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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
180101 Santilli R. Isodual Theory of Antimatter: with applications to Antigravity, Grand Unification and Cosmology (Fundamental Theories of Physics) 2006
153065 Santilli R. Isodual Theory of Antimatter: With Applications to Antigravity, Grand Unification and Cosmology 2006
146114 Lesage J., DeGraff I., Danchik R. Isocyanates: Sampling, Analysis, and Health Effects 2002
137907 Parker P.M. Isobutyryl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency - A Bibliography and Dictionary for Physicians, Patients, and Genome Researchers 2007
195339 Neufeld D.J., Griffith S. Isobord's Geographic Information System ''GIS'' Solution 1998
187283 0 ISO/IEC 27007:2011 Information technology -- Security techniques -- Guidelines for information security management systems auditing 2011
11793 ISO/IEC 15068-2: Information Technology-Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) System Administration. Part 2: Software Administration 1999
168514 0 ISO IEC 9899:1999, Programming languages -- C 1999
112775 ISO IEC 9075-1:1999, Information technology - Database languages - SQL - Part 1: Framework (SQL Framework) 2007
82953 Robert Bamford, Deibler W.J. ISO 9001:2000 for software and systems providers: an engineering approach 2003
168487 Bamford R., Deibler W. ISO 9001:2000 for Software and Systems Providers 2004
16128 Schlickman J.J. ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Management System Design 2003
19043 Hoyle D. ISO 9000: 2000: An A-Z Guide 2003
16082 Hoyle D. ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook 2001
59047 Hoyle D. ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook 2005
49367 Whitelaw K. ISO 14001 Environmental Systems Handbook 2004
217149 Bronfman A. Isles of Noise 2016
15839 Islands (September-October 2006) 2006
47802 Jong R.S. Island Universes: Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies 2007
190770 Jong R. Island Universes (Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings) 2007
210387 Klaus Schwarz Islamkundliche untersuchungen • band 265 2006
210927 Bettina Dennerlein Islamisches Recht und sozialer Wandel in Algerien Zur Entwicklung des Personalstatuts seit 1962 1998
211421 Ellinor Schöne Islamische Solidarität: Geschichte, Politik, Ideologie der Organisation der Islamischen Konferenz (OIC) 1969-1981 1997
211351 Gonnella J. Islamische Heiligenverehrung Im Urbanen Kontext Am Beispiel Von Aleppo Syrien 1995
211168 Christine Jung Islamische Fernsehsender in der Türkei 2003
211670 Said B. Islamische Ökumene ALS Mittel Der Politik: Aktuelle Tendenzen in Der Annäherungsdebatte Zwischen Sunna Und Schia Auf Der Doha-Konferenz 2007 2019
215130 Pfeiffer J., Bashir S., Eichner H. Islamicate Intellectual History. Volume 10 n/a
144331 Saliba G. Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance (Transformations: Studies in the History of Science and Technology) 2007
215104 Daiber H., Pingree D. Islamic philosophy theology and science 2002
77509 Nasr S.H. Islamic philosophy from its origin to the present. Philosophy in the land of prophecy 2006
145879 Tymieniecka A-T. (ed.) Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology in Dialogue. Volume 5: Reason, Spirit and the Sacral in the New Enlightenment: Islamic Metaphysics Revived and Recent Phenomenology of Life 2011
77445 Groff P. S. Islamic Philosophy A-Z 2007
11113 Nasr S.W.R. Islamic Leviathan 2001
213375 Hinrich Biesterfeldt, Sebastian Günther Islamic History and Civilization 2022
215550 Broug E. Islamic Geometric Design 2013
76522 Pepin Van Roojen Islamic Designs 2002
192711 Okabe A. Islamic Area Studies with Geographical Information Systems (New Horizons in Islamic Area Studies.) 2004
76530 Ali K., Leaman O. Islam: The Key Concepts 2007
76412 Endress G. Islam: An Historic Introduction 2002
16048 Sharfi A. Islam. Between Divine Message and History 2005
213180 Tommaso Virgili Islam, Constitutional Law and Human Rights 2022
77505 Netton I.R Islam, Christianity and Tradition. A Comparative exploration 2006
209569 ALISON SCOTT-BAUMANN Islam on Campus 2020
114420 Zwemer S.M.(edit.), Wherry E.M.(edit.), Mylrea C.G.(edit.) Islam and Missions 1911
216374 Vidman L. Isis und Sarapis bei den Griechen und Römern 1970
124351 Boldrighini C., Bunimovich L.A. Ising-Type Transitions in Coupled Map Lattices 1995
125294 Boldrighini C., Bunimovich L.A. Ising-Type and Other Transitions in One-Dimensional Coupled Map Lattices with Sign Symmetry 2001
125277 Baker G. Ising-Model, Block-Spin Distributions by the Markov Property Method 1998
123847 Cammarota C. Ising-Like Field Theory 1981

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