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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
50567 Berrizbeitia P., Berry T.G. Generalized strong pseudoprime tests and applications 2000
50566 Bailey P.B., Everitt W.N., Zettl A. Algorithm 810: The SLEIGN2 Sturm-Liouville Code 2001
50565 Barry D.A., Culligan-Hensley P.J., Barry S.J. Algorithm 743: WAPR-a Fortran routine for calculating real values of the W-function 1995
50564 Barvinsky A.O., Vilkovisky G.A. Covariant perturbation theory (III). Spectral representations of the third-order form factors 1989
50563 Barvinsky A.O., Vilkovisky G.A. Covariant perturbation theory (II). Second order in the curvature. General algorithms 1989
50562 Breitmaier E., Voelter W. Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy: High-Resolution Methods and Applications in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry 1986
50561 Babiker M., Loudon R. Gauge invariance of the Aharonov-Bohm effect 1984
50560 Bajaj C.L., Xu G. Spline approximations of real algebraic surfaces 1997
50559 Bernstein D.J. Detecting perfect powers in almost linear time 1998
50558 Borwein J,, Bradley D. Empirically determined Apéry-like formulae for z(4n+3) 1997
50557 Ramirez-Corredores M.M., Borole A.P. Biocatalysis in Oil Refining 2007
50556 Arnault F. Rabin-Miller primality test: composite numbers which pass it 1995
50555 Bender C.M. Anharmonic Oscillator 1969
50554 Alpert B.K. Hybrid Gauss-Trapezoidal Quadrature Rules 1999
50553 Alefeld G.E., Potra F.A., Shi Y. Algorithm 748: enclosing zeros of continuous functions 1995
50552 Aiello W., Rajagopalan S., Venkatesan R. Design of Practical and Provably Good Random Number Generators 1998
50551 Agrawal M., Kayal N., Saxena N. Primes is in P 2002
50550 Barbosa-Povoa A.P., Matos H. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - 14 2004
50549 Sloan E.D., Dendy J.E., Koh C. Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases 2007
50547 Hepworth J.D., Waring D.R., Waring M.J. Aromatic Chemistry 2002
50546 Pressman A., Lawson F.R., Allen E. Architectural Design Portable Handbook 2001
50545 Kobayashi M. Applications of Wavelets: Case Studies 1998
50544 Holtz R.D. Geosynthetic Design & Construction Guidelines. Participant Notebook 1998
50543 Wise D.L. Process Engineering for Pollution Control and Waste Minimization, Vol. 7 1998
50542 Aris R. Mathematical Modeling 1999
50541 Cheremisinoff N.P. Handbook of Pollution Prevention Practices, Vol. 24 2001
50540 Institute American Concrete Institute Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary 2008
50539 Britton L.G. Avoiding Static Ignition Hazards In Chemical Operations 1999
50538 Kenkel J.V. Analytical Chemistry for Technicians 2002
50537 Englezos P., Kalogerakis N. Applied Parameter Estimation for Chemical Engineers 2001
50536 Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Guidelines for Auditing Process Safety Management Systems 1992
50535 Barnesv H.A., Walters K., Hutton J.F. An Introduction to Rheology 1989
50534 Almkvist G., Granville A. Borwein and Bradley's Apéry-like formulae for Z(4n+3) 1999
50533 Akritas A.G. There is no “Uspensky's method.” 1986
50532 Akritas A.G. A new method for polynomial real root isolation 1978
50531 Akima H. Algorithm 761: Scattered-data surface fitting that has the accuracy of a cubic polynomial 1996
50530 Akima H. Algorithm 760: Rectangular-grid-data surface fitting that has the accuracy of a bicubic polynomial 1996
50529 Ciferri A. Supramolecular Polymers 2000
50528 Taylor F.C. A history of industrial chemistry 1957
50527 Ellison A. Instant Revision: AS Chemistry 2002
50526 Allen A.H. Reinforced Concrete Design To Bs8110 1988
50525 Hinds W.C. Aerosol Technology: Properties, Behavior, and Measurement of Airborne Particles 1999
50524 Willeke K., Baron P.A. Aerosol Measurement: Principles, Techniques, and Applications 2001
50523 Sabin J.R., Lowdin P.-O., Brandas E.J. Advances in Quantum Chemistry: Current Trends in Atomic Physics, Vol. 53 2007
50522 Sabin J.R., Brandas E. Advances in Quantum Chemistry: Theory of the Interaction of Radiation with Biomolecules, Vol. 52 2006
50521 Katritzky A.R. Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol. 95 2008
50520 ASHRAE Standard 62-1999, Ventilation For Acceptable Indoor Air Quality 1999
50519 Hilan N., Al-Zoubi H., Darwish N.A. A comprehensive review of nanofiltration membranes: Treatment, pretreatment, modelling, and atomic force microscopy 2004
50518 Mathieu O., Papadopoulo G. A character formula for a family of simple modular representations of GL(n) 1999
50517 Abbott L.F., Coleman S. The collapse of an anti-de sitter bubble 1985

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