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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
77249 Karasev A.V. (ed.), Compans R.W. (ed.), Cooper M.D. (ed.) Current topics in microbiology and immunology (¹332 2009) 2009
77248 Âàëåíòèíîâ Á.Ã., Íàóìîâà Ý.Ì. sekrety kitaj nar med 2007
77247 Äóæèí Ñ. Â., ×åáîòàðåâñêèé Á. Ä. Îò îðíàìåíòîâ äî äèôôåðåíöèàëüíûõ óðàâíåíèé: Ïîïóëÿðíîå ââåäåíèå â òåîðèþ ãðóïï ïðåîáðàçîâàíèé 1988
77246 Chomsky N. Necessary illusions. Thought control in democratic societies 1989
77245 Áðóäêà ß., Ãàðíöàðåê Ð., Ìèëà÷åâñêè Ê. Ñòàëüíûå ñêëàä÷àòûå êîíñòðóêöèè â ñòðîèòåëüñòâå 1984
77244 Ïàí÷åíêî À. Òåîðèÿ è ïðàêòèêà ìèòòåëüøïèëÿ 2004
77243 Øèôôìàí X. Ð. Îùóøåíèå è âîñïðèÿòèå 2003
77242 Stewart C. N. Plant Biotechnology and Genetics 2008
77241 Rodriguez J. P. Slavery in the United States: A Social, Political, and Historical Encyclopedia (2 Volume set) 2007
77240 Chaskalovic J. Finite element methods for engineering sciences 2008
77239 Neusner J., Avery-Peck A.J. The Routledge dictionary of judaism n/a
77238 Antman S.S. (ed.), Marsden J.E. (ed.) Surveys and tutorials in the applied mathematical sciences (¹4 2009) 2009
77237 Thiellement H. (ed.), Zivy M. (ed.), Damerval C. (ed.) Methods In Molecular Biology (¹355 2007) 2007
77236 Viamontes G.F., Markov I.L., Hayes J.P. Quantum circuit simulation 2009
77235 Schroten H., Wirth S. Pediatric infectious diseases revisited 2007
77234 Smith B. A. The Path of Reason 2007
77233 Calvert P. A political and economic dictionary of Latin America 2004
77232 Shermer M. The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience (2 vol. set) 2002
77231 Garrido J. M. Object Oriented Simulation 2009
77230 Weverka P. Office 2007. All-in-one desk reference for dummies 2007
77229 Fass P. S. Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society S-Z (Vol. 3) 2003
77228 Amara S. G., Bamberg E. Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology (Vol. 158) 2007
77227 Folta K.M. (ed.), Gardiner S.E. (ed.) Plant genetics and genomics: crops and models (¹6 2009) 2009
77226 Ulfstein G. Making treaties work 2007
77225 Kam K. J. Party discipline parliamentary politics n/a
77224 Petz D. Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Statistics 2008
77223 Pendergast S. St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. U-Z,Index (Vol. 5) 1999
77222 Hauser S. C. Mayo Clinic Gastroenterology and Hepatology Board Review 2008
77221 Albert J. Bayesian Computation With R 2009
77220 Collier M. Starting an eBay Business for Dummies 2007
77219 Isler J. J. Sailing For Dummies 2006
77218 Rowe N. C. Artificial Intelligence Through Prolog 1988
77217 Ventura J., Reed M. Managing Debt for Dummies 2007
77216 Rahman S. (ed.), Symons J. (ed.), Gabbay D.M. (ed.) Logic epistemology and the unity of science (¹1 2009) 2009
77215 Penslar D. J. Penslar - Israel in History 2007
77214 Wheeler P. Practical Cinematography 2005
77213 Tavare S., Zeitouni O., Picard J. Lectures On Probability Theory And Statistics 2004
77212 Torey Z., Dennett D. C. The crucible of consciousness: an integrated theory of mind and brain 2009
77211 Murray M. J., Rea M. C. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion n/a
77210 Baulieu L. (ed.), de Boer J. (ed.), Pioline B. (ed.) Mathematics, physics and chemistry (¹208 2004) 2006
77209 Madeyski L. Test-Driven Development An Empirical Evaluation of Agile Practice 2009
77208 Sakoda K. Optical Properties of Photonic Crystals 2004
77207 Peña L. Transgenic Plants. Methods and Protocols 2004
77206 Wong T., Kao L., Kaufman M. Salesforce com for Dummies 2006
77205 Christophe Wiart Medicinal Plants of the Asia-Pacific: Drugs for the Future? 2006
77204 Manin Y.I., Panchishkin A.A. Introduction to Modern Number Theory: Fundamental Problems, Ideas and Theories 2007
77203 Iske A., Levesley J. Algorithms for Approximation: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, Chester, July 2005 2006
77202 Fass P. S. Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood: In History and Society F-R (Vol. 2) 2003
77201 Langer A. M. Analysis and Design of Information Systems 2008
77200 Papadimitriou G. I., Tsimoulas P.A., Obaidat M.S. Multiwavelength Optical LANs 2003

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