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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
Ïî àâòîðó:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ¨ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
199438 Âàëüïà Î.Ä. Ðàçðàáîòêà óñòðîéñòâ íà îñíîâå öèôðîâûõ ñèãíàëüíûõ ïðîöåññîðîâ ôèðìû Analog Devices ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì Visual DSP++ 2007
199437 Grauel A. Feldtheoretische Beschreibung der Thermodynamik fur Grenzflachen 1989
199436 Hugo Hadwiger, Hans Debrunner Combinatorial Geometry in the Plane 1963
199435 Jean-Pierre Ferrier Topologie et Calcus Différentiel 2000
199434 Paul J. Nahin Digital Dice 2008
199433 Bubert H., Jenett H. (eds.) Surface and Thin Film Analysis: A Compendium of Principles, Instrumentation, and Applications 2002
199432 Nye, J. F. Natural Focusing and Fine Structure of Light: Caustics and Wave Dislocations 1999
199431 K. Eriksson, D. Estep, C. Johnson Angewandte Mathematik: Body and Soul 2005
199430 Wüstholz G. (ed.) A Panorama of Number Theory or The View from Baker's Garden 2002
199429 G.W. Stewart Afternotes goes to Graduate School 1998
199428 STEPHEN T.L CHOY (ed), JUDITH R JESUDASON Proceedings of the Analysis Conference, Singapore 1986 1988
199427 Hida T. (ed.) Stochastic Analysis: Classical and Quantum: Perspectives of White Noise Theory 2005
199426 Mood A., Graybill F., Boes D. Introduction to the Theory of Statistics 1974
199425 Delgado M., Ortega R. The First 60 Years of Nonlinear Analysis of Jean Mawhin 2004
199424 H.S. Carlslaw The Elements of Non-Euclidean Plane Geometry and Trigonometry 1916
199423 Fatibene L., Francaviglia M. Natural and Gauge Natural Formalism for Classical Field Theorie: A Geometric Perspective including Spinors and Gauge Theories 2003
199422 Alexander Basilevsky Statistical Factor Analysis and Related Methods 1994
199421 John Maindonald, John Braun Data Analysis and Graphics Using R 2003
199420 Beard C. The Hunt for the Dawn Monkey: Unearthing the Origins of Monkeys, Apes, and Humans 2004
199419 Marsia Bartusiak Einstein's Unfinished Symphony 2000
199418 Steven Weinberg The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol 2 1996
199417 Kaxiras E. Atomic and Electronic Structure of Solids 2003
199416 Cosmas K. Zachos, David B. Fairlie Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space 2005
199415 George Soros The Alchemy of Finance n/a
199414 Crisfield M.A. Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures. Vol. 2: Advanced Topics 1997
199413 John N. Mordeson, Bernard Vinograde Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 173 1970
199412 Lee F. S. Post Keynesian price theory 1999
199411 Sortino F. A., Satchell S. (eds.) Managing Downside Risk in Financial Markets 2001
199410 Marsden J. E., Ratiu T. S., Scheurle J. Reduction Theory and the Lagrange–Routh Equations 2000
199409 Hawkes P. W. Charged-Particle Optics n/a
199408 Paul H. Introduction to Quantum Theory 2008
199407 Yang T. Impulsive Control Theory 2001
199406 Taniguchi M., Hirukawa J., Tamaki K. Optimal Statistical Inference in Financial Engineering 2007
199405 Frank J. Electron Tomography: Methods for Three-Dimensional Visualization of Structures in the Cell 2006
199404 Schmidt T. Stochastic Analysis on Hilbert Spaces 2005
199403 Weather and Climate 2008
199402 S. Busenberg, B. Forte, H. K. Kuiken Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 1521 1992
199401 Lawrence Hubert, Phipps Arabie The Structural Representation of Proximity Matrices with MATLAB 2006
199400 Claude Chevalley The Algebraic Theory of Spinors and Clifford Algebras 1997
199399 Michael A. Arbib The Handbook of Neural Theory and Brain Works 2003
199398 Nernst W. The New Heat Theorem 1969
199397 Ninul A.S. Tensor Trigonometry 2021
199396 Cohen A. M. Programs and Listings to accompany "Numerical Methods for Laplace Transform Inversion" n/a
199395 Papadimitrakis M. Notes on classical potential theory 2004
199394 Tsimring S. E. Electron Beams and Microwave Vacuum Electronics 2006
199393 Sandor J., Mitrinovic D.S., Crstici B. Handbook of Number Theory I 2006
199392 Reas C., Fry B., Maeda J. Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists 2007
199391 Cherkassky V., Mulier F. Studyguide for Learning from Data 2010
199390 Ernst Cassirer Substance and Function and Einstein's Theory of Relativity 1953
199389 Han Z. Game Theory in Wireless and Communication Networks: Theory, Models, and Applications 2012

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