53269 |
Òåðåáèæ Â.Þ. |
Ñîâðåìåííûå îïòè÷åñêèå òåëåñêîïû |
2005 | •• |
53277 |
Áàðàíîâ Â.Þ. (ðåä.) |
Èçîòîïû: ñâîéñòâà, ïîëó÷åíèå, ïðèìåíåíèå.  2-õ òîìàõ. Òîì 1 |
2005 | •• |
53285 |
Êëèìîâ Â.Ñ. |
Îäíîìåðíûé ìàòåìàòè÷åñêèé àíàëèç â 2-õ ÷àñòÿõ. ×àñòü 1 |
2005 | •• |
53304 |
Gilbert G. |
World Population: A Reference Handbook |
2005 • | •• |
53321 |
Ñìèò Ý. |
Àíãëèéñêèé çà 6 íåäåëü |
2005 | •• |
53323 |
Õàððèñ Äæ. |
Àëãåáðàè÷åñêàÿ ãåîìåòðèÿ. Íà÷àëüíûé êóðñ |
2005 | •• |
53345 |
Ëóïàíîâ Î.Á. (ðåä.) |
Ìàòåìàòè÷åñêèå âîïðîñû êèáåðíåòèêè (âûïóñê 14) |
2005 | •• |
53414 |
Áàðàíîâ Â.Þ. (ðåä.) |
Èçîòîïû: ñâîéñòâà, ïîëó÷åíèå, ïðèìåíåíèå.  2õ òîìàõ. Òîì 2 |
2005 | •• |
53449 |
Salzano M. (ed.), Kirman A. (ed.) |
Economics: Complex Windows |
2005 | •• |
53547 |
Mertz L., Allen C. |
Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource: Amphibians |
2005 | •• |
53519 |
McDade M.C. |
Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource: Mammals |
2005 | •• |
53555 |
Mark J.E., Allcock H.R., West R. |
Inorganic Polymers |
2005 • | •• |
53557 |
Haefner J.W. |
Modeling Biological Systems: Principles and Applications |
2005 • | •• |
53567 |
Weinhold F., Landis C. |
Valency and Bonding: A Natural Bond Orbital Donor–Acceptor Perspective |
2005 | •• |
53570 |
Suri J.S. (ed.), Wilson D.L. (ed.), Laxminarayan S. (ed.) |
Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis, Vol.1: Segmentation Models Part A |
2005 | •• |
53572 |
Yockey H.P. |
Information Theory, Evolution and the Origin of Life |
2005 | •• |
53575 |
Ellis A., Feher M., Wright T. |
Electronic and Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Fundamentals and Case Studies |
2005 | •• |
53578 |
Mertz L., Harris M.S. (ed.) |
Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource: Reptiles |
2005 | •• |
53583 |
Evans A.V., Harris M.S. (ed.) |
Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource: Insects and Spiders |
2005 | •• |
53584 |
Zaknich A. |
Principles of Adaptive Filters and Self-learning Systems |
2005 | •• |
198032 |
Andreev A.V. |
Atomic Spectroscopy: Introduction to the Theory of Hyperfine Structure |
2005 • | •• |
53610 |
Ronse C., Najman L., Decencière E. |
Mathematical Morphology: 40 Years on: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, April 18-20, 2005 |
2005 • | •• |
53624 |
McDade M.C. (ed.), Carnagie J.L. (ed.) |
Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resoure Set Birds |
2005 • | •• |
53628 |
Everitt H.O. (ed.) |
Experimental Aspects of Quantum Computing |
2005 • | •• |
53640 |
Wilkinson L., Wills G., Rope D. |
The Grammar aof Graphics |
2005 • | •• |
53645 |
Harris M.S. (ed.), Schlager N. (ed.), Weisblatt J. (ed.) |
Grzimeks Student Animal Fishes |
2005 | •• |
53670 |
Allen L., Prentice A., Caballero B. |
Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition |
2005 • | •• |
53679 |
Allen J., Harris M.S. |
Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource: Corals, Jellyfishes, Sponges, and Other Simple Animals |
2005 | •• |
53684 |
Comon H., Dauchet M., Gilleron R. |
Tree Automata Techniques and Applications |
2005 | •• |
53687 |
Evans A.V., Harris M.S. (ed.) |
Grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource: Segmented Worms, Crustaceans and Mollusks |
2005 | •• |
53693 |
Evans A.V., Harris M.S. |
grzimek's Student Animal Life Resource: Insects and Spiders volume 1 |
2005 | •• |
53709 |
Roizen M.F., Oz M.C. |
YOU The Owner’s Manual. An Insider’s Guide to the Body That Will Make You Healthier and Younger |
2005 | •• |
53719 |
Suri J.S. (ed.), Wilson D.L. (ed.), Laxminarayan S. (ed.) |
Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis. Volume II: Segmentation Models Part B |
2005 • | •• |
53727 |
Nix M., Grimme M., Marek T. |
Exploring Python |
2005 | •• |
53729 |
Brookshear J.G. |
Computer Science: An Overview |
2005 • | •• |
53735 |
Hutton G. |
Programming in Haskell |
2005 | •• |
53742 |
Bruns W. |
Computer-Algebra |
2005 | •• |
53746 |
Ñàãàëîâ À.Â. |
Àìáóëàòîðíî-ïîëèêëèíè÷åñêàÿ àíäðîëîãèÿ |
2005 | •• |
53747 |
Akulin V.M. (ed.), Sarfati A/ (ed/), Kurizki G. (ed.) |
Decoherence, Entanglement and Information Protection in Complex Quantum Systems |
2005 • | •• |
53758 |
Êèñåëåâ À.Ï. |
Àëãåáðà. ×. II |
2005 • | •• |
53767 |
Betsy T., Keogh J. |
Microbiology Demystified |
2005 • | •• |
53768 |
Enns R.H. |
Computer Algebra Recipes for Mathematical Physics |
2005 | •• |
53778 |
Êàö Â.Ã., Ïàðàìîíîâà È.Ì. (ïåð.) |
Âåðòåêñíûå àëãåáðû äëÿ íà÷èíàþùèõ |
2005 | •• |
53782 |
Kayser F.H., Bienz K.A., Eckert J. |
Medical Microbiology |
2005 | •• |
53801 |
Kudryavtsev V.B. (ed.), Rosenberg I.G. (ed.), Goldstein M. (ed.) |
Structural Theory of Automata, Semigroups, and Universal Algebra |
2005 | •• |
53805 |
Sakai K. (ed.) |
Terahertz Optoelectronics |
2005 | •• |
53814 |
Lemaitre J., Desmorat R. |
Engineering Damage Mechanics: Ductile, Creep, Fatigue and Brittle Failures |
2005 | •• |
50122 |
Gough J. |
Write It Down: Guidance for Preparing Documentation That Meets Regulatory Requirements |
2005 • | •• |
50129 |
Zolla F., Renversez G., Nicolet A. |
Foundations of Photonic Crystal Fibres |
2005 • | •• |
50132 |
Lin C., Roermund A.H.M., Leenaerts D.M.W. |
Mixed-Signal Layout Generation Concepts |
2005 • | •• |