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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
49416 Thompson M. Intuitive Analog Circuit Design 2006
49415 Tanaka Y. Ion Exchange Membranes: Fundamentals and Applications 2007
49414 Center for Chemical Process Safety Guidelines for Investigating Chemical Process Incidents 2003
49413 Begmatov A.K. A Certain Inversion Problem for the Ray Transform with Incomplete Data 2001
49412 Cejka J., van Bekkum H., Corma A. Introduction to Zeolite Molecular Sieves 2007
49411 Chimowitz E.H. Introduction to Critical Phenomena in Fluids 2004
49410 Poole Jr.C.P., Owens F.J. Introduction to Nanotechnology 2003
49409 Poirier J.P. Introduction to the Physics of the Earth's Interior 2000
49408 Jacob D. Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry 1999
49407 Dunn W.C. Introduction to Instrumentation, Sensors, and Process Control 2005
49406 Dyall K.G., Faegri jr.K. Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Chemistry 2007
49405 Rastoqi R.P. Introduction to Non-Equilibrium Physical Chemistry: Towards Complexity and Non-Linear Science 2007
49404 Smith F., Francis S.-A., Schafheutle E. International Research in Healthcare 2008
49403 Allegra G. Interphases and Mesophases in Polymer Crystallization III 2005
49402 Gulliver J.S. Introduction to Chemical Transport in the Environment 2007
49401 Flora C. (ed.) Interactions Between Agroecosystems and Rural Communities 2001
49400 Blanter M.S., Neuhuser H., Sinning H.-R. Internal Friction in Metallic Materials: A Handbook 2007
49399 Chalmers A.A. (ed.) International Pharmaceutical Registration 2000
49398 Tan K.H. Humic Matter in Soil and the Environment. Principles and Controversies 2003
49397 Coleman C. (ed.) Interior Design Handbook of Professional Practice 2002
49396 Miller C.A. (ed.), Neogi P. (ed.) Interfacial Phenomena: Equilibrium and Dynamic Effects 2008
49395 Abd-El-Aziz A.S., Carraher C.E., Pittman C.U. Inorganic and Organometallic Macromolecules: Design and Applications 2008
49394 Dimian A.C. Integrated Design And Simulation Of Chemical Processes 2003
49393 Marusak R.A., Doan K., Cummings S.D. Integrated Approach to Coordination Chemistry: An Inorganic Laboratory Guide 2007
49392 Akaqi H., Watanabe E.H., Aredes M. Instantaneous Power Theory and Applications to Power Conditioning 2007
49391 Gottstein G. (ed.) Integral Materials Modeling: Towards Physics-Based Through-Process Models 2007
49390 Eckenfelder W.W. Industrial Water Pollution Control 2000
49389 Rich R.L. Inorganic Reactions In Water 2007
49388 Ancheyta J., Speight Hydroprocessing of Heavy Oils and Residua 2007
49387 Lalena J.N., Cleary D.A., Carpenter E. Inorganic Materials Synthesis and Fabrication 2008
49386 Flick E.W. Industrial Surfactants: An Industrial Guide 1993
49385 Cubero S. (ed.) Industrial Robotics: Theory, Modelling and Control 2007
49384 Low K.H. (ed.) Industrial Robotics: Programming, Simulation and Applications 2006
49383 Moreton P. Industrial Brushless Servomotors 2000
49382 Hill S.J. (ed.) Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry and its Applications 2007
49380 Bas E. Indoor Air Quality: A Guide for Facility Managers 2004
49379 Kurz C. Imagine Homeopathy 2005
49378 Improvised Lock Picks (Police Guide To Lockpicking) n/a
49377 Hall S.R., McMahon B. International Tables for Crystallography: Definition and exchange of crystallographic data. Vol. G 2005
49376 Rossmann M.G. (ed.), Arnold E. (ed.) International Tables for Crystallography: Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules. Vol. F 2001
49375 Kopsky V. (ed.), Litvin D.B. (ed.) International Tables for Crystallography: Subperiodic Groups. Vol. E 2002
49374 Authier A. (ed.) International Tables for Crystallography: Physical Properties of Crystals. Vol. D 2003
49373 Prince E. (ed.) International Tables for Crystallography: Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Tables. Vol. C 2004
49372 Shmueli U. (ed.) International Tables for Crystallography: Reciprocal Space. Vol. B 2001
49371 Wondratschek H. (ed.), Müller U. (ed.) International Tables for Crystallography: Symmetry Relations Between Space Group. Vol. A1 2004
49370 Hahn T. (ed.) International Tables for Crystallography: Space Group Symmetry. Vol. A 2005
49369 Polyanin A.D., Vyazmin A.V., Kutepov A.M. Hydrodynamics, Mass, and Heat Transfer in Chemical Engineering 2001
49368 ISPE Good Practice Guide. July 2008 2008
49367 Whitelaw K. ISO 14001 Environmental Systems Handbook 2004
49366 Mildenberg R., Zander M., Collin G. Hydrocarbon Resins 1997

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