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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
48357 Agalloco J.P. (ed.), Carleton F.J. (ed.) Validation of Pharmaceutical Processes 2007
48358 Korovin S.K., Il’in A.V., Fomichev V.V. A Canonical Form of Vector Control Systems 2007
48400 Elizabeth Karas, Ademir Ribeiro, Claudia Sagastizábal A bundle-filter method for nonsmooth convex constrained optimization 2007
48403 Communications Technology (¹4, April 2007) 2007
48404 Communications Technology (¹3, March 2007) 2007
48405 Hassi S., Sebestyén Z., Snoo H. A canonical decomposition for linear operators and linear relations 2007
48429 Beshimov R.B. A Categorical Property of the Stone – Cech Compactification 2007
48430 Moti Gitik, Itay Neeman, Dima Sinapova A cardinal preserving extension making the set of points of countable V cofinality nonstationary 2007
48434 Jerry Gipper Embedded computing design (¹2, March 2007) 2007
48449 Zedeck B.E. Forensic Pharmacology 2007
48450 Stripp R.A., Kobilinsky L. The Forensic Aspects of Poisons 2007
48497 Kambe T. Elementary Fluid Mechanics 2007
48499 Hubrig S. (Ed) Multiple Stars Across the H-R Diagram: Proceedings of the ESO Workshop Held in Garching, Germany, 12-15 July 2005 2007
48502 MacWorld (August 2007) 2007
48505 Steyaert M., Hermans C. Broadband Opto-Electrical Receivers In Standard Cmos 2007
48514 Kraus D. A boundary version of Ahlfors` lemma, locally complete conformal metrics and conformally invariant reflection principles for analytic maps 2007
48529 Kevin Patterson, Janet Gluck Intel Premier IT Magazine (Summer 2007) 2007
48543 New Electronics (24 July 2007) 2007
48546 Mittal K.L. Adhesion Aspects of Thin Films, Vol. 3 2007
48548 Kim R.Fowler What Every Engineer Should Know about Developing Real-Time Embedded Products 2007
48555 Filippychev D.S. A Boundary Function Equation and it's Numerical Solution 2007
48626 Michiel Steyaert, Carolien Hermans Broadband Opto-Electrical Receivers In Standard Cmos 2007
48627 Heinz Teutsch Model Array Signal Processing: Principles and Applications of Acoustic Wavefield Decomposition 2007
48632 Xiangdong Xie A Bowen type rigidity theorem for non-cocompact hyperbolic groups 2007
48633 David Fisher A canonical arithmetic quotient for actions of lattices in simple groups 2007
48652 Peter Griffiths, James A.De Haseth Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry 2007
48708 Shoaib Khan, Ghariani Ahmed Industrial Power Systems 2007
48726 Poli F. (ed.), Cucinotta A. (ed.), Selleri S. (ed.) Photonic Crystal Fibers: Properties and Applications, Vol. 102 2007
48759 Steffen Leonhardt, Petri Mahonen, Thomas Falck 4th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2007): March 26-28, 2007 RWTH Aachen University, Germany 2007
48762 Peter W.Hawkes Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Vol. 145 2007
48790 Janice VanCleave Janice VanCleave's Engineering for Every Kid: Easy Activities That Make Learning Science Fun 2007
48791 Robert A.Fjeld, Keith L.Compton, Norman A.Eisenberg Quantitative Environmental Risk Analysis for Human Health 2007
48792 Matthew S.Platz, Maitland Jones, Robert A.Moss Review of Reactive Intermediate Chemistry 2007
48793 Eugene F.Barry, Robert L.Grob Columns for Gas Chromatography: Performance and Selection 2007
48805 Karelle Hinot Catalytic soot oxidation by platinum on sintered metal filters 2007
48809 Marcio C.Schneider Mosfet Modeling for Circuit Analysis And Design 2007
48817 William B.Tolman Activation of Small Molecules: Organometallic and Bioinorganic Perspectives 2007
48824 Michael Huber A census of highly symmetric combinatorial designs 2007
48837 Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Pavel Kabat, Jorn Moltgen Adaptive and Integrated Water Management: Coping with Complexity and Uncertainty 2007
48838 David Morgan Surface Acoustic Wave Filters: With Applications to Electronic Communications and Signal Processing 2007
48848 Eugene Machlin An Introduction to Aspects of Thermodynamics and Kinetics Relevant to Materials Science 2007
48868 Woodruff D.P. Atomic Clusters: From Gas Phase to Deposited 2007
48871 Shneider Electric Automation Solution Guide 2007
48874 Lisa S.Baugh, Jo Ann M.Canich Stereoselective Polymerization with Single-Site Catalysts 2007
48885 Charles S.Barrett Structure of Metals 2007
48889 Herbert F.Bender, Philipp Eisenbarth Hazardous Chemicals: Control and Regulation in the European Market 2007
48894 Christos Cassandras, Alessandro Giua, Janan Zaytoon Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems 2006: A Proceedings volume from the 2nd IFAC Conference, Alghero, Italy, 7-9 June 2006 (IPV - IFAC Proceedings Volume) 2007
48899 Ayhan Demirbas Biodiesel 2007
48906 Roat-Malone R.M. Bioinorganic Chemistry 2007
48908 Yoshiki Oshida Bioscience And Bioengineering Of Titanium Materials 2007

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