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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
213000 Tripodi C. Edge of empire : the British political officer and tribal administration on the North-West frontier, 1877-1947 2011
44091 Melia F. Edge of Infinity: Supermassive Black Holes in the Universe 2003
79895 Roberts K., Tincey J., Turner G. (Illustrator) Edgehill 1642 The First Battle Of The English Civil War 2001
167022 Lawrence J. Edible Sea Urchins: Biology and Ecology 2007
215568 Floridi L. Edilo, Epigrammi 2020
215383 Floridi L. Edilo, Epigrammi: Introduzione, Testo Critico, Traduzione E Commento: 64 2020
78896 Gordon X. Edinburgh LCF: A Mechanized Logic of Computation 1980
27987 Killpack R. eDirectory Field Guide 2005
176121 Guins R. Edited Clean Version: Technology and the Culture of Control 2009
215795 Zimmerl-Panagl V., Dorfbauer L.J., Weidmann C. Edition und Erforschung lateinischer patristischer Texte 2014
215450 Zimmerl-Panagl V., Dorfbauer L.J., Weidmann C. Edition und Erforschung lateinischer patristischer Texte 150 Jahre CSEL 2014
121769 Lebowitz J.L. Editor's Note 1988
123336 Editor's Note 1988
125796 Lebowitz J.L. Editor's Preface 1985
125973 Lebowitz J.L. (ed.) Editor's Preface 1985
123165 Editors' Preface 1988
124813 Lebowitz J.L. Editors' Preface 1989
216499 Wygoda T.F. Edmond Jabès and the Archaeology of the Book 2022
216749 Tsivia F.W. Edmond jabès and the archaeology of the book n/a
206505 S. Rinofner-Kreidl Edmund Husserl. Zeitlichkeit und Intentionalität 2000
215898 Ferraz R. (ed.) Educação 360 n/a
213035 Fernando Cássio Educação contra a barbárie 2019
217485 Severino A.J. Educação, Ideologia e Contra-ideologia 1986
216612 Robles A.M. Educación Intercultural bilingüe y participación social n/a
216154 Taipe N. Educación intercultural. Propuesta para sociedades quechuahablantes n/a
83344 National Research Council Educating children with autism 2001
136292 Thomas J.Y. Educating Drug-Exposed Children: The Aftermath of the Crack-Baby Crisis 2004
143237 Cooke M., Irby D., O'Brien B. Educating Physicians: A Call for Reform of Medical School and Residency (Jossey-Bass Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching) 2010
140946 0 Educating Teachers of Science, Mathematics, and Technology 2001
182577 Kanter P. Education - Help Your Child Learn Math 2001
58354 Walberg H.J., Bast J.L. Education and Capitalism: How Overcoming Our Fear of Markets and Economics Can Improve America's Schools (Hoover Institution Press Publication) 2003
168975 Kovalchick A., Dawson K. Education and Technology. An Encyclopedia. Volume 1: A–I. Volume 2: J–W. 2004
165215 Ashton D., Green F., James D. Education and Training for Development in East Asia: The Political Economy of Skill Formation in Newly Industrialised Economies (Esrc Pacific Asia Programme (Series).) 1999
166465 Wu G., Zheng L. Education for Librarianship in China (Education of Library and Information Professionals) 1998
135195 Bessot A., Ridgway J. Education for Mathematics in the Workplace 2000
202749 Narot P. (ed.), Kiettikunwong N. (ed.) Education for the Elderly in the Asia Pacific 2021
64844 World Bank Education in Rwanda: Rebalancing Resources to Accelerate Post-Conflict Development and Poverty Reduction 2003
78784 Yardley H.O. Education of a poker player 1990
147849 Stephan W.G., Vogt W.P. Education Programs for Improving Intergroup Relations: Theory, Research, and Practice 2004
14039 Wallace D.B. Education, Arts, and Morality: Creative Journeys 2005
212185 Daniel Tröhler Education, Curriculum and Nation-Building 2023
141118 Giuliano G. Education: Meeting America's Needs? 2006
34730 Filloy E., Puig L., Rojano T. Educational Algebra 2007
152102 Filloy E., Rojano T., Puig L. Educational Algebra: A Theoretical and Empirical Approach (Mathematics Education Library) 2008
137489 Van Den Aker Et Educational Design Research: The Design, Development and Evaluation of Programs, Processes and Products 2006
169812 Bhanot R. Educational Development Through Information and Communications Technology (Staff and Educational Development Series) 2002
146524 Law N., Yuen A., Fox R. Educational Innovations Beyond Technology: Nurturing Leadership and Establishing Learning Organizations 2011
197126 Orey M., McClendon V. J., Branch R. Educational Media and Technology Yearbook: Volume 34, 2009 2009
145017 Hawkins B.L., Rudy J.A., William H. Educause Leadership Strategies, Technology Everywhere: A Campus Agenda for Educating and Managing Workers in the Digital Age 2002
153543 Carlos Delgado Kloos, Abelardo Pardo Edutech: Where Computer-Aided Design meets Computer-Aided Learning (IFIP International Federation for Information Processing) 2004

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