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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
210713 Nadir ad-Durgills Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia 2004
211556 Anke von Kügelgen Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia 2000
210569 Denis Hermann, Fabrizio Speziale Muslim Cultures in the Indo-Iranian World during the Early-Modern and Modern Periods 2010
206626 David L., Lynd Robert S., Lynd Helen M Muslim Fishermen in North-East India: A Sociological Study 2014
208769 Syed Ubaidur Rahman MUSLIM FREEDOM FIGHTERS Contribution of Indian Muslims in the Independence Movement 2004
208306 KHADIJAH ELSHAYYAL MUSLIM IDENTITY POLITICS Islam, Activism and Equality in Britain 2018
11117 Waardenburg J. Muslim Perceptions of other religions 1999
200060 MICHAEL COOK Muslim tradition 1983
211263 Schweizer U. Muslime in Europa: Staatsbürgerschaft und Islam in einer liberalen und säkularen Demokratie 2019
213374 Alexander Schauer Muslime und Franken Ethnische, soziale und religiöse Gruppen im Kitäb al-l'tibär des Usäma ibn Munqid 2000
202437 EMILY GREBLE Muslims and the Making of Modern Europe 2021
77838 Rippin A. Muslims. Their Religious Beliefs and Practices 2005
120264 Ruelle D. Must Thermodynamic Functions Be Piecewise Analytic? 1981
210943 Stephan Conermann Mustafa Mahmud (geb. 1921) und der modifizierte islamische Diskurs im modernen Ägypten 1996
20278 Liedtke C.-E. Mustererkennung 1995
20279 Ney H. Mustererkennung und Neuronale Netze 1995
164613 Lorenz T. Mutational Analysis: A Joint Framework for Cauchy Problems in and Beyond Vector Spaces (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) 2010
124464 Aslangul C. Mutual Annihilation of Two Diffusing Particles in One- and Two-Dimensional Lattices 1999
44093 Roman I. Mutual Electromagnetic Momentum and Energy of a System of Moving Charges 1923
30008 Gremillion L., Bogle J.C. Mutual Fund Industry Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide for Investment Professionals 2005
13107 Tyson E. Mutual funds for dummies 1998
63252 Tyson E. Mutual funds for dummies 2007
22620 Jones C.P., Gill E. Mutual Funds: Your Money, Your Choice... Take Control Now and Build Wealth Wisely 2002
124109 Li W. Mutual Information Functions versus Correlation Functions 1990
143132 Gardner M. My best mathematical and logic puzzles 1994
177542 Gardner M. My Best Mathematical and Logic Puzzles 1994
157980 Phillips H. My Best Puzzles in Mathematics 1961
209662 Vincent Walduck My Book of Gymnastics 2020
216225 Storm H. My descent into death n/a
7215 Tyson N.G. My favorite universe 2003
196335 My First Britannica Volume 02 - Physical Sciences and Technology n/a
200587 Marsh C. My First Pocket Guide 2011
42028 Rogers G. My Heavens!: The Adventures of a Lonely Stargazer Building an Over-the-Top Observatory 2008
79593 Fowler Ch. My Job Went to India: 52 Ways to Save Your Job 2005
146503 Derman E. My life as a quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance 2004
162931 Derman E. My Life as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance 2004
121383 Mermin N.D. My Life with Fisher 2003
193348 Ritchie A., Genoni P. MY MENTORING DIARY: A Resource for the Library and Information Professions 2007
134614 Hayles N.K. My Mother Was a Computer: Digital Subjects and Literary Texts 2005
4516 Ribenboim P. My numbers, my friends: popular lectures on number theory 2000
213201 Franklin Delano Roosevelt My own story - from private and public papers 2017
156089 Prasad R. My personal Adaptive Global NET (MAGNET) (Signals and Communication Technology) 2010
39818 Hirst R., Hirst S. My Place in Space 1992
204606 A. Nimzowitsch My System & Chess Praxis 2016
157965 Benson L. My Visit to the Sun or Critical Essays on Physics, Metaphysic and Ethics, Part 1 1874
80371 Gordon Y. Myasishchev M-4 and 3M: The First Soviet Strategic Jet Bomber 2003
21250 Parish T., Stoker N.G. Mycobacteria Protocols 1998
190898 Parish T., Stoker N. Mycobacteria Protocols 1998
169331 Parish T., Brown A.C. Mycobacteria Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 465) 2008

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