№ |
2й автор
3й автор
13019. | | | | Book Review: Extended Irreversible Thermodynamics | 1994 | •• |
13018. | | | | Book Review: Finite Size Scaling and Numerical Simulation of Stathtical Systems | 1992 | •• |
13017. | Cady J.L. | | | Book Review: Finite-Size Scaling, Vol. 2 | 1990 | •• |
13016. | | | | Book Review: Fluctuations and Order: The New Synthesis | 1996 | •• |
13015. | Bassingthwaighte J.B. | Liebovitch L.S. | West B.J. | Book Review: Fractal Physiology | 1995 | •• |
13014. | McKean H.P. | Dufty J.W. | | Book Review: Fractals: Form, Chance, and Dimension | 1979 | •• |
13013. | | | | Book Review: From Microphysics to Macrophysics. Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics | 1992 | •• |
13012. | Rivasseau V. | | | Book Review: From Perturbative to Constructive Renormalization | 1992 | •• |
13011. | van Beijeren H. | | | Book Review: Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics VII | 1993 | •• |
13010. | Levelt-Sengers J. | | | Book Review: How Fluids Unmix | 2005 | •• |
13009. | | | | Book Review: Instabilities, Bifurcations, and Fluctuations in Chemical Systems | 1983 | •• |
13008. | | | | Book Review: Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics for Physicists | 1994 | •• |
13007. | Gitterman M. | | | Book Review: Introduction to Nonlinear Science | 1996 | •• |
13006. | Wiegel F.W. | | | Book Review: Introduction to Path-lntegral Methods in Physics and Polymer Science | 1988 | •• |
13005. | | | | Book Review: Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics | 1984 | •• |
13004. | | | | Book Review: Introduction to the Replica Theory of Disordered Statistical Systems | 2001 | •• |
13003. | | | | Book Review: Kinetic Data Analysis | 1982 | •• |
13002. | | | | Book Review: Kinetic Theory of Granular Gases | 2005 | •• |
13001. | Wu T.-Y. | | | Book Review: Lectures on the Kinetic Theory of Gases, Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and Statistical Theories | 2005 | •• |
13000. | | | | Book Review: Les Houches 1984, Session 43, Critical Phenomena, Random Systems, Gauge Theory | 1988 | •• |