167288 |
Саженков В. |
Руководство по компенсации реактивной мощности с учетом влияния гармоник. Выпуск 21. |
2008 | •• |
167293 |
Bellomo N, |
Modeling Complex Living Systems: A Kinetic Theory and Stochastic Game Approach (Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology) |
2008 | •• |
167333 |
Darlow A. |
301 Inkjet Tips and Techniques: An Essential Printing Resource for Photographers |
2008 | •• |
167365 |
Игнатов А.Н. |
Уголовное право зарубежных стран: Учебно-методические материалы |
2008 | •• |
167369 |
Bennett-Woods D. |
NanoTechnology - Ethic and Society |
2008 | •• |
167423 |
Исаева Л.М. |
Правовые основы информационной безопасности: Учебно-методические материалы |
2008 | •• |
167425 |
Butz A., Fisher B., Kr?ge A. |
Smart Graphics: 9th International Symposium, SG 2008, Rennes, France, August 27-29, 2008, Proceedings |
2008 | •• |
167543 |
Giese H. |
Models in Software Engineering: Workshops and Symposia at MODELS 2007 Nashville, TN, USA, September 30 - October 5, 2007, Reports and Revised Selected |
2008 | •• |
167630 |
Brzezinski T., Pardo J., Shestakov I. |
Modules and comodules |
2008 | •• |
167645 |
Vrakas D., Vlahavas I. |
Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Problem Solving Techniques |
2008 | •• |
167664 |
Ещенко В.С.(ред) |
Военно-исторический архив. Выпуск 11(107) |
2008 | •• |
167666 |
Ещенко В.С.(ред) |
Военно-исторический архив. Выпуск 10(106) |
2008 | •• |
167691 |
Czycholl G. |
Theoretische Festkorperphysik Von den klassischen Modellen zu modernen Forschungsthemen |
2008 • | •• |
167696 |
Walter J. |
Mikrocomputertechnik mit der 8051-Controller-Familie: Hardware, Assembler, C |
2008 • | •• |
167728 |
Almeida M. |
The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Religion) |
2008 | •• |
167740 |
Jorgenson J., Lang S. |
The heat kernel and theta inversion on SL2(C) |
2008 | •• |
167764 |
Dolev S., Haist T., Oltean M. |
Optical SuperComputing: First International Workshop, OSC 2008, Vienna, Austria, August 26, 2008, Proceedings |
2008 | •• |
167768 |
Duquenoy P., George C., Kimppa K. |
Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Medical Informatics |
2008 | •• |
167769 |
Phelps C.P., Korneva E.A. |
Cytokines and the Brain |
2008 | •• |
167806 |
Федоренко Р.П. |
Введение в вычислительную физику |
2008 • | •• |
167808 |
Bloch W. |
The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges’ Library of Babel |
2008 | •• |
167818 |
Herlihy M., Shavit N. |
The art of multiprocessor programming |
2008 | •• |
167851 |
Sun D.-W. |
Modern Techniques for Food Authentication |
2008 | •• |
199528 |
Hesthaven J., Warburton T. |
Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications |
2008 | •• |
167885 |
Maekawa J. |
Genuine Origami: 43 Mathematically-Based Models, From Simple to Complex |
2008 | •• |
167895 |
Bailey R. |
Design of Comparative Experiments (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics) |
2008 | •• |
167907 |
Охорзин В.А. |
Прикладная математика в системе MATHCAD |
2008 • | •• |
167911 |
Crothers D. |
Semiclassical Dynamics and Relaxation |
2008 | •• |
167918 |
Schmitt-Kopplin P. |
Capillary Electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols |
2008 | •• |
167923 |
Garrigue J., Hermenegildo M. |
Functional and Logic Programming, 9 conf., FLOPS 2008 |
2008 | •• |
167948 |
Sweeney S. |
101 Ways to Promote Your Tourism Business Web Site: Proven Internet Marketing Tips, Tools, and Techniques to Draw Travelers to Your Site (101 Ways series) |
2008 • | •• |
167950 |
Соловьева Н.Н. |
Какое слово выбрать? Лексические и грамматические нормы русского литературного языка |
2008 | •• |
167972 |
Репина Л.П., Зверева В.В., Парамонова М.Ю. |
История исторического значения |
2008 | •• |
168096 |
Богуславский А.А. |
Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в подготовке учителя технологии и учителя физики: в 3-х ч. Ч.2: Сборник материалов научно-практической конференции |
2008 | •• |
168124 |
Kowalczyk R., Huhns M. |
Service-Oriented Computing: Agents, Semantics, and Engineering: AAMAS 2008 International Workshop, SOCASE 2008 Estoril, Portugal, May 12, 2008 |
2008 | •• |
168150 |
Quigley M. |
Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security |
2008 | •• |
168155 |
Любецкий В.В. |
Мировая экономика: Учебно-методические материалы |
2008 | •• |
168156 |
WHO Regional Office for the South-East Asia Region |
Management of Common Health Problems of Drug Users (SEARO Technical Publications) |
2008 | •• |
168168 |
Moffat J. |
Reinventing Gravity: A Physicist Goes Beyond Einstein |
2008 | •• |
168192 |
Britz T., Robinson R. |
Advanced Dairy Science and Technology |
2008 | •• |
168214 |
Spencer B., Tomizuka M., Yun C. |
World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology: Proceedings of SMSST'07, World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology ... in Engineering, Water and Earth Sciences) |
2008 | •• |
168257 |
Agutter P., Wheatley D. |
Thinking about Life: The history and philosophy of biology and other sciences |
2008 | •• |
168292 |
Lewis E. |
Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Physics |
2008 | •• |
200672 |
Ю.В. Рубцов |
Генерал Фельдмаршалы в истории России |
2008 | •• |
168311 |
Landau R., Paez J., Bordeianu C. |
A Survey of Computational Physics: Introductory Computational Science |
2008 | •• |
168325 |
Чичикало Н. |
Модные вязаные комплекты для мальчиков и девочек |
2008 | •• |
168332 |
Gura E., Maschler M. |
Cambridge Insights Into Game Theory An Alternative Mathematical Experience |
2008 | •• |
168336 |
Hancock J. |
Redox-Mediated Signal Transduction. Methods and Protocols |
2008 | •• |
168349 |
Zvolensky M., Smits J. |
Anxiety in Health Behaviors and Physical Illness (Series in Anxiety and Related Disorders) |
2008 | •• |
168355 |
Сутягина А.В. |
Как быстро и без проблем ликвидировать или реорганизовать компанию |
2008 | •• |