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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
49365 Hunger K. (ed.) Industrial Dyes: Chemistry, Properties, Applications 2003
49364 Hume-Rothery W., Raynor G.V. The Structure of Metals and Alloys 1962
49363 Hackel M. (ed.) Humanoid Robots. Human-like Machines 2007
49362 Pina Filho A.C. (ed.) Humanoid Robots. New Developments 2007
49361 Allen E. How Buildings Work: The Natural Order of Architecture 2005
49360 Vogel B. How to Gain Gain: A Reference Book on Triodes in Audio Pre-Amps 2008
49359 Lawson B. How Designers Think: The Design Process Demystified 2005
49358 Hoselitz K. Ferromagnetic Properties of Metals and Alloys 1952
49357 Herzberg S. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure I: Spectra of Diatomic Molecules 1950
49356 Herzberg S. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure II: Infrared and Raman of Polyatomic Molecules 1945
49355 Ditchburn H.K., Mott R.W., Henisch N.F. Semi-Conducting Materials 1951
49354 Ahmad H.M. Homoeopathy: "like cures like" : English rendering of lectures delivered on MTA Internetional 2005
49353 Barnes J., Anderson L.A., Phillipson J.D. Herbal Medicines 2007
49352 Chase S.U., Sweedler M.E. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 97. Hopf Algebras and Galois Theory 1969
49351 von Hevesy G. Chemical Analysis by X-Rays and Its Applications 1932
49350 Kayne S.B. Homeopathic Prescribing Pocket Companion 2007
49349 Uncle Fester Home Workshop Explosives 2002
49348 Kern W. (ed.) Handbook of Semiconductor Wafer Cleaning Technology 1993
49347 Klapotke T.M. (ed.) High Energy Density Materials 2007
49346 Garzon R.D. High Voltage Circuit Breakers: Design and Applications 2002
49345 Kowl A. (ed.) High Times Encyclopedia of Recreational Drugs 1978
49344 Heitler W. Elementary Wave Mechanics With Applications to Quantum Chemistry 1956
49343 Ericson II C.A. Hazard Analysis Techniques for System Safety 2005
49342 Adachi H. (ed.), Mukoyama T. (ed.), Kawai J. (ed.) Hartree-Fock-Slater Method for Materials Science: The DV-X Alpha Method for Design and Characterization of Materials 2005
49341 Kumar P. (ed.), Mittal K.L. (ed.) Handbook of Microemulsion Science and Technology 1999
49340 Dunne A. Hertzian Tales: Electronic Products, Aesthetic Experience, and Critical Design 2006
49339 Cain T. Hardening, Tempering and Heat Treatment: The Structure of Steel and the Effects of Different Heat Treatments 1990
49338 Nordberg G.F., Fowler B.A., Nordberg M. Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals 2007
49337 Corps P. Handbook for Building Homes of Earth 1998
49336 Peacock A. Handbook of Polyethylene 2000
49335 Handbook of Water Treatment 1999
49334 Whitehouse D.J. Handbook of Surface and Nanometrology 2003
49333 Hutten I. Handbook of Non-Woven Filter Media 2007
49332 Rowe R.C. (ed.), Sheskey P.J. (ed.), Owen S.C. (ed.) Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients 2006
49331 Pabby A.K. (ed.), Rizvi S.S. (ed.), Sastre A.M. (ed.) Handbook of Membrane Separations: Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Biotechnological Applications 2009
49330 Yip S. (ed.) Handbook of Materials Modeling. Part A 2005
49329 Yip S. (ed.) Handbook of Materials Modeling. Part B 2005
49328 Burns D.A., Ciurczak E.W. Handbook of Near Infrared Analysis 2008
49327 Buschow K.H. Handbook of Magnetic Materials. Volume 17 2007
49326 Buschow K.H. Handbook of Magnetic Materials. Volume 16 2006
49325 Marinescu L.D. (ed.), Hitchiner M., Uhlmann E. Handbook of Machining With Grinding Wheel 2007
49324 Kruusing A. Handbook of Liquids-Assisted Laser Processing 2007
49323 Hui Y.H. (ed.) Handbook of Food Products Manufacturing 2007
49322 Purchas D.B. (ed.), Sutherland K. (ed.) Handbook of Filter Media 2002
49321 Marinescu L.D. (ed.), Uhlmann E. (ed.), Doi T.K. (ed.) Handbook of Lapping and Polishing 2007
49320 Ahuja S. (ed.), Alsante K.M. (ed.) Handbook of Isolation and Characterization of Impurities in Pharmaceuticals 2003
49319 Lewin M. (ed.) Handbook of Fiber Chemistry 2007
49318 Woolf W. (ed.) Handbook of Drug Metabolis 1999
49317 Holloway P.H., McGuire G.E. Handbook of Compound Semiconductors: Growth, Processing, Characterization, and Device 1995
49316 Yaws C.L. Handbook of Chemical Compound Data for Process Safety 1997

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