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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
35153 Arnol'd V. I. (Ed) Dynamical Systems V: Bifurcation Theory and Catastrophe Theory 1994
32976 Goryunov V.I., Lyashko O.V. Dynamical Systems VI: Singularity Theory I, Vol. 6 1993
35154 Arnol'd V. I.(Ed), Novikov S.P. (Ed), Reyman A.G. Dynamical Systems VII: Integrable Systems, Nonholonomic Dynamical Systems 1993
33939 Lynch S. Dynamical Systems with Applications Using Mathematica® 2007
181613 Lynch S. Dynamical Systems with Applications using Mathematica® 2007
123986 Machacek M. Dynamical Systems with Relaxation Time 1987
35152 Bunimovich L.A., Dobrushin R.L. Dynamical Systems, Ergodic Theory and Applications 2000
187957 Bunimovich L., Dani S., Dobrushin R. Dynamical systems, ergodic theory and applications 2000
166252 Osipenko G. Dynamical Systems, Graphs, and Algorithms (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) 2007
192515 Osipenko G. Dynamical Systems, Graphs, and Algorithms (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) 2007
142998 Koon W.S. Dynamical systems, the three-body problem and space mission design 2011
119637 A. Ya. Maltsev A.Ya., Novikov S.P. Dynamical Systems, Topology, and Conductivity in Normal Metals 2004
156893 Tu P. Dynamical Systems. An Introduction with Applications in Economics and Biology 1994
508 Arrowsmith D.K., Place C.M. Dynamical systems. Differential equations, maps and chaotic behaviour 1992
34442 Arnold L., Jones Ch.K. Dynamical Systems: Lectures Given at the 2nd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Montecatini Terme,, Vol. 160 2008
34406 Jost J. Dynamical Systems: Problems and Solutions 2005
33313 Bamon R. (ed.) Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Valparaiso, Chile, Nov. 24-29, 1986 1988
36015 Bhatia N.P., Szego G.P. Dynamical Systems: Stability Theory and Applications 1967
6695 Nelson E. Dynamical Theories of Brownian Motion 2001
108565 Nelson E. Dynamical Theories Of Brownian Motion 2001
129160 Nelson E. Dynamical theories of Brownian motion 1967
115470 E. Nelson Dynamical Theory Of Brownian Motion 1967
143513 Born M., Huang K. Dynamical Theory of Crystal Lattices (The International series of monographs on physics) 1962
33340 Xu J.-J. Dynamical Theory of Dendritic Growth in Convective Flow 2004
128787 DeWitt B. Dynamical theory of groups and fields 1965
125261 Golden K. Dynamical Three-Point Correlations and Quadratic Response Functions in Binary Ionic Mixture Plasmas 1982
123817 Kyozi Kawasaki Dynamical van der Waals Model of Glassy Behavior 2002
28884 Vidal R. (Ed), Heyden A. (Ed), Ma Y. (Ed) Dynamical Vision: Iccv 2005 and ECCV 2006 Workshops, Wdv 2005 and Wdv 2006, Beijing, China, October 21, 2005 [and] Graz, Austria, May 13, 2006: Revised Papers 2007
120560 Guy Fayolle, Cyril Furtlehner Dynamical Windings of Random Walks and Exclusion Models. Part I: Thermodynamic Limit in Z^2 2002
18673 Steen J., Range K., York D.M. Dynamics A Set of Notes on Theoretical Physical Chemistry 2003
6074 Hale J.K., Kocak H. Dynamics and Bifurcations 1991
121734 Kruglikov B., Rypdal M. Dynamics and Entropy in the Zhang Model of Self-Organized Criticality 2006
119397 Trizac E., Hansen J.-P. Dynamics and Growth of Particles Undergoing Ballistic Coalescence 1996
39207 Soerensen T.S. (ed.) Dynamics and Instability of Fluid Interfaces 1979
155899 Angel Jorba, Carles Simo, Josep Masdemont Dynamics and Mission Design Near Libration Points, Vol. IV: Advanced Methods for Triangular Points 2001
33314 Blanchard P., Streit L. Dynamics and Processes 1983
146246 Forshaw J., Smith G. Dynamics and relativity 2009
154432 Lima R., Streit L., Mendes R. Dynamics and Stochastic Processes Theory and Applications: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Lisbon, Portugal October 24-29, 1988 1990
168779 Lima R., Streit L., Mendes R. Dynamics and Stochastic Processes Theory and Applications: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Lisbon, Portugal October 24-29, 1988 1990
33648 Field M.J. Dynamics and Symmetry 2007
165859 Field M. Dynamics and symmetry 2007
187212 Field M. Dynamics and symmetry 2007
15720 Mourão L., Weiner D. Dynamics AX. A Guide to Microsoft Axapta 2005
127032 Christian Bonatti, Lorenzo J. D?az, Marcelo Viana Dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity 2004
148254 Lindzen R. Dynamics in Atmospheric Physics 1990
186046 Klinman J., Hammes-Schiffer S. Dynamics in Enzyme Catalysis 2013
34520 Hale J.K., Magalhaes L.T., Oliva W. Dynamics in Infinite Dimensions 2002
206635 Jack K. Hale, Luis T. Magalhães, Waldyr M. Oliva Dynamics in Infinite Dimensions n/a
83052 Haasis H.-D. Dynamics in logistics: first international conference LDIC 2007, Bremen, Germany, august 2007 2008
132518 Bao W. Dynamics in Models of Coarsening, Coagulation, Condensation and Quantization 2007

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