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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
196744 M.Zuckerman Psychobiology of Personality (Problems in the Behavioural Sciences) 2005
152719 Karen J. Maroda Psychodynamic Techniques: Working with Emotion in the Therapeutic Relationship 2009
181301 Zachar P. Psychological Concepts and Biological Psychiatry: A philosophical analysis (Advances in Consciousness Research) 2000
76894 Gleeson J.F.M. (ed.), McGorry P.D. Psychological Interventions in Early Psychosis 2004
75288 Sonnentag S. Psychological Management of Individual Performance 2001
179358 Kennedy P. Psychological Management of Physical Disabilities: A Practitioner's Guide 2007
205482 Heribert Wienkamp Psychological Requirements Analysis in Theory and Practice 2021
135526 David Bartram, Patricia Lindley Psychological Testing: BPS Occupational Test Administration Open Learning Programme 2006
138927 Bartram D., Lindley P. Psychological Testing: BPS Occupational Test Administration Open Learning Programme 2006
76369 Krapp K.M. Psychologists and Their Theories for Students. Vol.1-2 2004
75489 Hewstone M., Fincham F. D., Foster J. Psychology 2005
74643 Sonderegger Th. Psychology (Cliffs Quick Review) 1998
214733 Ruggeri K. (ed.) Psychology and Behavioral Economics 2022
75293 Memon A., Vrij A., Bull R. Psychology and Law. Truthfulness, Accuracy and Credibility 2003
77521 Alford C.F. Psychology and the natural law of reparation 2006
193121 Backman L., Hofsten C. Psychology at the Turn of the Millennium, Cognitive, Biological and Health Perspectives 2002
9633 Costermans J. Psychology du langage n/a
208895 Stephen M. Kosslyn, Robin S. Rosenberg, Anthony J. Lambert Psychology in context 2014
83602 Snoek F.J., Skinner T.C. Psychology in diabetes care 2000
201111 Myers D.G. Psychology in Everyday life 2009
140476 Kolt G., Andersen M. Psychology in the Physical and Manual Therapies 2004
9248 Weinberg G.M. Psychology of computer programming 1971
27795 Shrum L.J. Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines between Entertainment and Persuasion 2003
21409 Heuer R.J. Psychology of Intelligence Analysis 1999
2929 Hadamard J. Psychology of invention in mathematical field 1965
144849 Biddle S.J.H., Mutrie N. Psychology of Physical Activity: Determinants, Well-Being and Interventions 2007
77256 Demorest A. P. Psychology's Grand Theorists: How Personal Experiences Shaped Professional Ideas 2004
200143 Lilienfeld S.O., Lynn S., Namy L.L. Psychology. From Inquiry to Understanding 2011
200259 McGraw-Hill PsychologyMcGraw-Hill 2009
46868 Rao C.R. (ed.), Sinharay S. (ed.) Psychometrics 2007
19749 Uttal W.R. Psychomythics: Sources of Artifacts and Misconceptions in Scientific Psychology 2003
24229 Maddux J., Winstead B.A. (eds.) Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding 2005
9855 Spiegel R. Psychopharmacology: an introduction 2003
133713 Kaernbach C., Schrger E. Psychophysics beyond sensation: laws and invariants of human cognition 2003
152437 Kingdom F., Prins N. Psychophysics: A Practical Introduction 2010
134274 Stern R., Ray W.J., Quigley K.S. Psychophysiological Recording 2000
137555 Shannahoff-Khalsa D. S. Psychophysiological States: The Ultradian Dynamics of Mind-Body Interactions 2007
162072 Psychophysiological Thought Reading 2002
115414 Simons R.F. Psychophysiology 2011
177999 Meixner J., Rosenfeld J. Psychophysiology 48(2). A mock terrorism application of the P300-based concealed information test 2010
195371 Carbonnell L., Caverni J.-P., Vidal F. Psychophysiology 48(3). Feedback processing in hypothesis testing: A Laplacian ERP study 2011
153765 Andreassi J. Psychophysiology: Human Behavior & Physiological Response 2000
19132 Fodor J.A. Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind 1989
76763 Firman J., Gila A. Psychosynthesis A Psychology of the Spirit 2002
147509 Klonoff P.S. Psychotherapy after Brain Injury: Principles and Techniques 2010
75265 Onken L. S., Blaine J. D. Psychotherapy and Counseling in the Treatment of Drug Abuse 1990
75292 Mace C. (ed.), Margison F. (ed.) Psychotherapy of Psychosis 1997
76652 Leenaars A.A. Psychotherapy with Suicidal People. A Person centred Approach 2004
142311 Margesin R., Schinner F., Marx J.-C. Psychrophiles: from Biodiversity to Biotechnology 2007
155101 Margesin R., Schinner F., Marx J. Psychrophiles: from Biodiversity to Biotechnology 2008

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