40366 |
Nichols, Howes |
The Polarized Fluorescence of Ammonium Uranyl Chloride |
n/a | •• |
40367 |
Basics of PLCs |
n/a | •• |
40369 |
Lower S.K. |
Acid-base equilibria of the aquatic environment |
n/a | •• |
40373 |
Garrett P. |
Algebras and Involutions |
n/a | •• |
40400 |
Shchepin E. |
Bernoulli Numbers |
n/a | •• |
40406 |
Shchepin E. |
Abels Theorem |
n/a | •• |
40407 |
Shchepin E. |
Analytic Functions |
n/a | •• |
40408 |
Shchepin E. |
Asymptotics of Sums |
n/a | •• |
40409 |
Shchepin E. |
Autorecursion of Infinite Expressions |
n/a | •• |
40420 |
Geyer H.J., Rimkus G.G., Scheunert I. |
Bioaccumulation and Occurrence of Endocrine- Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs), Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), and Other Organic Compounds in Fish and Other Organisms Including Humans |
n/a | •• |
40421 |
Sijm D.T., Hermens L.M. |
Internal Effect Concentration: Link Between Bioaccumulation and Ecotoxicity for Organic Chemicals |
n/a | •• |
40422 |
Paasivirta J. |
Long-term Effects of Bioaccumulation in Ecosystems |
n/a | •• |
40423 |
Beek B., Böhling S., Bruckmann U. |
The Assessment of Bioaccumulation |
n/a | •• |
40424 |
Shchepin E. |
Complex Series |
n/a | •• |
40425 |
Lower S.K. |
Carbonate equilibria in natural waters |
n/a | •• |
40427 |
Shchepin E. |
Definite Integral |
n/a | •• |
40429 |
Shchepin E. |
Euler Formula |
n/a | •• |
40430 |
Shchepin E. |
Euler-Maclaurin Formula |
n/a | •• |
40431 |
Shchepin E. |
Exponential Function |
n/a | •• |
40432 |
Shchepin E. |
Gamma Function |
n/a | •• |
40438 |
Equilibrium plasma properties, outer envelopes |
n/a | •• |
40439 |
Lower S.K. |
Thermodynamics of Equilibrium |
n/a | •• |
40440 |
Lower S.K. |
Chemical Equilibrium. A Chem1 Reference Text |
n/a | •• |
40441 |
Lower S.K. |
Chemical Energetics. All about enthalpy, calorimetry and the First Law of Thermodynamics |
n/a | •• |
40443 |
Lower S.K. |
Chemical Bonding. A Chem1 Reference Text |
n/a | •• |
40449 |
Bricmont J. |
Determinism, Chaos and Quantum Mechanics. |
n/a | •• |
40456 |
Measuring Dimensions |
n/a | •• |
40460 |
Lower S.K. |
Electrochemistry. Chemical reactions at an electrode, galvanic and electrolytic cells |
n/a | •• |
40474 |
Lower S.K. |
Survey of Environmental Geobiochemistry |
n/a | •• |
40482 |
Surowski D. |
Workbook in Higher Algebra |
n/a | •• |
40486 |
Lower S.K. |
Introduction to acid-base chemistry |
n/a | •• |
40575 |
Carvajal L.E.O. |
Eppur si muove, verdad y conocimiento. De Galileo a Stephen Hawking |
n/a | •• |
40578 |
Ðåêòèôèêàöèÿ ñïèðòà |
n/a | •• |
40621 |
Basics of Electricity |
n/a | •• |
40627 |
Matroska-Anleitung |
n/a | •• |
40628 |
Êî÷åòêîâ Â.Í. |
Êîììåíòàðèè ïî âîïðîñó ïðèìåíèìîñòè ñïåöèàëüíîé òåîðèè îòíîñèòåëüíîñòè äëÿ èíåðöèàëüíûõ ñèñòåì îòñ÷åòà ïðè óñëîâèè ñèììåòðèè ïðîñòðàíñòâà è âðåìåíè |
n/a | •• |
40631 |
AC Motors |
n/a | •• |
40633 |
Basics of AC Drives |
n/a | •• |
40634 |
Basics of Control Components |
n/a | •• |
40635 |
Buildings, BN-pairs, Hecke algebras, classical groups |
n/a | •• |
40766 |
Ordway |
Automorphic representations and Galois representations |
n/a | •• |
40814 |
Shchepin E. |
Natural Logarithm |
n/a | •• |
40815 |
Shchepin E. |
Infinite Products |
n/a | •• |
40816 |
Shchepin E. |
Newton-Leibniz Formula |
n/a | •• |
40817 |
Shchepin E. |
Newton Series |
n/a | •• |
40818 |
Shchepin E. |
Positive Series |
n/a | •• |
40819 |
Shchepin E. |
Quadrature of circle |
n/a | •• |
40820 |
Shchepin E. |
Residues Theory |
n/a | •• |
40835 |
Harris M. |
A Simple Proof of Rationality of Siegel-Weil Eisenstein Series |
n/a | •• |
40842 |
Honarpour M., Koederitz L. |
Relative Permeability of Petroleum Reservoirs |
n/a | •• |