36441 |
Malliavin M.P. (ed.) |
Seminaire d'Algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin |
1985 | •• |
36440 |
Malliavin M.P. (ed.) |
Seminaire d'Algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin |
1983 | •• |
36439 |
Malliavin M.P. (ed.) |
Seminaire d'Algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin |
1982 | •• |
36438 |
Malliavin M.P. (ed.) |
Seminaire d'Algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin |
1981 | •• |
36437 |
Malliavin M.P. (ed.) |
Seminaire d'Algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin |
1980 | •• |
36436 |
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Seminaire d'Algebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paul Malliavin |
1989 | •• |
36435 |
Malliavin M.P. (ed.) |
Seminaire d'Algebre Paul Dubreil |
1978 | •• |
36434 |
Malliavin M.P. (ed.) |
Seminaire d'Algebre Paul Dubreil |
1977 | •• |
36433 |
Malliavin M.P. (ed.) |
Seminaire d'Algebre Paul Dubreil |
1979 | •• |
36432 |
Maki S. |
The Determination of Units in Real Cyclic Sextic Fields |
1980 | •• |
36431 |
Major P. |
Multiple Wiener-Ito Integrals With Applications to Limit Theorems |
1981 | •• |
36430 |
Mahler K. |
Lectures on Transcendental Numbers |
1976 | •• |
36429 |
Maddox I.J. |
Infinite Matrices of Operators |
1980 | •• |
36428 |
Machover M., Hirschfeld J. |
Lectures on Non-Standard Analysis |
1969 | •• |
36427 |
Machado S. |
Functional Analysis, Holomorphy, and Approximation Theory |
1981 | •• |
36426 |
Applegate H., Barr M., Day B. |
Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar IV |
1970 | •• |
36425 |
Maass H. |
Siegel's Modular Forms and Dirichlet Series |
1971 | •• |
36424 |
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1967 | •• |
36423 |
Lutz R., Goze M. |
Nonstandard Analysis: A Practical Guide with Applications |
1981 | •• |
36422 |
Luneburg H. |
Transitive Erweiterungen endlicher Permutationsgruppen |
1969 | •• |
36421 |
Luneburg H. |
Die Suzukigruppen und ihre Geometrien |
1965 | •• |
36420 |
Lumer G. |
Aigebres de fonctions et espaces de Hardy |
1968 | •• |
36419 |
Lukes J., Maly J., Zajicek L. |
Fine Topology Methods in Real Analysis and Potential Theory |
1986 | •• |
36418 |
Luckhardt H. |
Extensional Godel Functional Interpretation: A Consistency Proof of Classical Analysis |
1973 | •• |
36417 |
Luck W. |
Transformation Groups and Algebraic K-Theory |
1989 | •• |
36416 |
Waelbroeck L. |
Topological Vector Spaces and Algebras |
1971 | •• |
36415 |
Barbosa J.L. M., Colares A.G. |
Minimal Surfaces in R3 |
1986 | •• |
36414 |
Lubinsky D.S., Staff E.B. |
Strong Asymptotics for Extremal Polynomials Associated with Weights on R |
1988 | •• |
36413 |
Lorenz F. |
Ouadratische Formen uber Korpern |
1970 | •• |
36412 |
Loos O. |
Jordan Pairs |
1975 | •• |
36411 |
Looijenga E., Siersma D., Takens F. (eds.) |
Geometry Symposium Utrecht 1980 |
1981 | •• |
36410 |
Lonsted K. (ed.) |
Algebraic Geometry |
1979 | •• |
36409 |
Londen S.-O., Staffans O.J. (eds.) |
Volterra Equations |
1979 | •• |
36408 |
Lluis-Puebla J., Loday J.L., Gillet H. |
Higher Algebraic K-Theory: An Overview |
1992 | •• |
36407 |
Little C.H.C. (ed.) |
Combinatorial Mathematics V |
1977 | •• |
36406 |
Khoo I.-Ch. |
Liquid Crystals |
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36405 |
Lions J.L. |
Perturbations Singulieres dans les Problemes aux Limites et en ContrOle Optimal |
1973 | •• |
36404 |
van Lint J.H. |
Coding Theory |
1971 | •• |
36403 |
Lindenstrauss J., Tzafriri L. |
Classical Banach Spaces |
1973 | •• |
36402 |
Lindenstrauss J., Milman V.D. (eds.) |
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis |
1987 | •• |
36401 |
Lindenstrauss J., Milman V.D. (eds.) |
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis |
1989 | •• |
36400 |
Lindenstrauss J., Milman V.D. (eds.) |
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis |
1988 | •• |
36399 |
Liedl R., Reich L., Targonsky G. |
Iteration Theory and its Functional Equations |
1985 | •• |
36398 |
Lichtenberg A.J., Liebermen M.A. |
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics |
1992 • | •• |
36397 |
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Ôèçèêî-õèìè÷åñêàÿ ãèäðîäèíàìèêà |
1959 • | •• |
36396 |
Letta G., Pratelli M. (ed.) |
Probability and Analysis |
1986 | •• |
36395 |
Lerman M., Schmerl J.H., Soare R.I. |
Logic Year 1979-80 |
1981 | •• |
36394 |
Lemarie J.-M. |
Aigebres Connexes et Homologie des Espaces de Lacets |
1974 | •• |
36393 |
Lelong P., Skoda H. (eds.) |
Seminaire Pierre Lelong - Henri Skoda |
1982 | •• |
36392 |
Lelong P., Skoda H. (eds.) |
Seminaire Pierre Lelong - Henri Skoda |
1970 | •• |