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Pate S. — UNIX internals |
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$? variable 20
&& operator 20
/dev/console device 402—403
/dev/hd00 device 101 104
/dev/kmem see Kmem
/dev/log 486
/dev/mem see Mem
/dev/null 80
/dev/pty see Terminal pseudo
/dev/root 187
/dev/rtc 247
/dev/table see table driver
/dev/tty 402—403 406—407 412—415 418
/dev/tty01 404 416—417
/dev/ttyp see Terminal pseudo
/dev/zero 44 161 341 374 496 518—519
/unix 87 92 94 115—116 119 188—189 377 583
/usr/group 7—8
/usr/include directory 15 88—89
/usr/include/sys directory 15 88—89
2BSD 6
32V UNIX 4 6
4.1BSD 6
4.2BSD 6 57
4.3BSD 6 8
<fcntl.h> header file 28 31—32 38 45 81 93 102 106 179 182 187 290 293 300 302 321 325
<grp.h> header file 24
<limits.h> header file 18
<pwd.h> header file 23
<setjmp.h> header file 62
<siginfo.h> header file 59 62
<signal.h> header file 51 54—58 61—62 81 167
<stddef> header file 17
<stdio.h> header file 28 39 50 56 62 69 84 94 128 208
<stdlib.h> header file 47 50 84
<sys/errno.h> header file 28
a.out, file 15—16 65
a.out, header see COFF
Abort function 19—21 52
Absolute pathname see Pathname
Active partition see Fdisk
adb 134 138—139 153 169 174 183—185 209—210 242—243 293 323 389 514—515 570—580
adb breakpoints 576—577
adb command format 571—572
adb entering 570—571
adb patching 578—579
adb program execution 575—576
adb single stepping 577—578
adb variables 139 573—575
addfpg function 554 557
address translation see Virtual memory
addspg function 554 557
adjmsg function 462—463
adjtime function 249
ageregion function 554—555
AHDK (Advanced Hardware Developer’s Kit) 88
aiiocreg function 163 165 232 339 513
Alarm function see Timers
Alias tracks 103—104
allocb function 459 462—464 468—469 479
allocdma variable 357
allocqs function 452—453
Alternative stack see sigaltstack
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 8 14 85
ANSI C 14 17 20
aouthdr structure 119 121
argc argument 17—19 105
argmax constant 18—19 29
argnamei structure 319
argv array 17—18 25 65—66 82 105 167 226
atexit function 20—21
atoi function 25
attachreg function 163—164 167 218 232 339 514
ATTIS (AT&T Information Systems) 4
automatic variables see Variables
B language 2—3
Bach, M.J. 12 296
background process group 74 410
Bad track table 103—104
badtrk command 103
bawrite function 364—366
bcheckrc utility 248
bcopy function 392 432 436
BCPL language 2
bdevcnt variable 379
bdevsw structure 375—376 384
bdevsw table 373—377 379—380 384 430—431 440 449
bdevsw table entry points 374
bdflush process 108 110 247 365 367 370—371
bdflushcnt variable 247 371
BDFLUSHR kernel tuneable 370—371
bdwrite function 364—366
bdwrite_store function 364—366
Bell Labs 1—4
bflush function 367
bflush_common function 367 370
bflush_wait function 367
bfreelist variable 357—358 360—361
bfsync function 367
bfsync_nowait function 367
bhash macro 355 360
binit function 109 356—358
biomove function 367
BIOS 97 99—100 547
blkf lush function 367—368
Block list map 339
bootinfo structure 98 106—107 546—547
BOOTINFO_LOC constant 107
bootmem structure 106
Bootstrap 97—108
Bootstrap, /boot program 99 103—106 108—109 119 121 546—547 558
Bootstrap, boot filesystem 99 103 330 333
Bootstrap, defaults 104—105
Bootstrap, hdbootl program 99 103—104
Bootstrap, hdbootO program 99 103—
Bootstrap, masterboot block 99—101 104
Bootstrap, masterboot program 99 101 103
Bootstrap, ROM-based 99
Bootstrap, sector 99
bread function 362—363 537
breada function 362—364
breadh function 363—364
breadn function 362 364 367
Break address 26
Break value 26
Breakpoint 152 169 184—185
brelse function 357—358 365—366
brk function 26—7 30 77
brunq bit-mask 278—280
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) 4—6 12 216
BSS 22 26 117 141 181 230 518 545
BTL see Bell Labs
buf structure 89 353 356—358 376 431
buf structure, av_back 353 358 361
buf structure, av_forw 353 358 361
buf structure, b_addr 353—354 357 431
buf structure, b_back 353 355 361—362
buf structure, b_bcount 353 362 431—432 436
buf structure, b_blkno 353 355 361 369 431—132 436
buf structure, b_bufsiz 353
buf structure, b_dev 353—355 361—363 431—432
buf structure, b_error 353 436
buf structure, b_flags 353—354 361—364 368 431—432
buf structure, b_forw 353 355 361—362
buf structure, b_inum 353
buf structure, b_proc 353 361
buf structure, b_resid 353 436
buf structure, b_sector 353
buf structure, b_start 365
buf structure, b_want 353 361
| bufcall function 462—463 479
buffer cache 32 89 109 298—299 339 350—373 377 431—432 439—440 538
Buffer cache, asynchronous I/O 354
Buffer cache, buffer ageing 354 370
Buffer cache, buffer allocation 358—362
Buffer cache, buffer headers 352—353 356 361—362 368 431—432
Buffer cache, copy buffers 356 442
Buffer cache, definition of 351
Buffer cache, delayed write 354 357 365 367—368 370
Buffer cache, flushing buffers 367—368
Buffer cache, initialisation 356
Buffer cache, multi-physical buffers 356—357 365
Buffer cache, performing I/O 363—367
Buffer cache, read ahead 363
Buffer cache, scatter/gather buffers 356 442
Buffer cache, size and performance 351—352
Buffer cache, transfer buffers 356
Buffered I/O 20 31 39 85
bwrite function 364—366
bwritem function 364—366
bwritem_bio function 361 364 368
bwrite_bio function 364—366
B_AGE buffer flag 354 361—362
B_AIO buffer flag 354
B_ASYNC buffer flag 354 361 364—366 368
B_BDEV buffer flag 442
B_BUSY buffer flag 354 360—362 368
B_DELWRI buffer flag 354 361 365—366
B_DONE buffer flag 354 363 365 432
B_ERROR buffer flag 354 368 436
B_FAIO buffer flag 354
B_INODE buffer flag 354
B_NOSG buffer flag 442
B_PHYS buffer flag 354
B_READ buffer flag 354 363 431 441—442
B_STALE buffer flag 354
B_WANTED 361 368
B_WRITE buffer flag 354 431 441—442 562
C language, history 2—3
C language, program construction 14—21
Cache, hardware 156
Cache, page see page
calcregsout function 562
Call gate 152 184—185 190—191 233
Call gate and signals 211
callo structure 250—253
callout variable 250—252
callout, management 249—253
callout, table 246 250—251
canon function 413
Canonical mode (keyboard) 407 409—410 413
canput function 466 478 480 488
cblock structure 396—401 416—417
cc compiler 15—16 118 138 175 182
cdevcnt variable 379
cdevsw structure 375—376 384 448 456
cdevsw table 373—377 379—380 384 390 429 431 440 448—452 456—457 465 467 474 477 488
cdevsw table, entry points 374
chdir function 47 296
Child exit status see Process
Child process see Process
chkgrowth function 164
chkpgrowth function 339 514
chmod function 49—50 327
Chorus Systems 6—7
Chorus Systems, MiX V.3/V.4 6
chown function 49—50
chroot function 47
Clists 372 389 396—402 409 413
clkstart function 109 245
clock 109
clock interrupt handler 245—248 254 259 261 283 371 387—388 396 553—554 561—562
Clock, hardware, real-time 245 247—249
Clock, interrupts 245—246 248 259 273 371 388
Clock, ticks 92 247 250—251 255 259 261 283
Clock, time of day 94
clock_drift kernel tuneable 249
Clone device see STREAMS
Close function 33 80 300 336—337 457 465
close function, definition of 33
close function, kernel paths 336—337
close-on-exec 37—38 66
closef function 284 307 336
CLOSEI macro 336
cminit interrupt handler 246 387—388
cmntrap function 565
Code segment 99 149—150 153
COFF (Common Object File Format) 22 28 65 90 96 115—127 129 132 134—136 158—159 227—229 380 383 570
COFF, auxilliary entries 125 128 130
COFF, header 116—122 124 129 134
COFF, line numbers 118 122
COFF, magic number 118—119 121
COFF, relocation 122
COFF, sections 116—119 121—124
COFF, string table 116 118 124—126 129—130
COFF, symbols, table 116—119 121 124—130
Comer, D. 7 9
configure utility 162 382 395 437 478 489
Console driver 200 238 404 407—408 411—416 419—120 423—424
Console system 97 235 402
context see Process
context switch 157 159 177 245 261—263 269—274 281 283 285 480 546
Controlling terminal (tty) 32 52 54 64 74 78—79 80 402 404—407 419 421—122
cooked mode see Canonical mode
Coordinated Universal Time see UCT
copen function 333—334 450
copenl function 334 450
Copy-on-write 165 168 219—223 568
Copy-on-write, definition of 165
copyb function 462—463
copyin function 392 394 432 436—437 457
copyio function 392 432
copymsg function 462—463
copyout function 392 394 413 430 432 436—437 473 517
copyprep function 363 365
Core file/dump 54 66—67 77 137 206 284 291—296 571
core kernel function 295—296
coresecthead structure 292 294
CORES_ITIMER section 292 296
CORES_MAGIC section 292 294
CORES_OFFSET section 292
CORES_PREGION section 292 295 296
CORES_PROC section 292 296
CORES_UAREA section 292 295
Cox, J. 12
cpass function 392 400
CPU initialisation 99
CPU reset 99
crash, command 88 92 96 116 134 146 152 167 169 174 181 184—187 211 220 222 231—232 253 287 304 310 322—323 325—326 333 341—342 354 369 388—389 401 403—405 411 416 421 452 455 464 490 514 539 582—622
crash, command, ! command 170 222 587
crash, command, ? command 583 587
crash, command, base command 587
crash, command, boot command 597
crash, command, buffer command 355 370 600
crash, command, bufhdr command 354 370 599—600
crash, command, callout command 253 598
crash, command, cblock command 401—402 416—417 614
crash, command, command cross-reference 582
crash, command, command format 584
crash, command, curproc command 588
crash, command, dbfree command 616
crash, command, dblock command 616
crash, command, defproc command 588
crash, command, dis command 185 211 388 589
crash, command, ds command 589
crash, command, eproc command 609
crash, command, eval command 587 588
crash, command, expressions 585
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