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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
28288 Zhang G.P. (ed.) Neural Networks in Business Forecasting 2004
28287 McMahon K. Paint Shop Pro XI for Photographers 2007
28286 Gunderloy M. Painless Project Management with FogBugz 2005
28285 Axelrod C.W. Outsourcing Information Security 2004
28284 Caruso K., Potter B., Long J. OS X for Hackers at Heart 2005
28283 Coplien J.O., Harrison N.B. Organizational patterns of agile software development 2004
28282 Gennick J., Mishra S. Oracle SQL*Loader 2001
28281 Rosenblum M., Dorsey P. Oracle PL/SQL for dummies 2006
28280 Hobbs L., Hillson S., Lawande S. Oracle 10g Data Warehousing 2004
28279 Allen R., Kennedy R. Optimizing compilers for modern architectures 2001
28278 Silberschatz A., Galvin P.B. Operating system concepts 1998
28277 Seddon C. OpenGL Game Development 2005
28276 Dargan P.A. Open Systems And Standards For Software Product Development 2005
28275 Granor T.E., Carr S., Hiser S. OOoSwitch: 501 Things You Want to Know About Switching OpenOffice.org from Microsoft Office 2003
28274 Mulholland A. Official Butterfly.net Game Developer's Guide 2004
28273 Prasad R. OFDM for Wireless Communications Systems 2004
28272 Booch G. Object solutions 1995
28271 Conway D. Object Oriented Perl 2000
28270 Garzas J., Piattini M. Object-Oriented Design Knowledge 2006
28269 Schach S.R. Object-Oriented and Classical Software Engineering 2004
28268 Booch G. Object-oriented analysis and design with applications 1993
28267 Yan S.Y. Number Theory for Computing 2002
28266 Strothotte T., Schlechtweg S. Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics 2002
28265 Wilkinson N. Next generation network services 2002
28264 Du K.-L., Swamy M.N.S. Neural Networks in a Softcomputing Framework 2006
28263 Jantsch A. Networks on Chip 2003
28262 Gaynor M. Network Service Investment Guide 2003
28261 Weeks R.L. .NET Windows Forms Custom Controls 2002
28260 LaMacchia B.A., Lange S., Lyons M. .NET Framework Security 2002
28259 Gunderloy M., Jerke N. .NET E-Commerce Programming 2002
28258 Shemitz J. .NET 2.0 for Delphi Programmers 2006
28257 Hupfer R., Maxon M., Williams R. MySpace For Dummies 2007
28256 Lu C.-S. Multimedia Security: : Steganography and Digital Watermarking Techniques for Protection of Intellectual Property 2005
28255 Gries D., Gries P. Multimedia introduction to programming using Java 2004
28254 Kirn S., Herzog O., Lockemann P. Multiagent Engineering: Theory and Applications in Enterprises 2006
28253 De Ghein L. MPLS Fundamentals 2006
28252 Tanenbaum A.S. Modern operating systems 1992
28251 Gasevic D., Djuric D., Devedzic V. Model Driven Architecture and Ontology Development 2006
28250 Andriessen J.H.E. (ed.), Vartiainen M. (ed.) Mobile Virtual Work 2005
28249 Walke B.H. Mobile Radio Networks 1999
28248 Strader T.J., Mennecke B.E. (ed.) Mobile Commerce 2002
28247 Guthery S., Cronin M. Mobile application development with SMS and the SIM toolkit 2001
28246 Baragoin C. Mining Your Own Business in Retail Using DB2 Intelligent Miner for Data 2001
28245 Fehily C. Microsoft Windows Vista 2007
28244 Preppernau J., Cox J. Windows Vista™ Step by Step 2006
28243 Buyens J. Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005
28242 Kishor S. Visual C++. net professional projects 2002
28241 Stamatakis W. Microsoft Visual Basic Design Patterns 2000
28240 Wilson E. Microsoft® VBScript Step by Step 2006
28239 Turner M.S.V. Microsoft® Solutions Framework Essentials: Building Successful Technology Solutions 2006

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