unix 6—8
Kernel, microkernels 6—7
Kernel, monolithic 6—7
| Kernel, no use of floating point instructions 19
Kernel, portability 20
Kernel, preemption, disabling 151—152
Kernel, procfs (virtual filesystem) 87—88
Kernel, random number generator, pseudo 353—354
Kernel, random number generator, true 353—154
Kernel, rules 16
Kernel, source code, downloading 11
Kernel, source code, incremental patches 12
Kernel, source tree, root directories 12—13
Kernel, stable kernel 8 11
Kernel, stacks, small, fixed-size 19—20
Kernel, synchronization 20
Kernel, system calls 4 64
Kernel, Unix versus Linux 6—8
Kernel, vendors 14
Kernel, version naming convention 8
Kernel-space 4
Kernel.org, source code, downloading 11
kernel_locked() function 150
KERN_ALERT loglevel, printk() function 310
KERN_CRIT loglevel, printk() function 310
KERN_DEBUG loglevel, printk() function 310
KERN_EMERG loglevel, printk() function 310
KERN_ERR loglevel, printk() function 310
KERN_INFO loglevel, printk() function 310
KERN_NOTICE loglevel, printk() function 310
KERN_WARNING loglevel, printk() function 310
kfree() function 192
kfree_percpu() function 206
Kgdb patch 317
klogd daemon 311
kmalloc() function 187—188 208
kmalloc() function, gpf_mask flags 188
kmalloc() function, gpf_mask flags, action modifiers 188—189
kmalloc() function, gpf_mask flags, type flags 190—192
kmalloc() function, gpf_mask flags, zone modifiers 189—190
kmalloc_percpu() function 206
Known-safe kernels 15
Kobjects, allocating 2V0
Kobjects, declaring 296
Kobjects, dentry pointer 292
Kobjects, embedding 292—293
Kobjects, events (Kernel Event Layer) 303
Kobjects, events (Kernel Event Layer), D-BUS 304
Kobjects, events (Kernel Event Layer), netlink 304
Kobjects, events (Kernel Event Layer), parameters 304—305
Kobjects, events (Kernel Event Layer), pay loads 304
Kobjects, events (Kernel Event Layer), verb strings 304
Kobjects, function of 292
Kobjects, initializing 296
Kobjects, ksets 293—294
Kobjects, ksets, field setting 296
Kobjects, ktypes 293
Kobjects, k_name pointer 292
Kobjects, manipulation of 295—296
Kobjects, naming 296
Kobjects, parent pointer 292
Kobjects, reference counts, bumping 296
Kobjects, reference counts, decrementing 291
Kobjects, reference counts, incrementing 296
Kobjects, reference counts, kref structure 291—298
Kobjects, reference counts, pinned 296
Kobjects, structures 294
Kobjects, structures, struct kobj type 295
Kobjects, structures, struct kobject 294
Kobjects, structures, struct ksets 295
Kobjects, structures, struct subsystems 295
Kobjects, sysfs file system, adding 300
Kobjects, sysfs file system, dentry variable 298
Kobjects, sysfs file system, device topology 298—299
Kobjects, sysfs file system, devices directory 299
Kobjects, sysfs file system, file additions 300
Kobjects, sysfs file system, file attributes 300—301
Kobjects, sysfs file system, file attributes, conventions 302—303
Kobjects, sysfs file system, file attributes, creating 301—302
Kobjects, sysfs file system, file attributes, destroying 302
Kobjects, sysfs file system, removing 300
Kobjects, sysfs file system, root directories 298—299
Kqdb debugger 317
Kref strcture (kobjects), reference counts 297—298
Ksets 293—294
Ksoftirqd task, kernel threads 35
Ksoftirqd task, tasklet processing 105—107
ksymoops command 313
Ktypes 293
Kupdated daemon 276
k_name pointer (kobjects) 292
Laptop mode, pdflush daemon, page caches 275—276
Lib directory, kernel source tree 12
libc 16—17
Lightweight processes 33
Line size (coding style) 337
Linked lists 345—346
Linked lists, circular 346
Linked lists, manipulating 349—350
Linked lists, memory areas 259
Linked lists, navigating through 347—348
Linked lists, structure of 348—349
Linked lists, traversing 351—352
Linus Elevator 244
Linus Elevator, front/back merging 244—245
Linus Elevator, versus I/O Scheduler 246—247
Linux Kernel Developers Summit 9
Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML) 320 335
Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML), subscriptions 9
Linux Weekly News 335
Linux, development history 2—3
Linux, filesystems 234
Linux, GNU General Public License (GPL) 3
Linux, kernel, debugging resources 320
Linux, kernel, development community 9 335
Linux, kernel, dynamic loading 7
Linux, kernel, monolithic design 6—7
Linux, kernel, object-oriented device model 1
Linux, kernel, preemptive nature 1
Linux, kernel, symmetrical multiprocessor (SMP) 1
Linux, kernel, thread support 7
Linux, open source status 3
Linux, portability, history of 322—323
Linux, Unix 3
Linux, versus Unix kernel 6—8
List heads 348
list_add() function 349
list_add_tail() function 349
list_del() function 349
list_del_init() function 350
list_empty() function 350
list_for_each() function 351
list_for_each_prev() function 352
list_for_each_safe() function 352
list_move() function 350
list_move_tail() function 350
list_splice() function 350
list_splice_init() function 350
Little-endian ordering 330—332
lkml (Linux Kernel Mailing List) 335
Load balancer 54—57
Loading modules 283—284
load_balance() function 54—57
local_bh_disable() function 116
local_bh_enable() function 116—117
local_irq_disable() function 91
local_irq_enable() function 91
local_irq_save() function 91
Lock contention 128
Locking 130
locking, advisory 124
Locking, bottom halves, interrupt handlers 116
Locking, coarse 130
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