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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
182740 Wong-Ng W., Goyal A., Guo R. Synthesis, Properties, and Crystal Chemistry of Perovskite-Based Materials, Volume 169 2005
17572 Kalinichenko L.A. Synthesis: A Language for Specification, Design and Programming of the Heterogeneous Interoperable Information Resource Environments 1995
50748 Janssen P. Synthetic Analgesics, Part I, Diphenylpropylamines 1960
50749 Hellerbach J., Schnider O., Besendorf H. Synthetic Analgesics, part II, Morphinans 1966
129784 Tyman J. Synthetic and Natural Phenols 1996
168609 Tyman J. Synthetic and Natural Phenols (Studies in Organic Chemistry) 1996
65312 Banks E. Synthetic and Structured Assets 2006
43116 Padwa A., Pearson W.H. Synthetic Applications of 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Chemistry Toward Heterocycles and Natural Products 2002
188649 Taylor E., Wipf P., Weissberger A. Synthetic Applications of 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Chemistry Toward Heterocycles and Natural Products, Volume 59 2002
193159 Padwa A., Pearson W. Synthetic Applications of 13-Dipolar Cycloaddition Chemistry Toward Heterocycles and Natural Products 2002
161175 Agrawal C.M., Parr J.E., Lin S.T. Synthetic Bioabsorbable Polymers for Implants 2000
182541 Polizzi K., Kontoravdi C. Synthetic Biology 2013
187515 Schmidt M. Synthetic Biology: Industrial and Environmental Applications 2012
149782 Mounfield C. Synthetic CDOs: Modelling, Valuation and Risk Management (Mathematics, Finance and Risk) 2009
171702 Garnovskii A., Kharissov B. Synthetic Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry 2003
175331 Garnovskii A., Kharissov B. Synthetic Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry 2003
3688 Kock A. Synthetic Differential Geometry 1981
157816 Kock A. Synthetic Differential Geometry 2006
181523 Kock A. Synthetic differential geometry 1981
168547 Kock A. Synthetic Differential Geometry (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series ) 2006
137276 Kock A. Synthetic geometry of manifolds 2009
168746 Kock A. Synthetic geometry of manifolds 2009
18834 Blanchard A.A. Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry. A Course of Laboratory And Classroom Study For First Year College Students 1936
166003 Blanchard A., Phelan J., Davis A. Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry. A Course of Laboratory And Classroom Study For First Year College Students 1936
29655 Manners I. Synthetic Metal-Containing Polymers 2004
164600 Scott C. Synthetic methods in organic and supramolecular chemistry 2005
128210 Theilheimer W.(editor) Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry 1973
166764 Theilheime W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry 1975
172563 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry 1970
186122 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Volume 15 1961
185448 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Volume 16 1962
129577 Theilheimer W. Synthetic methods of organic chemistry. Volume 17 1963
174036 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Volume 18 1964
185786 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Volume 19 1965
138666 Theilheimer W.(ed.) Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Volume 20 1966
184164 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Volume 21 1967
184103 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Volume 23 1969
183714 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Volume 25 1971
185791 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Volume 26 1972
163180 Theilheimer W. Synthetic methods of organic chemistry. Volume 32 n/a
168176 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry. Volume 5. 1951
156021 Theilheimer W. Synthetic Methods of Organic Chemistry.Volume 30. 1976
46448 Wagner R.B., Zook H.D. Synthetic organic chemistry 1953
212069 John G. D’Angelo Synthetic Organic Chemistry and the Nobel Prize Volume 1 2013
30127 Pirrung M.C. Synthetic Organic Chemists Companion 2007
164790 Griesbeck A. G., Mattay J. Synthetic Organic Photochemistry (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry) 2004
195767 Grant G.A. Synthetic Peptides: A User's Guide (Second Edition) 2002
49993 Khulbe K.C., Feng C.Y., Matsuura T. Synthetic Polymeric Membrances: Characterization by Atomic Force Microscopy 2008
84056 Freitag R. (ed.) Synthetic polymers for biotechnology and medicine 2002
158658 Freitag R. Synthetic Polymers for Biotechnology and Medicine 2003

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