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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
50115 Klyosov A.A. Wood-Plastic Composites 2007
50114 Stiebler M. Wind Energy Systems for Electric Power Generation 2008
50113 Wilson A.J.C. X-ray optics;: The diffraction of X-rays by finite and imperfect crystals 1962
50112 Peiser H.S, (ed.), Rooksby H.P. (ed.), Wilson A.J.C. (ed.) X-Ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials. Physics in Industry 1955
50111 Wilson A.H. The Theory of Metals 1953
50110 Gupta K.C. (ed.), Hall P.S. (ed.) Analysis and Design of Integrated Circuit– Antenna Modules 2000
50109 Stacey D. Aeronautical Radio Communication. Systems and Networks 2008
50108 March R.E., Todd J.E.J. Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry 2005
50107 White H.E. Introduction To Atomic Spectra 1934
50106 Weston A., Brown P.R. High Performance Liquid Chromatography & Capillary Electrophoresis: Principles and Practices 1997
50105 Mays L.W. Water Supply Systems Security 2003
50104 Watson J.S. Separation Methods for Waste and Environmental Applications 1999
50103 Audibert F. Waste Engine Oils 2006
50102 Wang W.K. (ed.) Membrane Separations in Biotechnology 2001
50101 Walker I.L. Crystallography: An outline of the geometrical problems of crystals 1914
50100 Vulfson E.N. (ed.), Halling P.J. (ed.), Holland H.L. (ed.) Enzymes in Nonaqueous Solvents: Methods and Protocols 2001
50099 Fiechter A. (ed.), Barzana E., Freitag R. Downstream Processing Biosurfactants Carotenoids 1996
50098 Fiechter A. (ed.), Ghosh P., Hasegawa S. Advances in Biochemical Engineering-Biotechnology: Biotechnics/ Wastewater 1993
50097 Tsao G.T. (ed.) Bioseparation n/a
50096 Olsson L. (ed.) Biofuels 2007
50095 Fiechter A. (ed.), Sautter C. (ed.) Green Gene Technology: Research in an Area of Social Conflict 2007
50094 Vogel S. Vital Circuits: On Pumps, Pipes, and the Working of Circulatory Systems 1992
50093 Ferry J.D. Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers 1980
50092 Dymond J.H., Marsh K.N., Wilhoit R.C. Virial Coefficients of Pure Gases and Mixtures. Subvol. B: Virial Coefficients of Mixtures 2003
50091 Vinci V.A. (ed.), Parekh S.R. (ed.) Handbook of Industrial Cell Culture: Mammalian, Microbial, and Plant Cells 2003
50090 Jack K. Video Demystified. A Handbook for the Digital Engineer 2007
50089 Vicari L. (ed.) Optical Applications of Liquid Crystals 2003
50088 Silva C.W. Vibration Monitoring Testing, and Instrumentation 2007
50087 Âåíêîâ À.Á. (ðåä.), Òàõòàäæÿí Ë.À. (ðåä.) Äèôôåðåíöèàëüíàÿ ãåîìåòðèÿ, ãðóïïû ëè è ìåõàíèêà 1984
50086 Nesbet R.K. Variational Principles and Methods in Theoretical Physics and Chemistry 2002
50085 Peskir G. A Change-of-Variable Formula with Local Time on Curves 2005
50084 Hall K.R. (ed.), Dykyj J., Svoboda J. Vapor Pressure of Chemicals.Subvol. A: apor Pressure and Antoine Constants for Hydrocarbons, and Sulfur, Selenium, Tellurium, and Halogen Containing Organic Compounds 1999
50083 Van't Land C.M. Industrial Crystallization of Melts 2005
50082 Leeuwen J.P. (ed.), Timmermans H.J.P. (ed.) Recent Advances in Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning 2004
50081 Arkel A.E. Molecules and Crystals: In Inorganic Chemistry 1956
50079 Huber L. Validation and Qualification in Analytical Laboratories 2007
50078 Pilchik R. Validating Medical Packaging 2003
50077 Campardo G., Micheloni R. Vlsi-Design Of Non-Volatile Memories 2005
50076 Amundsen L.K. Use of non-specific and specific interactions in the analysis of testosterone and related compounds by capillary electromigration techniques 2008
50075 Green N. Unimolecular Kinetics, Vol. 39: Unimolecular Kinetics, Part 1 2008
50074 Keeler J. Understanding NMR Spectroscopy 2002
50073 Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Pharmaceuticals: Workshop Summary 2007
50072 Bishop O. Understand Amplifiers 1998
50071 Chen C.H. Ultrasonic and Advanced Methods for Nondestructive Testing and Material Characterization 2007
50070 Schwalm R. UV Coatings: Basics, Recent Developments and New Applications 2006
50069 Leu M.C., Joshi A. NX5 for Engineering Design n/a
50068 Delli P., Leu M. Unigraphics NX-3 for Engineering Design n/a
50067 Tutton A.E.H. Crystallography and Practical Crystal Measurement. Vol. 2 1922
50066 Tutton A.E.H. Crystallography and Practical Crystal Measurement. Vol.1 1922
50065 Öàðåíêî Ñ.Â. Íåéðîðåàíèìàòîëîãèÿ. Èíòåíñèâíàÿ òåðàïèÿ ÷åðåïíî-ìîçãîâîé òðàâìû 2006

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