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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
149618 Habib Ammari Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Imaging I: Electrical and Ultrasound Tomographies, Anomaly Detection, and Brain Imaging (Lecture Notes in Mathematics Mathematical Biosciences Subseries) 2009
149645 Maria Bostenaru Dan, Richard Prikryl Materials, Technologies and Practice in Historic Heritage Structures 2009
149678 Sara Rubinelli Ars Topica: The Classical Technique of Constructing Arguments from Aristotle to Cicero 2009
149693 Øóèí Õ., Êðþêîâ Ì.Â. Äàâàéòå ïîãîâîðèì ïî-êèòàéñêè!Íîâûé ñàìîó÷èòåëü ðàçãîâîðíîãî êèòàéñêîãî ÿçûêà. 2009
149726 Tan A., Theodorou P. Strategic Information Technology and Portfolio Management 2009
149763 Gross T., Gulliksen J., Kotze P. Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2009: 12th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, August 24-28, 2009, Proceedigns Part I (Lecture ... Applications, incl. Internet Web, and HCI) 2009
149766 0 Áþëëåòåíü èíîñòðàííîé êîììåð÷åñêîé èíôîðìàöèè ¹4 2009
149773 Williams K. Nexus Network Journal 11,3: Architecture and Mathematics 2009
149777 Silberglitt R., Wong A. The Global Technology Revolution, China, Executive Summary: Emerging Technology Opportunities for the Tianjin Binhai New Area (Tbna) and the Tianjin E 2009
149782 Mounfield C. Synthetic CDOs: Modelling, Valuation and Risk Management (Mathematics, Finance and Risk) 2009
149783 Tomei L. Information Communication Technologies for Enhanced Education and Learning: Advanced Applications and Developments 2009
149794 Yamaguchi T. Nano-Biomedical Engineering 2009: Proceedings of the Tohoku University Global Center of Excellence Program, Global Nano-Biomedical Engineering Education and Research Network Centre, Se 2009
149796 Tettamanti G., Goracci G., Lajtha A. Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology: Neural Lipids 2009
149813 Christiansen M. Adobe After Effects CS4 Visual Effects and Compositing Studio Techniques 2009
149814 Bradley R., Sandifer C. Cauchy's Cours d'analyse: An Annotated Translation (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences) 2009
149822 Karp J. How to Survive Your PhD: The Insider's Guide to Avoiding Mistakes, Choosing the Right Program, Working with Professors, and Just How a Person Actually Writes a 200-Page Paper 2009
149825 Glebas F. Directing the Story: Professional Storytelling and Storyboarding Techniques for Live Action and Animation 2009
149828 Sadre R., Pras A. Scalability of Networks and Services: Third International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security, AIMS 2009 Enschede, The ... Networks and Telecommunications) 2009
149867 Sethi M. 3D Game Programming for Teens 2009
149874 Meijers A. Philosophy of Technology and Engineering Sciences (Handbook of the Philosophy of Science) 2009
149875 Anderson P. The Van Rijn Method: The Technic Civilization Saga #1 (Technic Civilization Series) 2009
149879 Voland E., Schiefenhovel W. The Biological Evolution of Religious Mind and Behavior (The Frontiers Collection) 2009
149882 Parker L., Toms D. Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime: Quantized Fields and Gravity (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics) 2009
149898 Hameurlain A., Kung J., Wagner R. Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems) 2009
158312 Tistarelli M., Nixon M. Advances in Biometrics: Third International Conferences, ICB 2009, Alghero, Italy, June 2-5, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ... Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics) 2009
158340 Ma S., Xia Y. Mathematical Understanding of Infectious Disease Dynamics (Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University O) 2009
158365 Little J., Beres J., Hinkson G. Silverlight 3 Programmer's Reference (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) 2009
158387 Karlgren J., Tarhio J., Hyyro H. String Processing and Information Retrieval: 16th International Symposium, SPIRE 2009 Saariselk?, Finland, August 25-27, 2009 Proceedings (Lecture ... Computer Science and General Issues) 2009
158400 Keith M., Schincariol M. Pro JPA 2: Mastering the Java™ Persistence API (Expert's Voice in Java Technology) 2009
158448 Ðåäàêöèîííàÿ êîëëåãèÿ: À.È. Ìàòåðí, Ñ.Ò. Êíÿçåâ, Î.È. Ðåáðèí, À.Â. Öâåòêîâ Íîâûå îáðàçîâàòåëüíûå òåõíîëîãèè â âóçå: Ñáîðíèê ìàòåðèàëîâ øåñòîé ìåæäóíàðîäíîé íàó÷íî-ìåòîäè÷åñêîé êîíôåðåíöèè. ×àñòü 1 (Åêàòåðèíáóðã, 2-5 ôåâðàëÿ 2009 ã.) 2009
158526 Yu W., Sanchez E. Advances in Computational Intelligence 2009
158532 Hou G. Flavor Physics and the TeV Scale 2009
158609 Harold Franck, Darren Franck Mathematical Methods for Accident Reconstruction: A Forensic Engineering Perspective 2009
158615 Marcel Vinicius Medeiros Oliveira, Jim Woodcock Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications: 12th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, SBMF 2009 Gramado, Brazil, August 19-21, 2009 Revised Selected ... / Programming and Software Engineering) 2009
158622 Wolfgang Nolting, William D. Brewer Fundamentals of Many-body Physics 2009
158635 Anne Maczulak Renewable Energy: Sources and Methods (Green Technology) 2009
158644 Deitel P., Deitel H. C: How to Program 2009
158678 Kharif C., Pelinovsky E., Slunyaev A. Rogue Waves in the Ocean (Advances in Geophysical and Environmental Mechanics and Mathematics) 2009
158729 Aldini A., Barthe G., Gorrieri R. Foundations of Security Analysis and Design V: FOSAD 2008 2009 Tutorial Lectures (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Security and Cryptology) 2009
158745 Ho A., Shi Y., Kim H. Digital Watermarking: 8th International Workshop, IWDW 2009, Guildford, UK, August 24-26, 2009, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Security and Cryptology) 2009
158819 Eduardo Garcia-Rio, Miguel Brozos-Vazquez, Ramon Vazquez-Lorenzo The geometry of Walker manifolds 2009
158828 Josef Kallrath, Eugene F. Milone Eclipsing Binary Stars: Modeling and Analysis (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) 2009
158832 Michael P. Hughes, Kai F. Hoettges Microengineering in Biotechnology 2009
158833 Christian Ullrich Forecasting and Hedging in the Foreign Exchange Markets 2009
158850 Marvin Zelkowitz Ph.D. Computer performance issues 2009
158856 Benatti F. Quantum Entropies: Dynamics, Information and Complexity 2009
158881 Efendiev Y., Hou T. Multiscale Finite Element Methods: Theory and Applications 2009
158900 Êî÷àãèíà Ì.Í., Êî÷àãèí Â.Â. ÃÈÀ ïî ìàòåìàòèêå : 9 êëàññ : Ïîäãîòîâêà ó÷àùèõñÿ ê èòîãîâîé àòòåñòàöèè 2009
158935 Petraglia M., Rose J. The Evolution of Human Populations in Arabia: Paleoenvironments, Prehistory and Genetics 2009
158954 Áþëëåòåíü èíîñòðàííîé êîììåð÷åñêîé èíôîðìàöèè 2009

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