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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
77505 Netton I.R Islam, Christianity and Tradition. A Comparative exploration 2006
77504 Neumann K.H, Jafargholi Imani A.K Plant cell and tissue culture. A tool in biotechnology 2009
77503 Dillon S. The Solaris effect. Art and artifice in contemporary american film 2006
77502 Von Mises L. Liberalism in the classical tradition 2002
77501 Konig J., Whitmarsh T. Ordering knowledge roman empire 2007
77500 Dostal Z. Optimal quadratic programming algorithms 2009
77499 Hill N.S., Farber H.F. Pulmonary Hypertension 2008
77498 Stocks D.A. Experiments in egyptian archaeology n/a
77497 Johnston D. Roman law in context 2004
77496 Oberguggenberger M., Ostermann A. Analysis fur informatiker. Grundlagen, methoden, algorithmen 2005
77495 Muller I., Weiss W. Entropy and energy. A universal competition 2005
77494 Amara S.G., Grinsiein S. Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology (¹ 156 2006) 2006
77493 Êóëèêîâ Í.Â. Íàðîäíàÿ Ìåäèöèíà. Êàê íå äîïóñòèòü èíôàðêò 2006
77492 Griffiths M., O’Callaghan T., Roach S.C. IR key concepts 2008
77491 Hoffman J. A Glossary of Political Theory 2007
77490 Kehlmann D. Die Vermessung der Welt 2005
77489 Kaplan M. Computeralgebra 2004
77488 Husbands P., Holland O., Wheeler M. The Mechanical Mind in History 2008
77487 Sondermann D. Introduction to Stochastic Calculus for Finance: A New Didactic Approach 2007
77485 Etzioni A. From Empire to Community: A New Approach to International Relations 2004
77484 Allott P. The Health of Nations: Society and Law beyond the State 2002
77483 Íèíóë À.Ñ. Îïòèìèçàöèÿ öåëåâûõ ôóíêöèé. Àíàëèòèêà. ×èñëåííûå ìåòîäû. Ïëàíèðîâàíèå ýêñïåðèìåíòà. 2009
77482 Baun C., Kunze M., Nimis J. Cloud computing web-basierte dynamische IT-services 2009
77481 Tzafestas S.G. (ed.) Fuzzy logic applications in engineering science (¹29 2006). Microprocessor-based and intelligent systems engineering 2006
77480 McGrath A.E. Iustitia Dei. A history of the christian doctrine of justification 2005
77478 Keohane R.O. Power and governance in a partially globalized world 2002
77477 Goethem J.V., Baert A.L., Sartor K. Spinal imaging. Diagnostic imaging of the spine and spinal cord 2007
77476 Mehlhorn K., Sanders P. Algorithms and data structures. The basic toolbox 2008
77475 Lambropoulos P., Petrosyan D. Fundamentals of quantum optics and quantum information 2007
77474 Schulze-Pillot R. Einführung in algebra und zahlentheorie 2008
77473 Øïèëüìàí Ð. Òåîðèÿ æåðòâû 2005
77472 Gladstone G.J., Black E.H., Myint S. Oculoplastic surgery atlas 2005
77471 Wolbrecht C., Beckwith K., Baldez L. Political women american democracy 2008
77470 Little P., Smith D. Parliaments politics cromwellian 2007
77469 Lawson R. Science in the ancient world. An encyclopedia 2004
77468 Sall J., Creighton L., Lehman A. JMP Start statistics. A guide to statistics and data analysis using JMP 2007
77467 David E. Allen Medicinal plants in folk tradition. An ethnobotany of Britain and Ireland 2004
77466 Shotter D. Nero 2005
77465 Olsen O.A. (ed.) Plant cell monographs (¹8 2007). Endosperm. Developmental and nolecular biology 2007
77464 Stone J.R. The Routledge dictionary of latin quotations 2005
77463 Makkar P.S., Siddhuraju P., Becker K. Methods in molecular biology (¹393 2007). Plant secondary metabolites 2007
77462 Koutsojannis C. (ed.), Sirmakessis S. (ed.) Studies in computational intelligence (¹166 2009). Tools and applications with artificial intelligence 2009
77461 Jordan W. Ancient Concepts of Philosophy 1993
77460 Shilling K. Ferrets for Dummies 2007
77459 Brereton P. Hollywood Utopia: Ecology in Contemporary American Cinema 2004
77458 Storey Publishing Gardening Answers 1982
77457 Jones R.J.B. Encyclopedia of International Political Economy. Volume 3: Entries [P-Z] 2001
77456 Herrmann H.C. Interventional Cardiology: Percutaneous Noncoronary Intervention 2005
77455 Rooney T.M.(ed.), Byers P.K.(ed) Encyclopedia of World Biography: 1998 supplement. Volume 18 1998
77454 Fowler C. The Archaeology of Personhood . An anthropological approach 2004

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