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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
47223 Eyad H.Abed (Ed.) Advances in Control, Communication Networks, and Transportation Systems 2005
47222 Joel S.Miller, Marc Drillon Magnetism: Molecules to Materials: Models and Experiments 1999
47221 Kenakin T. P. A Pharmacology Primer: Theory, Application and Methods 2009
47220 Issaq H.J. (ed.) A Century of Separation Science 2002
47219 Lorenzo Marconi, Carlo Rossi Advances in Control Theory and Applications 2007
47218 Kar A. Medicinal Chemistry 2007
47217 Angelo Miele, Aldo Frediani Advanced Design Problems in Aerospace Engineering (Vol.1) 2004
47216 Áîðîâêîâ À.À. Îöåíêè äëÿ ðàñïðåäåëåíèÿ ñóìì è ìàêñèìóìîâ ñóìì ñëó÷àéíûõ âåëè÷èí ïðè íåâûïîëíåíèè óñëîâèÿ Êðàìåðà 2000
47215 Robert O.Williams III (ed.), David R.Taft, Jason T.McConville Advanced Drug Formulation Design to Optimize Therapeutic Outcomes 2007
47214 Hartmut Janocha (Ed.) Adaptronics and Smart Structures: Basics, Materials, Design, and Applications 2007
47213 Âîéòêåâè÷ Ñ.À. 865 äóøèñòûõ âåùåñòâ äëÿ ïàðôþìåðèè è áûòîâîé õèìèè 1994
47212 Dreysse H. (ed.) Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of Solids: The Uses of the LMTO Method 2000
47211 Hywel Morgan, Green N. Electrokinetic Technologies for Sub-Micron Particles 2003
47210 Tanizaki H., Mariano R.S. Nonlinear and non-Gaussian state-space modeling with Monte Carlo simulations 1998
47209 Shuhei Hayashi A C(1) Make or Break Lemma 2000
47208 Circuit Cellar (March 2007) 2007
47207 Eyring L. (ed.), Gschneidner K.A. (ed.), Lander G.H. (ed.) Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, Volume 32 2001
47206 Francesco Costantino A calculus for branched spines of 3-manifolds 2005
47205 Lopez O. 21 CFR 11: Complete Guide to International Computer Validation Compliance for the Pharmaceutical Industry 2004
47204 Tan Jin, Yu Sheng-sheng, Zhou Jing-li A Caching Strategy for Streaming Media 2001
47203 Bendikt G.M. (ed.) Metallocene Technology in Commercial Applications 1999
47202 Fomin A.A. A category of matrices representing two categories of Abelian groups 2008
47201 Blum H., Braess D., Suttmeier F.T. A cascadic multigrid algorithm for variational inequalities 2004
47200 Starov V.M., Velarde M.G., Radke C.J Wetting and Spreading Dynamics 2007
47199 Electrical installation handbook (Vol.2) 2005
47198 ABB Electrical installation handbook (Vol.1) 2005
47197 Mittal K.L. (Ed.) Adhesion Aspects of Thin Films (Vol. 2) 2005
47196 Mittal K.L. Adhesion Aspects of Thin Films (Vol. 1) 2001
47195 Ynging Lee, Al Nungwang, Derchyi Wu A Bridge Principle for Harmonic Maps 2002
47194 Brent R.Young, William Y.Svrcek, Donald P.Mahoney A Real-Time Approach to Process Control 2006
47193 Darren Smith, Buschow K.H.J. Handbook Of Magnetic Materialshandbook Of Ferromagnetic Materials (Vol. 11) 1998
47192 Dulski T.R. (ed.) Manual for the Chemical Analysis of Metals 1996
47191 Scaddan B. Electric Wiring: Domestic 2008
47190 Gielen M. (ed.), Davies A.G. (ed.), Tiekink E. (ed.) Tin Chemistry: Fundamentals, Frontiers and Applications 2008
47189 Chowdari B.V.R., Careem M.A., Dissanayake M.A.K.L. Solid State Ionics 2006
47188 Buhler V. Polyvinylpyrrolidone Excipients for Pharmaceuticals: Povidone, Crospovidone and Copovidone 2005
47187 Trestrail J.H. Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys 2007
47186 Leikin J.B., Paloucek F.P. Poisoning and Toxicology Handbook, Fourth Edition 2008
47185 Soare M., Teodorescu P.P., Toma I. Ordinary Differential Equations With Applications To Mechanics 2007
47184 Rasson J.L., Delipetrov T. Geomagnetics for Aeronautical Safety: A Case Study in and around the Balkans 2006
47183 Ramamurthy V. (ed.), Schanze K.S. (ed.) Organic Photochemistry and Photophysics 2006
47182 Bell C. Maximum Boost: Designing, Testing, and Installing Turbocharger Systems 1997
47181 Suzuki K. (ed.), Smith B.W. (ed.) Microlithography: Science and Technology 2007
47180 Rappoport Z. (ed.) The Chemistry of Peroxides, Vol. 2 2006
47179 Zeitsch K.J. The Chemistry And Technology Of Furfural And Its Many By-Products 2000
47178 Nishinari K. Hydrocolloids 2000
47177 Ding Y., Harjani R. HighLinearity CMOS RF FrontEnd Circuits 2005
47176 Rao S.M. (ed.) Time Domain Electromagnetics 1999
47175 Blake D. (ed.), Winyard P.G. (ed.) Immunopharmacology of Free Radical Species 1995
47174 Bucknall M.P. Dityrosine as a biomarker of free radical induced oxidative damage in diseases of ageing 2006

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