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Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
51070 Willers J.M. A New Integration Algorithm for Ordinary Differential Equations Based on Continued Fraction Approximations 1974
51069 Wilf H.S. A Global Bisection Algorithm for Computing the Zeros of Polynomials in the Complex Plane 1978
51068 Wielonsky F. Some Porperties of Hermite-Pade Approximants to exp(x) 1991
51067 Firoozabadi A. Thermodynamics of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs 1999
51066 Weselake R.J. Teaching Innovations in Lipid Science 2008
51065 Gregoriou V.G, Braiman M.S. Vibrational Spectroscopy of Biological and Polymeric Materials 2006
51064 Weingartner A. Nonlinear Congruential Pseudorandom Number Generation 1994
51063 Gregoriou V.G., Braiman M.S. Vibrational Spectroscopy of Biological and Polymeric Materials 2006
51062 Bender C.M., Olaussen K., Wang P.S. Numerological Analysis of the WKB Approximation in Large Order 1977
51061 Vilenkin A. Interpretation of the Wave Function of the Universe 1989
51060 Truesdell C Rational Thermodynamics 1968
51059 Verlinden E. Fusion Rules and Modular Transformations in 2D Conformal Field Theory 1988
51058 Verde-Star L. Polynomial Sequences of Interpolator Type 1993
51057 Verde-Star L. Interpolation and Combinatorial Functions 1988
51056 Tuppert J. Reliable Two-Dimensional Graphing Methods for Mathematical Formulae with Two Free Variables n/a
51055 Nakamura I., Yamamoto Y. Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Reactions in Heterocyclic Synthesis 2004
51054 Guelberth C.R., Chiras D. The Natural Plaster Book: Earth Lime and Gypsum Plasters for Natural Homes n/a
51053 Zvára I. The Inorganic Radiochemistry of Heavy Elements: Methods for Studying Gaseous Compounds 2008
51052 Nimble J.B. The Construction And Operation Of Clandestine Drug Laboratories n/a
51051 Nicholson J.W. The Chemistry of Polymers 2006
51050 Robinson C. The Construction of Secret Hiding Places 1981
51049 Coleman S. The Fate of the False Vacuum I: Semi-Classical Theory n/a
51048 Òåõíèêà - ìîëîäåæè (¹9, 2009) 2009
51047 Koenig J.L, Spectroscopy of Polymers 1999
51046 Ray S.S Structural Steelwork: Analysis and Design 1998
51045 Rushton A., Ward A.S., Holdich R.G. Solid-Liquid Filtration and Separation Technology 1996
51044 Fiorani D. (ed.) Surface Effects in Magnetic Nanoparticles 2005
51043 Dhar D.N., Dhar P. The Chemistry of Chlorosulfonyl Isocyanate 2002
51042 Kostianoy A.G. (ed.), Kosarev A.N. (ed.) The Caspian Sea Environment 2005
51041 Nonweiler T. Algorithm 326 Roots of Low-Order Polynomial Equations [c2j] 1967
51040 Sawyer A., Bright K.T. The Access Manual: Auditing and Managing Inclusive Built Environments 2006
51039 Smith J.V. Tetrahedral Frameworks of Zeolites, Clathrates and Related Materials 2000
51038 Adams D.K. The Structural Engineer's Professional Training Manual 2007
51037 Wohlfarth C., Lechner M.D., Martienssen W. (ed.) Surface Tension of Pure Liquids and Binary Liquid Mixtures 1998
51036 Bentz W. A characterization of T3 separation for a special class of varieties 2007
51035 Corma A. Solid acid catalysts 1997
51034 Condon J.B. Surface Area And Porosity Determinations By Physisorption 2006
51033 Àðóòþíÿí Å.Á., Ëåâèòàñ Ã.Ã. Ñêàçêè ïî ìàòåìàòèêå 1994
51032 Speakman J.C. The Hydrogen Bond and Other Intermolecular Forces 1975
51031 Stehfest H. Algorithm 368: Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms [D5] 1969
51030 Stoer J. A Direct Method for Chebyshev Approximation by Rational Functions 1963
51029 Spiklbekg K. Representation of Power Series in Terms of Polynomials, Rational Approximations and Continued Fractions 1961
51028 Spencer M.R. Polynomial Real Root Finding in Bernstein Form 1994
51027 Spallone S. The Riemann Zeta Function 2000
51026 Schulten K., Gordon R.G. Semiclassical approximations to 3j- and 6j-coefficients for quantum-mechanical coupling of angular momenta 1975
51025 Schulten K., Gordon G. Recursive Evaluation of 3 and 6 Coefficients 1976
51024 Schulten K., Gordon G. Exact recursive evaluation of 3/- and 6/-coefficients for quantum-mechanical coupling of angular momenta 1975
51023 Schimid A. Repeated Measurements on Dissipative Linear Quantum Systems 1986
51022 Schmid A. On a Quasiclassical Langevin Equation 1982
51021 Smolin L., Soo C. The Chern-Simons invariant as the natural time variable for classical and quantum cosmology 1995

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