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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
34344 Joyce D.D. Riemannian holonomy groups and calibrated Geometry 2007
138978 Joyce D. Riemannian Holonomy Groups and Calibrated Geometry (Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics) 2007
150718 Joyce D. Riemannian Holonomy Groups and Calibrated Geometry (Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics) 2007
2383 Lee J.M. Riemannian Manifolds: an Introduction to Curvature 1997
189750 Lee J. Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction to Curvature 1997
189983 Lee J. Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction to Curvature 2004
190352 Lee J. Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction to Curvature (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) 1997
35045 Habermann L. Riemannian Metrics of Constant Mass and Moduli Spaces of Conformal Structures 2000
154428 Habermann L. Riemannian Metrics of Constant Mass and Moduli Spaces of Conformal Structures 2000
177566 Habermann L. Riemannian metrics of constant mass and moduli spaces of conformal structures 2000
35693 Falcitelli M., Ianus S., Pastore A.M. Riemannian Submersions and Related Topics 2004
206722 Maria Falcitelli, Stere Ianus, Anna Maria Pastore RIEMANNIAN SUBMERSIONS AND RELATED TOPICS 2004
161692 Galicki K., Simanca S. Riemannian topology and geometric structures on manifolds 2009
145772 Galicki K. (ed.), Simanca S.R. (ed.) Riemannian Topology and Geometric Structures on Manifolds (Progress in Mathematics. Volume 271) 2009
77415 Lamotke K. Riemannsche Flächen 2004
106674 Ferus D. Riemannsche Geometrie 2004
107041 Gastel À. Riemannsche Geometrie 2004
137881 Gromoll D., Klingenberg W., Meyer W. Riemannsche Geometrie im Groben (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) 1975
36140 Gromol D., Klingenberg W., Meyer W. Riemannsche Geometrie im Grossen 1968
36075 Flaschel P., Klingenberg W. Riemannsche Hilbert-mannigfaltigkeiten. Periodische Geodatische 1972
43446 Flaschel P., Klingenberg W. Riemannsche Hilbertmannigfaltigkeiten. Periodische Geodatische 1972
169784 Flaschel P., Klingenberg W. Riemannsche Hilbertmannigfaltigkeiten. Periodische Geodatische (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) 1972
147922 Barnes B.A. Riesz and Fredholm Theory in Banach Algebras 1982
166564 Barnes B. Riesz and Fredholm Theory in Banach Algebras (Research Notes in Mathematics Series) 1982
157392 Barnes B. Riesz and Fredholm Theory in Banach Algebras (Research Notes Inmathematics Series) 1982
49831 Scarpignato C. (ed.) Rifaximin: A Poorly Absorbed Antibiotic. Pharmacology and Clinical Use 2005
213003 Poulsen N. B. Right Face: Organizing the American Conservative Movement 1945-65 2002
76622 Tompkins C. A., Lehman M. T. Right Hemisphere Brain Damage 1998
62272 Russell Ch. Right Person Right Job. Guess of Know. The Breakthrough Technologies of Performance Information. 2003
77628 Biber-Klemm S., Cottier T., Berglas D.S. Rights to Plant Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge: Basic Issues and Perspectives 2006
57436 Aiello J.L. Rightsizing Inventory 2007
17027 Borisov A.V., Mamaev I.S. Rigid Body Dynamics 2001
32335 Featherstone R. Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms 2007
132191 William B. Heard Rigid Body Mechanics: Mathematics, Physics and Applications 2006
179714 Heard W. Rigid Body Mechanics: Mathematics, Physics and Applications (Physics Textbook) 2006
33128 Le Stum B. Rigid Cohomology 2007
48368 Wang P Rigid Flexibility: The Logic of Intelligence 2006
120371 Holicky P., Kotecky R., Zahradnik M. Rigid Interfaces for Lattice Models at Low Temperatures 1988
1219 Katz N.M. Rigid local systems 1996
77313 Featherstone R. Rigid-Body Dynamics Algorithms 2009
123384 Datta N., Messager A., Nachtergaele B. Rigidity of Interfaces in the Falicov-Kimball Model 2000
122462 Gielis G., Grimmett G. Rigidity of the Interface in Percolation and Random-Cluster Models 2002
4803 Thorpe M.F. (ed.), Duxbury P.M. (ed.) Rigidity theory and applications 2002
120456 Michele Pasquini, Giovanni Paladin Rigorous Bounds of the Lyapunov Exponents of the One-Dimensional Random Ising Model 1994
123036 Anton Bovier, V6ronique Gayrard Rigorous Bounds on the Storage Capacity of the Dilute Hopfield Model 1992
120129 Tidriri M. Rigorous Derivation and Analysis of Coupling of Kinetic Equations and Their Hydrodynamic Limits for a Simplified Boltzmann Model 2001
123829 Kandel D., Domany E. Rigorous Derivation of Domain Growth Kinetics without Conservation Laws 1990
122391 Simon B. Rigorous Entropy-Energy Arguments 1981
198440 Marian Mrozek Rigorous Error Analysis of Numerical Algorithms via Symbolic Computations 1996
121212 Jared C. Bronski, Richard M. McLaughlin Rigorous Estimates of the Tails of the Probability Distribution Function for the Random Linear Shear Model 1999

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