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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
83056 Tseng W.-S., Streltzer J. Cultural competence in health care 2008
186370 Pan Y. Cultural Composition 2012
130844 Nakatsu R., Tosa N. Cultural Computing 2010
30109 Lewis R.D. Cultural Imperative 2002
209715 McGuigan J. Cultural Methodologies 2011
75641 Morling B., Shinobu Kitayama, Yuri Miyamoto Cultural Practices Emphasize Influence in the United States and Adjustment in Japan 2002
134262 Robertson D. Cultural Programming for Libraries: Linking Libraries, Communities, and Culture 2005
172653 Robertson D. Cultural Programming For Libraries: Linking Libraries, Communities, And Culture 2005
76442 VerheggenBaerveldt, Voestermans P., Baerveldt C. Cultural psychology meets evolutionary psychology: Toward a new role of biology in the study of culture and experience 2000
76649 Kitayama S. Cultural Psychology of the Self. A Renewed Look at Independence and Interdependence 2000
142055 Lury C. Cultural Rights: Technology, Legality and Personality (International Library of Sociology) 1993
142057 Friedlander S., Serre D. Cultural Rights: Technology, Legality and Personality (International Library of Sociology) 2003
75539 Yuri Miyamoto, Shinobu Kitayama Cultural Variations in Correspondence Bias: The Critical Role of Attitude Diagnosticity of Socially Constrained Behavior n/a
75437 Morris M.W., Menon T., Ames D.R. Culturally Conferred Conceptions of Agency. A Key to Social Perception of Persons, Groups, and Other Actors n/a
175403 Greer B., Mukhopadhyay S., Powell A. Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning) 2009
204578 A. Ulloa, A. I. Prieto-Rozo Culturas, conocimientos, políticas y ciudadanías en torno al cambio climático 2013
76470 Kitayama S. Culture and Basic Psychological Processes: Toward a System View of Culture 2001
25112 Allsen T.T. Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia 2001
201943 Qadri Ismail Culture and Eurocentrism 2015
123454 Penna T.J.P., de Oliveira P.M.C. Culture and Evolution on Populations of Neural Networks 1992
200457 ed. Sue H. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 2010
75625 Peng K., Ames D.R., Knowles E.D. Culture and Human Inference: Perspectives from Three Traditions 2000
133895 Frank Webster Culture and Politics in the Information Age: A New Politics? (Transnationalism) 2001
136685 Webster F. Culture and Politics in the Information Age: A New Politics? (Transnationalism) 2001
16656 Tseng W.-H. (ed.), Streltzer J. (ed.) Culture and Psychotherapy: A Guide to Clinical Practice 2001
77733 Culture and Social Behavior (The Ontario Symposium, Vol. 10) 2005
200224 Raymond Williams Culture and Society 1780-1950 1960
76437 Nisbett Culture and Systems of Thought n/a
195545 UNFPA Culture in the context of UNFPA programming : ICPD+10 survey results on culture and religion. 2005
195527 UNFPA Culture Matters. Working with Communities and Faith-based Organizations: Case Studies from Country Programmes 2004
159422 Corry J., Curtis G., Baird R. Culture Media for Food Microbiology (Progress in Industrial Microbiology) 1996
176613 Freshney R. Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique 2005
173242 Freshney R. Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique 5th Edition 2005
18140 Freshney R.I. (ed.), Freshney M.G. (ed.) Culture of Epithelial Cells 2002
168744 Roth E. Culture, Biology, and Anthropological Demography (New Perspectives on Anthropological and Social Demography) 2004
58877 Schiller H.I. Culture, Inc. The Corporate Takeover of Public Expression 1989
188045 Volkwein-Caplan K. Culture, sport, and physical activity 2004
188536 Volkwein-Caplan K. Culture, sport, and physical activity 2004
137921 Herring S., Ess C. Culture, Technology, Communication: Towards an Intercultural Global Village 2001
192022 Herring S., Ess C., Sudweeks F. Culture, Technology, Communication: Towards an Intercultural Global Village (Suny Series in Computer-Mediated Communication) 2001
207134 Wade P., Scorer J., Aguiló I. Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean 2019
200554 Oliver Nyambi, Tendai Mangena Cultures of Change in Contemporary Zimbabwe n/a
211259 O. Carl Simonton M.D, Vasile Dem. Zamllrescu, Silviu Dragomir Cum să prevenim și să luptam cu cancerul 2011
143890 Brown D. Cumulative Index of Heterocyclic Systems (Volumes 1-64: 1950-2008) (The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds, Volume 65) 2008
164302 Zelkowitz M. Cumulative Subject and Author Indexes for Vols.1-49 2000
162168 Graef M., Lucatorto T. Cumulative Subject Index Volumes 1-32, Volume 34 (Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences) 1999
149933 Pedersen R., Shatten G. Cumulative Subject Index, Volumes 20-41 1999
126028 Pearce L.E. Cuneiform cryptography: numerical substitutions for syllabic and logographic signs: Ph.D. Dissertation. 1982
183410 Thibeault B. Cupcake decorating lab: 52 techniques, recipes, and inspiring designs for your favorite sweet treats! 2013

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