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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
34058 Schuster T. The Method of Approximate Inverse: Theory and Applications 2007
34057 Sergienko I.V., Deineka V.S. Optimal Control of Distributed Systems with Conjugation Conditions 2005
34056 Samelson R.M., Wiggins S. Lagrangian Transport in Geophysical Jets and Waves: The Dynamical Systems Approach 2006
34055 Salicone S. Measurement Uncertainty: An Approach Via the Mathematical Theory of Evidence 2006
34054 Wong R., Zhao Y. On the Number of Solutions to Carrier’s Problem 2007
34053 Ruelle D. Thermodynamic Formalism: The Mathematical Structure of Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics 2004
34052 Roberts B.K., Schmidt R. Local Newforms for GSp(4) 2007
34051 Rich B., Schmidt P. Schaum's Outline of Review of Elementary Mathematics 1997
34050 Resnick S.I. Heavy-Tail Phenomena: Probabilistic and Statistical Modeling 2006
34049 Ramussen M. Attractivity and Bifurcation for Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems 2007
34048 Cramer H. Random Variables and Probability Distributions 1952
34047 Ivanescu P.L. Pseudo-Boolean Programming and Applications 1965
34046 Murty M.R. Problems in Analytic Number Theory 2007
34045 Zung N.T. Poisson Structures and their Normal Forms 2005
34044 Loney S.L. Plane Trigonometry 1893
34043 Gabbay D., Shehtman V., Skvortsov D. Quantification in Nonclassical Logic Draft 2007
34042 Numerische Mathematic Bd. 85 - 101 2005
34041 Numerische Mathematic Bd. 67 - 84 2000
34040 Pietsch A. (Ed), Popa N. (Ed) Banach Space Theory and Its Applications 1983
34039 Ranicki A.A. (Ed), Quinn F. (Ed), Levitt N.J. (Ed) Algebraic and Geometric Topology 1985
34038 Raynaud M. (Ed), Shioda T. (Ed) Algebraic Geometry 1983
34037 Rautmenn R. (Ed) Approximation Methods for Navier-Stokes Problems: Proceedings 1980
34036 Terng Ch. Critical Point Theory and Submanifold Geometry 1988
34035 Rao S.B. (Ed) Combinatorics and Graph Theory: Proceedings 1981
34034 Waldau N., Schreckenberg M. Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2005 2007
34033 Palmer J. Planar Ising Correlations 2007
34032 Van Oystaeyen F.M. Prime Spectra in Non-Communicative Algebra 1975
34031 Boggiatto P. (Ed), Wong M.W. (Ed), Rodino L. (Ed) Pseudo-Differential Operators and Related Topics 1999
34030 Prusinkiewicz P., Hanan J. Lindenmayer Systems, Fractals, and Plants 1992
34029 Prugovecki E. Quantum Mechanics in Hilbert Space 1981
34028 Olariu S. Complex Numbers in n Dimensions 2002
34027 Thompson J., Peters M. Geometry for the Practical Worker 1982
34026 Hensley D. Continued Fractions 2006
34025 Hasselblatt B. (Ed) Dynamics, Ergodic Theory and Geometry 2007
34024 Atanasov K.T., Turner J.C., Shannon A.G. New Visual Perspectives on Fibonacci Numbers 2002
34023 Ash C.J., Knight J., Sevenster A. (Ed) Computable Structures and the Hyperarithmetical Hierarchy 2000
34022 Lozansky E., Rousseau C. Winning Solutions 1996
34021 Ìèõàéëîâ Í.Ì. Âîïðîñû ñóøêè òîïëèâà íà ýëåêòðîñòàíöèÿõ 1957
34020 Ïîçèí Ì.Å., Êîïûëåâ Á.À. Íîâûå ìåòîäû ïîëó÷åíèÿ ìèíåðàëüíûõ óäîáðåíèé 1952
34019 Èññëåäîâàíèÿ ïî õèìèè è òåõíîëîãèè óäîáðåíèé, ïåñòèöèäîâ, ñîëåé 1966
34018 Ôîòèíè÷ È.Ä. Ïðîèçâîäñòâî àçîòíûõ óäîáðåíèé 1956
34017 Shakarchi R. Problems and Solutions for Undergraduate Analysis 1997
34016 Wise G.L., Hall E.B. Counterexamples in Probability and Real Analysis 1993
34015 Christensen O. Introduction to Frames and Riesz Bases 2003
34014 Numerische Mathematic Bd. 47 - 66 1993
34013 Numerische Mathematic Bd. 25 - 46 1984
34012 Numerische Mathematik Bd. 1 - 24 1975
34011 Jacobson N. Basic Algebra X 1989
34010 Voigt A. Multiscale Modeling in Epitaxial Growth 2005
34009 Kohno T. Conformal Field Theory and Topology 2002

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