62707 |
Marks J. |
Check Your English Vocabulary for Banking and Finance: All You Need to Improve Your Vocabulary |
2007 • | •• |
62706 |
Delaney P.R., Hopkins D.R. |
Wiley Cpa Examination Review, 2001: Business Law and Professional Responsibilities |
2000 | •• |
62705 |
Murray B. |
Electricity Markets: Investment, Performance and Analysis |
1998 | •• |
62704 |
Rachev S.T., Hsu J.S.J., Bagasheva B.S. |
Bayesian Methods in Finance |
2008 | •• |
62703 |
Bookstaber R. |
A Demon of Our Own Design: Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation |
2007 | •• |
62702 |
Amenc N., Le Sourd V. |
Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis |
2003 | •• |
62701 |
Шабалин Л.И. |
Как саморазвивается живая и неживая природа |
1999 | •• |
62700 |
Шатален М.А., Миткевич В.Ф., Толвинский В.А. |
Справочная книга для электротехников. В пяти томах. Том 1. Отдел 4. Электротехнические материалы |
1930 | •• |
62699 |
Шателен М.А., Миткевич В.Ф., Толвинский В.А. |
Справочная книга для электротехников. В пяти томах. Том 1. Отдел 6. Выпрямители |
1930 | •• |
62698 |
Шептулина Н.Н. |
Труд женщин и молодежи |
1990 | •• |
62697 |
Шаль М. |
Историческiй обзоръ происхожденiя и развитiя геометрических методовъ. Том 1. Исторiя геометрiи |
1883 | •• |
62696 |
Шатален М.А., Миткевич В.Ф., Толвинский В.А. |
Справочная книга для электротехников. В пяти томах. Том 1. Отдел 2. Теоретические основы электротехники |
1930 | •• |
62695 |
Stewart W.E., Caracotsios M. |
Computer-Aided Modeling of Reactive Systems |
2008 | •• |
62694 |
Fry D. |
Create Your Own ETF Hedge Fund: A Do-It-Yourself ETF Strategy for Private Wealth Management |
2008 | •• |
62693 |
Ponsi E. |
Forex Patterns and Probabilities: Trading Strategies for Trending and Range-Bound Markets |
2007 | •• |
62692 |
Nassau K. |
Color for Science, Art and Technology |
1988 | •• |
62691 |
Wada Y., Foster N., Yoshida T. |
Safety of Reactive Chemicals and Pyrotechnics |
1995 | •• |
62690 |
Moller-Pedersen P., Koestler A.G. |
Hydrocarbon Seals |
1997 | •• |
62689 |
Onshage A.C. |
Mercury Cadmium Telluride Imagers: A Patent-oriented Survey |
1997 | •• |
62687 |
Nomura H., Kawaizumi F., Yarwood J. |
Structure, Fluctuation, and Relaxation in Solutions |
1995 | •• |
62686 |
Atta-ur-Rahman |
Structure and Chemistry (Plart D) |
1995 | •• |
62685 |
Piau J.-M., Agassant J.-F. |
Rheology for Polymer Melt Processing |
1996 | •• |
62684 |
Desmurs J.-R., Gerard B., Goldstein M.J. |
Advances in Organobromine Chemistry II: Proceedings Orgabrom '93, Jerusalem, June 28-July 2, 1993 |
1995 | •• |
62683 |
Frennet A., Bastin J.M. |
Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control III |
1995 | •• |
62682 |
Kalivas J.H. |
Adaption of Simulated Annealing to Chemical Optimization Problems |
1995 | •• |
62681 |
Rhee H.-K., Park J.M., Nam I.-S. |
New Developments and Application in Chemical Reaction Engineering |
2006 | •• |
62680 |
Cserháti T. |
Liquid Chromatography of Natural Pigments and Synthetic Dyes |
2007 | •• |
62679 |
Atta-ur-Rahman |
Bioactive Natural Products (Part I) |
2003 | •• |
62678 |
Marczenko Z., Balcerzak M., Kloczko E. |
Separation, Preconcentration and Spectrophotometry in Inorganic Analysis. Volume 10 |
2000 | •• |
62677 |
Hale M. |
Geochemical Remote Sensing of the Sub-Surface. Volume 7 |
2000 | •• |
62676 |
Gerber M. |
How to Create and Manage a Mutual Fund or Exchange-Traded Fund: A Professional's Guide |
2008 | •• |
62675 |
Geddes C.D., Lakowicz J.R. |
Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Volume 9: Advanced Concepts in Fluorescence Sensing. Part A: Small Molecule Sensing |
2005 | •• |
62674 |
Ross R.G. |
Cryocoolers 11 |
2002 | •• |
62673 |
MarksJarvis G. |
Saving for Retirement without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery |
2007 | •• |
62672 |
Roy G. |
Combustion Processes in Propulsion: Control, Noise, and Pulse Detonation |
2006 | •• |
62671 |
Hewitt C.N. |
Reactive Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere |
1999 | •• |
62670 |
Schweser K. |
The Schweser Secret Sauce |
2008 | •• |
62669 |
Briese S. |
The Commitments of Traders Bible: How to Profit from Insider Market Intelligence |
2008 | •• |
62668 |
Коваль И.Г. |
Аудит (учебно-методическое пособие) |
2004 | •• |
62667 |
Соколова Е.С. |
Аудит (учебное пособие по курсу) |
2003 | •• |
62666 |
Yor M. |
Aspects of Mathematical Finance |
2008 | •• |
62665 |
Yi Tang, Bin Li |
Quantitative Analysis, Derivatives Modeling, and Trading Strategies: In the Presence of Counterparty Credit Risk for the Fixed-Income Market |
2007 | •• |
62664 |
Andersson U. |
Time-Domain Methods for the Maxwell Equations |
2001 | •• |
62663 |
Richards A.M. |
All about Exchange Traded Funds |
2003 | •• |
62662 |
Сборник руководств программы ANSYS |
2007 | •• |
62661 |
Lagerkvist U. |
The Enigma of Ferment: From the Philosopher's Stone to the First Biochemical Nobel Prize |
2005 | •• |
62660 |
Marucco J.-F. |
Chimie des solides |
2004 | •• |
62659 |
O'Neil W.J. |
24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success: Learn the Most Important Investment Techniques from the Founder of Investor's Business Daily |
2000 | •• |
62658 |
Green B. |
Fundamentals of Chemistry |
2007 | •• |
62657 |
2008 Schweser QuickSheet: Critical Concepts for Exam Success. Level 2 |
2008 | •• |