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Ïî íàçâàíèþ:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
123555 van Beijeren H., Lanford III O.E., Lebowitz J.L. Equilibrium Time Correlation Functions in the Low-Density Limit 1980
123568 Lindenberg K., Seshadri V., Shuler K.E. Lattice Random Walks for Sets of Random Walkers. First Passage Times 1980
123638 Zurek W.H., Schieve W.C. Deviations from the Poisson Behavior of Equilibrium Fluctuations in a Closed System 1980
123676 Battle G., Rosen L. The FKG Inequality for the Yukawa_2 Quantum Field Theory 1980
123704 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
123711 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
123739 Bender C., Cooper F. Strong Coupling Expansion for Classical Statistical Dynamics 1980
123824 Runnels L.K., Lebowitz J.L. Circle Theorem for Hard-Core Binary Lattice Gases 1980
124042 Heitmann R., Radin C. The Ground State for Sticky Disks 1980
124188 Kremen A. Coding of Gibbs Function Flows from Nucleotide Pools 1980
124204 Lindenberg K., Seshadri V., Shuler K.E. Equal-Time Second-Order Moments of a Harmonic Oscillator with Stochastic Frequency and Driving Force 1980
124244 Hasegawa H., Nakagomi T. Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Lasing and Bistable Optical Systems 1980
124357 Shlosman S.B. Correlation Inequalities for Antiferromagnets 1980
124384 San Miguel M., Sancho J.M. A Colored-Noise Approach to Brownian Motion in Position Space. Corrections to the Smoluchowski Equation 1980
124398 Parisi G. Field-Theoretic Approach to Second-Order Phase Transitions in Two- and Three-Dimensional Systems 1980
124507 Israel R. Phase Transitions and Reflection Positivity. II. Lattice Systems with Short-Range and Coulomb Interactions 1980
124700 Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University PROGRAM OF THE 42ND STATISTICAL MECHANICS MEETING 1980
124718 Dekeyser R., Stella A. Differential Renormalization of van der Waals Spin Models 1980
124753 Nicolis G., Malek-Mansour M. Systematic Analysis of the Multivariate Master Equation for a ReactionlDiffusion System 1980
124770 Ueyama H. The Stochastic Boltzmann Equation and Hydrodynamic Fluctuations 1980
124815 Aizenman M., Delyon F. Lower Bounds on the Cluster Size Distribution 1980
124849 Broeas J. Classification of Rearrangement Mechanisms and Dynamic Stereochemistry 1980
124916 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
124980 Grabert H., Hanggi P., Talkner P. Microdynamics and Nonlinear Stochastic Processes of Gross Variables 1980
125022 Wright C. C., Cummings P. T. Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike Equation for a Soft- Core Yukawa Fluid. II. Numerical Results 1980
125034 van Kampen N. G. The Validity of Nonlinear Langevin Equations 1980
125068 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
125105 Gregory Dee, James D. Gunton, Kyozi Kawasaki An Exact Solution of Equations for the Mean Metastable States 1980
125116 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1980
123326 Cornille H. On the Krook-Wu Model of the Boltzmann Equation 1979
123485 Deepak Dhar, Mustansir Barma Effect of Disorder on Relaxation in the One-Dimensional Glauber Model 1979
123511 Henk van Beijeren, Dorfman J. R. Kinetic Theory of Hydrodynamic Flows. I. The Generalized Normal Solution Method and Its Application to the Drag on a Sphere 1979
123860 Alberto Frigerio, Vittorio Gorini, Joe V. Pule Open Quasi-Free Systems 1979
125011 Reichl L. E. Microscopic Modes in a Fermi Superfluid. I. Linearized Kinetic Equations 1979
125374 Denis J. Evans Enhanced t ^-3/2 Long-Time Tail for the Stress-Stress Time Correlation Function 1979
125420 Domokos Szasz Joint Diffusion on the Line 1979
126576 Herrlich H., Preub G. Categorical Topology 1979
126633 Ðûæèêîâ Ê.Ì., Ãâîçäåâ Å.Â., Òîêîáàåâ Ì.Ì. Îïðåäåëèòåëü ãåëüìèíòîâ ãðûçóíîâ ôàóíû ÑÑÑÐ.Íåìàòîäû è àêàíòîöåôàëû 1979
126740 Grmela M., Marsden J.E. Global Analysis 1979
126743 Stakgold I. Green's functions and boundary value problems 1979
126782 Lebedev N.N. Worked Problems in Applied Mathematics 1979
126999 Ôèãóðîâñêèé Í.À. Èñòîðèÿ õèìèè: ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå äëÿ ïåä. èí-òîâ 1979
132828 Schmidt H.J. Axiomatic Characterization of Physical Geometry 1979
132835 Ñëåéáî Ó., Ïåðñîíñ Ò. Îáùàÿ õèìèÿ 1979
132991 ×óìàê Í.Ã. Ìàòåðèàëû è òåõíîëîãèÿ ìàøèíîñòðîåíèÿ 1979
133172 Even S. Graph algorithms 1979
133514 Clancey K. Seminormal Operators 1979
133705 ×èëèêèí Ì.Ã. Òåîðèÿ àâòîìàòèçèðîâàííîãî ýëåêòðîïðèâîäà 1979
133865 Calingaert P. Assemblers, compilers, and program translation 1979
133955 Bierstedt K., Fuchssteiner B. Functional Analysis: Surveys and Recent Results II 1979

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