№ |
2й автор
3й автор
5240. | Weiss H. | | | Some Variational Formulas for Hausdorff Dimension, Topological Entropy, and SRB Entropy for Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems | 1992 | •• |
5239. | Hale G.E. | Luckey G.P. | | Some Vortex Experiments Bearing on the Nature of Sun-Spots and Flocculi | 1915 | •• |
5238. | Hall E.H. | | | Sommerfelds Electron-Theory of Metals | 1928 | •• |
5237. | Fritzsche B. | | | Sophus Lie. A Sketch of his Life aud Work | 1999 | •• |
5236. | Schmitz R. | | | Sound Modes in a Nonequilibrium Fluid with Acoustic Boundary Conditions | 1989 | •• |
5235. | Hawking S. | | | Space and Time Warps | n/a | •• |
5234. | Koo Y.-E. | Kopelman R. | | Space- and Time-Resolved Diffusion-Limited Binary Reaction Kinetics in Capillaries: Experimental Observation of Segregation, Anomalous Exponents, and Depletion Zone | 1991 | •• |
5233. | Feynman R.P. | | | Space-Time Approach to Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics | 1948 | •• |
5232. | Feynman R.P. | | | Space-Time Approach to Quantum Electrodynamics | 1949 | •• |
5231. | Zakharyta V.P. | Semiguk O.S. | Skiba N.I. | Spaces of analytic functions (isomorphisms, bases) | n/a | •• |
5230. | Reyna J.A. | | | Spaces of functions | 2002 | •• |
5229. | Eisenhart L.P. | | | Spaces with Corresponding Paths | 1922 | •• |
5228. | Dym H. | | | Span of trigonometric sums in weighted L2 spaces | n/a | •• |
5227. | Jacobsen J. | Salas J. | Sokal A. | Spanning Forests and the q-State Potts Model in the Limit q→0 | 2005 | •• |
5226. | Ralph J. Harrison | George H. Bishop | George D. Quinn | Spanning lengths of percolation clusters | 1978 | •• |
5225. | Barus C. | | | Sparks of the Induction Coil between Mucronate Electrodes | 1928 | •• |
5224. | Cliff Z.-W. Liu | Irwin Oppenheim | | Spatial Correlations in Bounded Nonequilibrium Fluid Systems | 1996 | •• |
5223. | van Dongen P.G.J. | | | Spatial Fluctuations in Reaction-Diffusion Systems: A Model for Exponential Growth | 1990 | •• |
5222. | van Dongen P. G. J. | | | Spatial Fluctuations in Reaction-Limited Aggregation | 1988 | •• |
5221. | Cohn A.G. | Mark D.M. | | Spatial Information Theory: International Conference, COSIT 2005, Ellicottville, NY, USA, September 14-18, 2005, Proceedings | 2005 | •• |