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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
50968 Renka R.J., Brown R. Algorithm 792: Accuracy Tests of ACM Algorithms for Interpolation of Scattered Data in the Plane 1999
50967 Renka R.J. Algorithm 791: TSHEP2D: Cosine Series Shepard Methodfor Bivariate Interpolation of Scattered Data 1999
50966 Dawson D. Introduction to Markov Chains 1970
50965 Ralston A. On Economization of Rational Functions n/a
50964 Barvinsky A.O., Ponomariov V.N. Quantum Geometrodynamics: The Path Integral and the Initial Value Problem for the Wave Function of the Universe 1986
50963 Greaves T.L., Drummond C.J. ProticIonic Liquids: Properties and Applications 2008
50962 Mortimer C.T. Reaction Heats and Bond Strengths 1962
50961 Maier J. Physical Chemistry of Materials: Ions and Electrons in Solids 2004
50960 Archer J.S., Wall C.G. Petroleum Engineering: Principles and Practice 1986
50959 Pipes L.A. Applied Mathemattics for Engineers and Physicists 1946
50958 Stamm M. (ed.) Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces: Characterization, Modification and Applications 2008
50957 Guenet J. Polymer-Solvent Molecular Compounds 2008
50956 Naik S.D., Doraiswamy L.K. Phase Transfer Catalysis: Chemistry and Engineering 1998
50955 Sakai K. (ed.), Hirayama N. (ed.), Tamura R. (ed.) Novel Optical Resolution Technologies 2007
50954 Nexus Network Journal. Vol.9. No.1. Patterns in Architecture 2007
50953 Collins G.E. Polynomial Real Root Isolation Using Descarte's Rule of Signs 1976
50952 Íüþìåí Ìþ (ðåä.) Îñíîâû ðåãèîíàðíîé àíàñòåçèè 2005
50951 Moore W.J. Seven Solid States;: An Introduction to the Chemistry and Physics of Solids 1967
50950 Pinch R.G.E. Some Primality Testing Algorithms 1993
50949 Borwein J.M. An Efficient Algorithm for the Riemann Zeta function 1995
50948 Pinkert J.R. An Exact Method for Finding the Roots of a Complex Polynomial 1976
50947 Hasegawa M., Horie K. Photophysics, Photochemistry, and Optical Properties of Polyimides 2000
50946 Peters J. Algorithm 783: Pcp2Nurb-Smooth Free-Form Surfacing with Linearly Trimmed Bicubic B-Splines 1998
50945 Barvinsky A.O. Perturbative Quantum Cosmology: The Probability Measure on Superspace and Semiclassical Expansion 1988
50944 Pan V.Y. Univariate Polynomials: Nearly Optimal Algorithms for Factorization and Rootfinding 2001
50943 Hites R. Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Great Lakes 2006
50942 Sebah P., Gourdon X. Newton's Method and High Order Generalizations 2001
50941 Hester R.E., Harrison R. Nanotechnology: Consequences for Human Health and the Environment 2007
50940 Pagonis V., Furetta C., Kitis G. Numerical and Practical Exercises in Thermoluminescence 2006
50939 Albrecht W., Kittelmann W., Fuchs H. Nonwoven Fabrics: Raw Materials, Manufacture, Applications, Characteristics, Testing Processes 2003
50938 Odlyzko A.M., Schonhage Fast Algorithms for Multiple Evaluations of the Riemann Zeta Function n/a
50937 Imperial College Press Staff Nanostructures and Nanomaterials 2004
50936 Bowman D., Bradley D.M. Rezolution of Some Open Problems Concerning Multiple Zeta Evaluations of Arbitrary Depth 1999
50935 Haile J.M. Molecular Dyanmics Simualtion: Elementary Methods 1997
50934 Silberberg M. Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change 2004
50933 Glasserman P. Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineeing 2003
50932 Mukhanovt V., Wipf A. On 4D-Hawing Radiation from Effective Action n/a
50931 Aurbach D. Nonaqueous Electrochemistry 1999
50930 Bailey D.H., Li X.S. A Comparison of Three High-Precision Quadrature Schemes 2002
50929 Cseke L.J., Kaufman P.B., Duke J.A. Natural Products from Plants 2006
50928 Boudreau M.A., McMillan G.K. New Directions in Bioprocess Modeling and Control: Maximizing Process Analytical Technology Benefits 2006
50927 Munro W.J., Gardiner C.W. Non-rotating-wave Master Equation 1996
50926 Conway B.E. (ed.), White R.E. (ed.), Bockris J. (ed.) Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry ¹39 2006
50925 Dengfeng L., Silong P. A Caracterization of N-dimensional Daubechies Type Tensor Product Wavelet 2001
50924 Mezey P.G. Shape In Chemistry: An Introduction To Molecular Shape And Topology 1993
50923 Mazzone F.D., Cuenya H.H. A Characterization of Best φ-Approximants with Applications to Multidimensional Isotonic Approximation 2005
50922 Radcliffe D.E., Cabrera M.L. Modeling Phosphorus in the Environment 2006
50921 Vondracek Z. A Characterization of Brownian Motion in a Lipschitz Domain by Its Killing Distributions 1990
50920 Moser J. Recent Developments in the Theory of Hamiltonian Systems 1986
50919 Roe R.-J.J. Methods of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering in Polymer Science 2000

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