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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
17786 Delisle M. Mastering PHPMyAdmin 2.8 for Effective MySQL Management 2006
17785 Liu H., Li G. OFDM-Based Broadband Wireless Networks 2005
17784 Trundle E. Newnes Guide to Television and Video Technology 2001
17783 Brice R. Newnes Guide to Digital TV 2003
17782 Minoli D. Nanotechnology Applications to Telecommunications and Networking 2006
17781 Hara S., Prasad R. Multicarrier Techniques for 4G Mobile Communications 2003
17780 Pioro M., Medhi D. Routing, Flow, and Capacity Design in Communication and Computer Networks 2004
17779 Rockmore D.N. (ed.), Healy D.M. (ed.) Modern Signal Processing 2004
17778 Smith J. Modern Communication Circuits 1997
17777 Gibson J.D. (ed.), Dorf R.C. (ed.) Mobile Communications Handbook 1999
17776 Le Bodic G. Mobile Messaging Technologies and Services: SMS, EMS and MMS 2005
17775 Pagani M. Mobile and Wireless Systems Beyond 3G: Managing New Business Opportunities 2005
17774 Jagoe A. Mobile Location Servies: The Definitive Guide 2002
17772 Clark C.L. LabVIEW Digital Signal Processing 2005
17771 Stimson J.W. Introduction to Airborne Radar 1998
17770 Shenoi B.A. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design 2006
17769 Klinger Th. Image Processing with LabVIEW and IMAQ Vision 2003
17768 Lindblad T., Kinser J.M. Image Processing Using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks 2005
17767 Phillips D. Image Processing in C 2000
17766 Sun Y. Wireless Communication Circuits and Systems 2004
17765 Malhotra R. IP Routing 2002
17764 International Telecommunications Union Handbook of Satellite Communications (HSC) 2002
17763 Ahson S. (ed.), Ilyas M. (ed.) Handbook of Wireless Local Area Networks: Applications, Technology, Security, and Standards 2005
17762 Hall D.L., Strauss S., Llinas J. Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion 2001
17760 Eberspaecher J., Voegel H.-J., Bettstetter C. GSM: Switching, Services and Protocols 2001
17759 Bates R.J. GPRS 2004
17758 Freeman R.L. Fundamentals of Telecommunications 1999
17757 Colmenarez A.J., Xiong Z., Huang T.-S. Facial Analysis from Continuous Video with Applications to Human-Computer Interface 2004
17756 Ahmad A. Data Communication Principles. For Fixed and Wireless Networks 2002
17755 Stankovis R.S., Moraga C., Astola J.T. Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups with Applications in Signal Processing and System Design 2005
17754 Andreadis A., Giambene G. Protocols For High Efficiency Wireless Networks 2002
17753 Anderson H.R. Fixed Broadband Wireless System Design 2003
17752 Bhanu B., Lin Y., Krawiec K. Evolutionary Synthesis of Pattern Recognition Systems 2005
17751 Chen J.C., Zhang T. IP-Based Next-Generation Wireless Networks: Systems, Architectures, and Protocols 2004
17750 Sweeney P. Error Control Coding 2002
17749 Gomez G., Sanches R. End-to-End Quality of Service over Cellular Networks 2005
17748 Waynant R.W. (ed.), Ediger M.E. (ed.) Electro-Optics Handbook 2000
17747 Chassaing R. Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK 2005
17746 Kehtarnavaz N., Kim N. Digital Signal Processing System-Level Design Using LabVIEW 2005
17745 Hoeg W. (ed.), Lauterbach T. (ed.) Digital Audio Broadcasting: Principles and Applications 2001
17744 Zhang X., Larson L.E., Asbeck P.M. Design of Linear RF Outphasing Power Amplifiers 2003
17743 Held G. Data Communications Networking Devices: Operation, Utilization and LAN and WAN Internetworking 1999
17742 Sarfraz M. (ed.) Computer-Aided Intelligent Recognition Techniques and Applications 2005
17741 Rohde U.L., Whitaker J., Bateman A. Communications Receivers: DSP, Software Radios, and Design 2004
17740 Coombs C.F. Communications Network Test and Measurement Handbook 2004
17739 Embree P.M. C Algorithms for Real-Time DSP 1995
17738 Knight D.R. (ed.) Broadband Signalling Explained 2000
17737 Broadband Bringing Home the Bits 2002
17736 Muller N.J. Bluetooth Demystified 2000
17735 Fanucci L., Giannetti F., Luise M. An Experimental Approach to CDMA and Interference Mitigation: From System Architecture to Hardware Testing through VLSI Design 2004

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