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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
1267 Hefferon J. Answer to exercises from Linear Algebra n/a
198069 Michael Spivak Answer Book for Calculus 1994
214555 Cury A. Ansiedade. Como enfrentar o mal do século 2013
213682 Cury A. Ansiedade - Como Enfrentar o Mal do Século 2013
23601 Kalev D. Ansi/Iso C++ Professional Programmer's Handbook 1999
28675 Graham P. ANSI Common LISP 1995
112144 Ridling Z. Anselm and the Logic of Illusion 1994
214330 Sándor S. Ansel Adams zónarendszere 1995
106910 Hilbert D., Cohn-Vossen S. Anschauliche Geometrie 1932
58559 Garg A. Another Word A Day: An All-New Romp through Some of the Most Unusual and Intriguing Words in English 2005
41148 Eisenhart L.P. Another Interpretation of the Fundamental Gaugevector of Weyls Theory of Relativity 1923
123053 Charles M. Newman Another Critical Exponent Inequality for Percolation: beta> 2/delta 1987
11993 Smith G. Anorexia and Bulimia in the Family. One Parent’s Practical Guide to Recovery 2004
29844 Holschneider A.M. (Ed) Anorectal Malformations in Children: Embryology, Diagnosis, Surgical Treatment, Follow-Up 2006
150978 World Health Organization Anopheline Species Complexes in South and South-East Asia 2008
216023 von Günther C.H. Anonyme Kirchengeschichte 2002
111157 Ìàêàðîâ Â.Â. Anomura 1938
189380 Waseda Y. Anomalous X-Ray Scattering for Materials Characterization (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics) 2002
120489 Victor Yakhot, Katepalli R. Sreenivasan Anomalous Scaling of Structure Functions and Dynamic Constraints on Turbulence Simulations 2005
124954 Williams G.O., Frisch H.L. Anomalous Scaling in Systems Partially Controlled by Diffusion 1988
122998 Eliazar I., Klafter J. Anomalous Pulsation 2005
40530 Bartell F.E. Anomalous Osmose 1920
123631 Machta J. Anomalous Long Time Tails Due to Trapping 1986
122985 Mazur P., Keizer J. Anomalous Light Scattering at the Surface of Growing Ice Crystals and Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes 1989
129987 Goldhirsch I., \Noskowicz S.H. Anomalous Fluctuations in Random Walk Dynamics 1987
99488 Masuo Suzuki Anomalous fluctuation and relaxation in unstable systems 1977
124614 Sidharth B.G. Anomalous Fermions 1999
119567 Samaj L. Anomalous Effects of “Guest” Charges Immersed in Electrolyte: Exact 2D Results 2005
121977 da Silva J.M.N., Lage E.J.S. Anomalous Dynamics in the Ising Chain 1990
122093 Dogbe C. Anomalous Diffusion Limit Induced on a Kinetic Equation 2000
124726 Dorea C.C.Y., Medino A.V. Anomalous Diffusion Index for L´evy Motions 2006
120314 Gaveau B., Schulman L.S. Anomalous Diffusion in a Random Velocity Field 1992
132376 Wagner N., Balberg I. Anomalous Diffusion and Continuum Percolation 1987
208510 Andrzej Pekalski, Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron Anomalous Diffusion From Basics to Applications Proceedings of the Xlth Max Born Symposium 1999
105815 Gautschi W. Anomalous Convergence of a Continued Fraction for Ratios of Kummer Functions 1977
122294 Walsh C., Ray T.S., Jan N. Anomalous Biennial Oscillations in a Fisher Equation with a Discretized Verhulst Term 1995
9346 Bertlmann R.A. Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory 1996
122448 Molchan G.M. Anomalies in Multifractal Formalism for Local Time of Brownian Motion 1998
7381 Zinn-Justin J. Anomalies in gauge theories 1996
41797 Barus C. Anode and Cathode Sparks Differentiated by the Mucronate Electrode 1928
65464 Tungodden B., Stern N., Kolstad I. Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics-Europe 2003: Toward Pro-Poor Policies--Aid, Institutions, and Globalization 2004
16904 Annual Reviews of Genetic (2003) 2003
158079 Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, Roma Taunton, Jeanne Benoliel Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 8, 1990: Focus on Physiological Aspects of Care 1990
171268 Fitzpatrick J., Taunton R., Benoliel J. Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 7, 1989: Focus on Physiological Aspects of Care 1989
82289 Brinker C.J., Cao G. Annual review of nano research. Volume 1 2006
83805 Brinker C.J., Cao G. Annual review of nano research Volume 2 2006
21812 Annual Review of Immunology 1999
132117 Lawton M.P., Teresi J.A. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Volume 14. Focus on Assessment Techniques 1994
116431 Cristofalo V.J. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Volume 10. Special Focus on the Biology of Aging 1991
16768 Lander E. (ed.), Page D. (ed.), Lifton R. (ed.) Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics: 2003 2003

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