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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
56034 Ibrahim K.F. DVD Players and Drives 2003
56033 Smith D.J. Reliability, Maintainability and Risk 2005
56032 Scaddan B. 16th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations: Inspection, Testing & Certification 2005
56031 Scaddan B. 16th Edition IEE Wiring Regulations: Inspection, Testing & Certification 2005
56030 Poole I. Cellular Communications Explained 2006
56029 Barras C.B. Ship Design and Performance for Masters and Mates 2004
56028 De Silva G.M.S. Basic Metrology for Iso 9000 Certification 2002
56027 Denny R. Winning New Business: Essential Selling Skills for Non-Sales People 2007
56026 Hausman D. Philosophy Of Economics: An Anthology 2007
56025 Tan S., He L. Advanced Model Order Reduction Techniques In VLSI Design 2007
56024 Lacaita A., Levantino S., Samori C. Integrated Frequency Synthesizers For Wireless Systems 2007
56023 Luong H., Leung G. Low Voltage CMOS RF Frequency Synthesizers 2004
56022 Arbocz J., Potier-Ferry M., Singer J. Buckling and Post-Buckling: Four Lectures in Experimental, Numerical and Theoretical Solid Mechanics 1987
56021 Martin B.R. Nuclear and Particle Physics: An Introduction 2006
56020 Antia H.M. Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers 1991
56019 Aste T., Weaire D. The Pursuit of Perfect Packing 2008
56018 Angelakis D.G. (ed.), Christandl M. (ed.), Ekert A. (ed.) Quantum Information Processing: From Theory to Experiment 2006
56016 Azéma J. (ed.), Meyer P.A. (ed.), Yor M. (ed.) Séminaire De Probabilités XXI 1987
56015 Ando T. (ed.), Curto R.E. (ed.), Jung I.B. (ed.) Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Applications 2009
56014 Alkofer R., Reinhardt H. Chiral Quark Dynamics 1995
56013 Atiyah M.F., Anderson D.W. K-Theory 1967
56012 Ascher U.M. Numerical Methods for Evolutionary Differential Equations 2008
56011 Laurent B. Introduction to Spacetime: A First Course on Relativity 1994
56010 Anile A.M., Allegretto W., Ringhofer C.A. Mathematical Problems In Semiconductor Physics 2003
56009 Aslangul C. Applications de la Mécanique Quantique 2006
56008 Azéma J., Yor M., Meyer P.A. Séminaire de Probabilites XXVI 1992
56007 Alligood K.T. Chaos 1996
56006 Andreasson O. Iptables Tutorial 1.1.9 2001
56005 Arnault F. Théorie des Nombres & Crypt ographie 2002
56004 Amann H., Escher J. Analysis II 2006
56003 Azencott R., Guivarc'h Y., Gundy R.F. Ecole D'éte De Probabilités De Saint-Flour VIII-1978 1980
56002 Nölting B. Methods in Modern Biophysics 2006
56001 Reck E.H., Awodey S. Frege's Lectures on Logic: Carnap's Student Notes, Steve Awodey (Edito 2004
56000 Amrein W.O., Sinha K.B., Jauch J.M. Scattering Theory in Quantum Mechanics: Physical Principles and Mathematical Methods 1977
55999 Alberts B., Bray D., Lewis J. Molecular Biology of the Cell 1983
55998 Aratyn H., Keung W.-Y., Imbo T.D. Supersymmetry and Integrable Models 1998
55997 Ayres F. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Differential Equations 1952
55996 Hofmann-Wellenhof B., Moritz H. Physical Geodesy 2005
55995 Arias-Castro E., Donogo D., Huo X, Near-Optimal Detection of Geometric Objects by Fast Multiscale Methods 2003
55994 Aslamazov L.G., Varlamov A.A. The Wonders of Physics 2001
55993 Anderson D.L. Theory of the Earth 1989
55992 Azema J., Yor M., Meyer P.A. Seminaire de Probabilites XXIV 1988/89 1990
55991 Baaquie B.E. Quantum Finance 2004
55990 André J.M., Ladik J., Leroy G. Recent Advances in the Quantum Theory of Polymers 1980
55989 Arzhantseva G.N., Bartholdi L., Burillo J. Group Theory. Geneva and Barcelona Conferences 2000
55988 Arnold L., Jones C., Mischaikow K. Dynamical Systems 1994
55987 Anderson J.B. Quantum Monte Carlo: Origins, Development, Applications 2007
55986 Anderssen R.S., de Hoog F.R., Lukas M.A. The application and numerical solution of integral equations 1980
55985 Frank K., Austen M., Atkinson M. Samter's Immunologic Diseases 2001
55984 Anderson I.M. The variational bicomplex 1989

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