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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
176547 Ancona V., Vaillant J. Hyperbolic Differential Operators and Related Problems (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics) 2003
37691 Shervatov V.G. Hyperbolic Function 1963
36242 Shervatov V.G. Hyperbolic Functions 1963
160684 Shervatov V. Hyperbolic Functions (Topics in mathematics) 1963
59378 Anderson J.W. Hyperbolic Geometry 2005
140693 Iversen B. Hyperbolic Geometry 1993
154940 Iversen B. Hyperbolic geometry 1992
168146 Anderson J. Hyperbolic Geometry 2005
170731 Iversen B. Hyperbolic Geometry (London Mathematical Society Student Texts) 1992
190959 Anderson J. Hyperbolic Geometry (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) 2005
138202 Keen L., Lakic N. Hyperbolic Geometry from a Local Viewpoint 2007
161919 Keen L., Lakic N. Hyperbolic Geometry from a Local Viewpoint (London Mathematical Society Student Texts 68) 2007
108192 Kapovich M. Hyperbolic manifolds and discrete groups 2000
137753 Matsuzaki K., Taniguchi M. Hyperbolic Manifolds and Kleinian Groups 1998
149359 Matsuzaki K., Taniguchi M. Hyperbolic manifolds and Kleinian groups 2002
107873 McMullen C. Hyperbolic manifolds, discrete groups and ergodic theory 2006
141438 Matsuzaki K., Taniguchi M. Hyperbolic Menifolds and Kleinian Groups 2002
50854 Lax P.D. Hyperbolic partial differential equations 2006
35520 Padula M. (ed.), Zanghirati L. (ed.) Hyperbolic Problems and Regularity Questions 2007
190509 Padula M., Zanghirati L. Hyperbolic Problems and Regularity Questions 2007
33519 Benzoni-Gavage S. Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Proceedings of the XIth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems Held in Ecole Normale 2008
33860 Bressan A., Williams M., Serre D. Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws: Lectures Given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School Held in Cetraro, Italy, July 14-21, 2003 2007
130085 Lax P. Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws and the Mathematical Theory of Shock Waves 1973
189205 Lax P. Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws and the Mathematical Theory of Shock Waves 1973
192511 Lax P. Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws and the Mathematical Theory of Shock Waves (CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics) 1973
133402 Lax P.D. Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and the methematical theory of shock waves 1987
143639 Ungar A.A. Hyperbolic Triangle Centers: The Special Relativistic Approach 2010
124792 Bunimovich L. Hyperbolicity and Astigmatism 2000
106886 Wendland H. Hyperbolische Geometrie 2006
106260 Filster F. Hyperbolische Probleme 001. Partielle Differentialgleichungen aus der Geometrie und Physik II: Hyperbolische Probleme 2002
105859 Spellucci P. Hyperbolische und parabolische Probleme 2006
168926 Howard A., McIver J., Collins J. Hyperchem Computation Chemistry. Part 1. Practical Guide. Part 2. Theory and Methods 1996
18702 HyperChem Computational Chemistry 1996
45962 HyperChem Âåðñèÿ 5.0 äëÿ Windows 1996
156331 Sabadini I., Shapiro M., Sommen F. Hypercomplex analysis 2009
156272 Sabadini I., Shapiro M., Sommen F. Hypercomplex Analysis (Trends in Mathematics) 2009
33744 Dang Y., Kauffman L.H. Hypercomplex Iterations, Distance Estimation and Higher Dimensional Fractals 2002
8821 Hypercomplex numbers in geometry and physics (2004, ¹1) 2004
74402 Syropoulos A. Hypercomputation: computing beyond the Church-Turing barrier 2008
194945 Apostolos Syropoulos Hypercomputation: Computing Beyond the Church-Turing Barrier (Monographs in Computer Science) 2008
126016 Forrest B.M., Tang L.-H. Hypercube Stacking: A Potts-Spin Model for Surface Growth 1990
193359 Habel A. Hyperedge Replacement: Grammars and Languages 1992
109028 Dunkl C.F., Ramirez. Hyperelliptic Integrals and the Surface Measure of Ellipsoids 1994
105420 Dunkl, Ramirez. Hyperelliptic integrals, algorithm n/a
43353 Komatsu (ed) H. Hyperfunctions And Pseudo-Differential Equations 1973
128567 Komatsu H. (ed.) Hyperfunctions and pseudo-differential equations (LNM0287, Springer 1973) 1973
129502 Pham F.L. Hyperfunctions and theoretical physics 1975
2136 Levelt A.H.M. Hypergeometric functions 1961
177224 Yoshida M. Hypergeometric Functions, My Love: Modular Interpretations of Configuration Spaces (Aspects of Mathematics, Vol. 32) 1997
147366 Koekoek R., Lesky P.A. Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and Their q-Analogues 2010

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