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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
26449 Games for Windows (Septemser, 2007) 2007
56828 Wydick B. Games in Economic Development 2008
957 Nowakowski R.J. Games of No Chance 1998
176021 Nowakowski R. Games of no chance 1998
171559 Albert M., Nowakowski R. Games of no chance 3 2009
192409 Albert M., Nowakowski R. Games of No Chance 3 (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications - Volume 56) 2009
59531 Dresher M. Games of Strategy: Theory and Applications 1961
23928 Walker M.H. Games That Sell! 2003
39950 Ewald C.-O. Games, Fixed Points and Mathematical Economics 2004
184880 Ewald C. Games, fixed points and mathematical economics 2004
38435 David F.N. Games, Gods and Gambling: A History of Probability and Statistical Ideas 1962
173665 Mints G., Muskens R. Games, Logic, and Constructive Sets (Center for the Study of Language and Information - Lecture Notes) 2003
181326 Mints G., Muskens R. Games, Logic, and Constructive Sets (Center for the Study of Language and Information - Lecture Notes) 2003
79271 Thomas L.C. Games, Theory and Applications 1984
192406 Thomas L. Games, Theory and Applications 1986
83007 Connolly T., Mark Stansfield M. (ed.), Boyle L. (ed.) Games-based learning advancements for multi-sensory human computer interfaces: techniques and effective practices 2009
22698 Gamestar (October 2002) 2002
214348 MATTHEW SPOKES Gaming and the Virtual Sublime 2020
29069 Shiratori R. (ed.), Araii K. (ed.), Fumitoshi K. (ed.) Gaming, Simulation and Society: Research Scope and Perspective 2004
144245 Brazell J., Kim N., Starbuck H. Gaming: A Technology Forecast 2004
80638 Havil J. Gamma 2007
40432 Shchepin E. Gamma Function n/a
43195 Bramley A. Gamma Radiation 1932
80360 Braides A. Gamma-convergence for Beginners 2002
164820 Braides A. Gamma-convergence for beginners 2002
195558 Andrea Braides Gamma-convergence for Beginners (Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications, 22) 2002-
167268 Ramana M., Wolfendale A. Gamma-ray Astronomy (Cambridge Astrophysics) 1993
183753 Hurley K., Costa E., Frontera F. Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era: Proceedings of the International Workshop Held in Rome, Italy, 17-20 October 2000 2001
208920 Nishikant Kolge Gandhi Against Caste 2017
211764 Rahul Ramagundam Gandhi’s Khadi: A History of Contention and Conciliation 2008
174391 Barrett K., Barman S., Boitano S. Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology, 23rd Edition (LANGE Basic Science) 2010
55144 Levinson N. GAP AND DENSITY THEOREMS 1940
163243 Hertzberg E. Gap Junctions 2000
37542 Siu Y.-T., Trautmann G. Gap-Sheaves And Extension Of Coherent Analytic Subsheaves 1971
122850 Homma M. Gapless Excitation above a Domain Wall Ground State in a Flat-Band Hubbard Model 2005
24625 Pogue D. GarageBand2: The Missing Manual 2005
43025 Weyl H. Garavitation and the electron 1929
82573 Friedman L.S. (ed.) Garbage and recycling 2009
20149 Cap A. Garben und Garbenkohomologie 1998
177914 Hildner J. GARCHES 1234: Remembering the Mathematics of the Ideal Villa - An Essay on Le Corbusier's 1927 Villa de Monzie Stein Third Edition 2010
15806 Marken B. (ed.) Garden Design (April 2006) 2006
22338 Garden Design (May 2006) 2006
76503 Krasny M.E., Smith M.E. Garden Genetics: Teaching With Edible Plants 2005
77458 Storey Publishing Gardening Answers 1982
29933 Frowine S.A. Gardening Basics For Dummies 2007
18245 McIntosh C. Gardens of the Gods: Myth, Magic and Meaning 2004
200013 Kleiner F.S. Gardner's Art Through the Ages. A Global History 2011
52437 Milne G.W.A. (ed.) Gardner's Commercially Important Chemicals: Synonyms, Trade Names, and Properties 2005
35157 Gardner M. Gardner's Workout: Training the Mind and Entertaining the Spirit 2001

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